Battalion Commander Fang Er's eyes shone with tears under the light of the campfire in the darkness. He sniffed a few times, put his arms around Chen Ergou's shoulders, patted his shoulders gently and said to him, this Chen Ergou He was a wounded soldier, living on the streets, a

"Brother, you are really suffering! Don't be afraid. Others don't care about you, but I do. I will send you to Chongqing and I will make sure to find a way for you to eat. I will never let you suffer like this again!" Battalion Commander Fang㡣In the darkness, under the light of the campfire, his eyes shone with tears. He sniffed a few times, put his arms around Chen Ergou's shoulders, patted his shoulders gently and said to him, this Chen Ergou is a wounded soldier. , lived on the streets and was almost beaten to death.

Chen Ergou thanked the battalion commander Fang Ji again. He himself didn't know why the words of this silly man made him feel so at ease. He didn't think that this silly man would lie to him at all.

And this big silly guy seems to have a temperament that makes people feel at ease when they stay around him.

He has met many, many people along the way, all kinds of people, some good and some bad, and has been deceived many times. Some people don't treat him as a human being at all, and use a little food to trick him into doing this. That, the purpose is just to see his jokes.

He thought he would never trust anyone again in his life, but today when he met this stupid guy and this guy dressed as a rich young man, he easily believed them again.

Think about it, he really has nothing worth deceiving. He has nothing. The last remaining rags on his body were also thrown into the fire and burned. Now he is completely naked and has nothing. Well, what's there to be afraid of?

"By the way, two benefactors! What do you do?"

Chen Ergou suddenly remembered something, which also puzzled him, so he asked the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

"We were soldiers before! The clothes you are wearing are what he wore before! But now we have retired! Let me ask you a question, why are you going to Chongqing?"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣Picking a bonfire, he replied to Chen Ergou and asked him a rhetorical question at the same time.

Chen Ergou smiled bitterly and shook his head: "For no reason, I just want to live. It's not easy to live in other places. I'm missing a hand and no one is willing to take me in. I can only live by begging. I heard that Chongqing It’s so big, so big, and there are so many people. If I could go to Chongqing to beg for food, there would be so many people, and a few kind-hearted people would give me food every day, and I would starve to death! So I walked all the way to Chongqing, walking, Some time ago, I heard someone say on the road that the Japanese are going to surrender and we will win the war of resistance! I thought that when the Japanese surrendered, I would go home, but I was afraid that I would not be able to get home, so I decided to go to Chongqing first, if I could ask for help. A little money will help me go home! Many of my fellow villagers have died, and their families don’t even know where they died. I want to go home and at least tell their families where they died. , how did they die! Even if their bones cannot be found, at least their families know where they died and when they died. If you want to burn a paper to them during the holidays, they always know what to do. In what direction are you burning!"

"This is easy to do. We brought you to Chongqing and asked someone to send you home. You did the right thing. At least let the families of your compatriots who died in the war know that they How did he die and where did he die! Don't worry! I will do what I said." After thinking about it, Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 assured him again, if this is the case, ask Fan Xingchen to kill Chen Ergou. It's really not that difficult to send Chen Ergou back to his hometown. It's simpler than settling Chen Ergou to make a living in Chongqing. It's just a matter of spending some money.

"Sir! You should be the chief! I think between you two, you are the chief! I just can't understand why you are the chief, but you have to dress up like a follower, and let this brother dress like this "

Chen Ergou looked at the battalion commander Fang 㡣 and asked again.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 laughed: "How do you know that I am a commander?"

"I have also been a soldier. Although I am young, I am not blind. How can I not tell?

Don't look at you. He looks like a servant, but I can see that this man has always listened to your orders!"

Chen Ergou smiled shyly and replied to the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

"Seeing that there is no Shanzi, we still can't do it well! Even Brother Ergou can see it at a glance! Haha!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 turned to Lu Wenju, who was wiping his tears and said.

Lu Wenju said angrily: "What's weird about this?

He has been following us for a long time. If he can't see it anymore, he will be a fool!"

"By the way, sir, why are you dressed like this?"

Chen After the two dogs were full, they had time to worry about it. They curiously asked the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju.


Someone is trying to harm our boss! Our boss is a famous hero and a recipient of the Medal of the Blue Sky. Just because he offended a villain from the military commander , the military commander wanted to harm our boss. , forcing us to dress up like this to go to Chongqing!"

Lu Wenju got angry when he mentioned this, picked up a wooden stick, and smashed it on a stone at his feet. The stick was broken and thrown into the bonfire, which caused a cloud of sparks to fly.

Chen Ergou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly there were stars in his eyes. He immediately shouted to the battalion commander Fang Ji: "The Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun?

This is the most powerful medal! Our company commander has only received the Medal of Loyalty and Bravery! The Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun! "How much merit does it take to get a medal?"

"Your commander Fang just got one! It's not a big deal!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 said calmly, he was not talking nonsense, Fang Xianjue because Hengyang led the Tenth Army to fight for forty days, which shocked the country. Later, when he returned to Chongqing, Chiang Kai-shek personally awarded him the Medal of the Blue Sky and White Sun.

"Don't listen to our boss! We used to be from the Expeditionary Force. Our boss led us and captured a Japs major general alive. Capture him alive! This was the only Japs general we captured alive during the eight-year war of resistance! Scorpion La Shit! This is not why we were given the Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun! Our boss not only won the Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun, but also the Baoding and Yunhui Medal. . By the way, you are talking about the Medal of Loyalty and Courage, Mr. I have one too! Do you think it's awesome?"

When Lu Wenju said this, he became excited and started spitting at Chen Ergou.

Chen Ergou was stunned for a moment by his boast. Looking at the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, there were only little stars of admiration in their eyes.

"Come on! Shut up! Our little credit is nothing compared to Ergou and the Tenth Army. It's just better luck! The Tenth Army are all heroes! Even if we give Ergou one I think the Medal of Blue Sky and White Sun is not too much!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 threw a small wooden stick at the head of Lu Wenju, who was spitting like stars, interrupting him.

After hearing this, Lu Wenju thought for a while and nodded: "That's true! I've heard about the Battle of Hengyang, and the Tenth Army is indeed good! Oh, by the way, Ergou, how many Japanese have you killed? "

Ergou thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "I don't know either! When we were in Hengyang, our army commander told us not to fight until we couldn't see the enemy, or if we couldn't aim accurately. He ordered us to do our best to kill a Japs with one bullet! I didn’t fire a few shots at all, but mostly used grenades to hit the Japs. Our commander asked us to dig up a lot of old Kuan Lao Kuan around Hengyang. There are a lot of grenades prepared in the trenches! When the Japs attack, they have to go down into the trenches first and then climb up. We don’t show our heads. When we hear the Japs starting to climb up, we throw grenades downwards. The grenade killed a lot of kiddos! I don’t know how many kiddoers I killed! It seems that I killed two kiddoers with my gun!”

"Well done. With your military exploits, although you may not be able to get the Medal of Blue Sky and White Sun, at least the Medal of Loyalty and Bravery is fine with me!"

Lu Wenju sat over and patted Chen Ergou on the shoulder and said.

The three of them chatted until midnight. After all, Chen Ergou was relatively weak and began to yawn non-stop. The battalion commander Fang Er looked at his watch and said to Chen Ergou: "Go to sleep, have a good sleep, and we will be on our way early tomorrow morning. "Go to Chongqing!"

Chen Ergou agreed, and the three of them moved the bonfire into the small temple, found a broken earthen basin, raised the bonfire, and placed it at the door, so that even if a wild animal passed by, they would not dare to break into the brazier. Entering a small temple can also play a role in repelling mosquitoes.

Just as it started to rain, the three of them folded their clothes and lay down on the ground of the small temple. After a while, they all fell asleep.

I don't know what time it was, but the battalion commander Fang Ji suddenly woke up with a jolt. A feeling of danger came to his heart. He jumped up and reached out to touch the pistol hidden under his head.

had just grabbed the pistol and sat up, stuffing the pistol into his lower back, when several wet people broke in outside, and they were all carrying guns.

Several people were wearing military uniforms. They were obviously looking for shelter from the rain. When they came here, they saw the small temple and rushed in. Everyone was carrying a baggage. As soon as they came in, they hit the battalion commander Fang 㡣 who stood up. Face to face.

When they saw Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 in civilian clothes under the light of the bonfire, they immediately pointed their guns at him: "What are you doing?"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 quickly raised his hands and laughed with him. Said: "Travelers, I passed by a nearby place after dark. There was no village or shop in front of me, so I found this place to rest for a night! Bosses, don't get me wrong!"

Several soldiers looked at the battalion commander Fang 㡣 up and down. At this time, Lu Wenju was also awakened and rolled over and sat up. He instinctively wanted to touch for the gun next to him, but when he touched it all in vain, he remembered that they had retired and did not bring a long gun except for the pistol.

The soldiers immediately pointed at Lu Wenju to prevent Lu Wenju from moving. They looked at Lu Wenju. When they saw Lu Wenju’s bright clothes and the rattan box next to him, several soldiers looked at each other. He glanced at him with a greedy look in his eyes.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 secretly screamed that these soldiers were not good people, because he could see that although these soldiers were wearing military uniforms, their armbands were removed by them, and the general troops of the Kuomintang army were Wear armbands, the numbers on the armbands can show their unit number to identify them.

The Special Agent Battalion used to be directly affiliated with the Expeditionary Force General Headquarters, so the armbands had a venomous snake with an open mouth and fangs showing that they were not affiliated with any army or division, and the New Sixth Army after returning to China, New armbands were issued. After the special agent battalion returned home, they received the armbands of the New Sixth Army. However, they did not give up the previous viper armbands and wore them under the New Sixth Army armbands.

For example, the Eighth Route Army currently has the words Eighth Route Army on its armbands, which can show the identity of each unit. However, these soldiers did not wear armbands. The armbands were obviously removed from their sleeves. This shows that these soldiers Soldiers don't want their unit numbers to be known.

In addition, he saw that these soldiers were all carrying a baggage. Some of the furoshiki were made of native cloth, and some were made of satin quilts, with bulging things stuffed inside.

Moreover, these soldiers had stern expressions on their faces and twinkling eyes. It was obvious that they were not serious soldiers. Moreover, it was still raining outside in the middle of the night, and they did not stay in the camp honestly. But he ran to this remote little ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, which speaks volumes.

Several soldiers looked at Chen Ergou who was still sleeping soundly on the ground, so they rolled their eyes and forced the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju with guns: "Travelers?

I think you three are Japanese spies! Want to Otherwise, why would Bu Toudian hide them in this ruined temple?

Tie them up and find out what they have with them!"

At this time, a soldier sneered and pointed his gun at the battalion commander. Fang 㡣 said: "What are you searching for? They are Japanese spies! Just kill them!"

said, he pulled the bolt of the gun, pushed the bullet into the chamber, and pointed it at the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

When the other soldiers heard this, not only did they not object, but they all laughed evilly and pulled the bolts of their guns and loaded the guns.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 felt that Tianling Gai was about to burst with anger. These ruffians simply wanted to kill people and buy goods. What excuse could they make, saying that they were Japanese spies and that the Kuomintang's military discipline was corrupted, but how could it be so corrupted?

No wonder people in many places are unwilling to help the Kuomintang in the fight against Japan, because sometimes some Kuomintang troops are even worse than the Japanese devils, and they show no mercy when they harm the people. They will immediately become intimidated when they encounter the Japanese.

He didn't want to cause trouble today, but he unexpectedly encountered such a few soldiers and ruffians who actually wanted to kill them indiscriminately. This can't be blamed on him for being ruthless. If he didn't resist at this time, he and Lu Wenju and Chen Er would soon The dog is about to lie dead here, and he can no longer pretend to survive.

When the first soldier who suggested killing people and stealing goods pointed his gun at the battalion commander Fang 㡣, the battalion commander hurriedly pretended to be panicked and shouted: "Boss, boss, don't shoot! I have money with me, you guys Just take it, just keep me alive! I brought hundreds of dollars for our boss!" When the soldiers heard this, their eyes flashed with greed, and they all focused on it! At this time, there was lightning and thunder outside. From time to time, lightning pierced the night sky, instantly illuminating the dark sky and earth, followed by a heart-shaking thunder, crackling between the sky and the earth. scroll.

"Where is it?"

A soldier shouted to the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

"Boss, it's here, it's here!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 raised his hands and quickly kicked the baggage on the ground next to him.

The two soldiers withdrew their hands and put away their rifles, and immediately came towards the battalion commander Fang 㡣. At the same time, they bent down to pick up the baggage at the feet of the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

At this moment, the battalion commander Fang Min slashed his hand like lightning, hitting the soldier with his right hand and his head lowered in the back of the neck. The soldier didn't say a word and plunged his head to the ground.

The other soldier realized that something was wrong and immediately straightened up. The battalion commander Fang Ji strangled his neck and blocked him in front of him.

The remaining four soldiers quickly pointed their guns at the battalion commander Fang 㡣, but their accomplices blocked the figure of the battalion commander Fang 㡣. At this time, Lu Wenju had no time to draw his gun, so he quietly picked up a brick next to him and cloned himself. He stood up, slapped away a soldier's rifle, swung his arm, and most of the green brick whizzed and hit the soldier's head solidly. With a snap, the green brick was shot. After a few dollars, the soldier groaned and fell to the ground.

At this time, Chen Ergou, who had been sleeping like a dead pig, was finally woken up. He opened his eyes sleepily and looked at the group of people in front of him in confusion.

The small temple was already very small, and it became even more cramped when a group of people squeezed in. The remaining three soldiers saw the brother next to them being slapped down by another young man, and they quickly turned their guns to point at Lu Wenju. .

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 had already taken out the pistol from his lower back, rubbed it on his thigh, turned on the nose safety, raised his hand and fired three shots at the three soldiers.

At such a close distance, the pistol was much faster than the rifle. Before the three soldiers could take aim at Lu Wenju, their heads exploded one by one, and they lay on the ground with a bang.

As a result, the soldier who was struggling saw this scene and immediately peed his pants. The hot urine flowed down his legs and onto the ground. His legs were shaking like chaff.

"Spare your life, spare your life! Grandpa, spare your life!"

The soldier cried out in a cry and threw the rifle in his hand to the ground.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 was really angry now. He didn't bother to interrogate the captured soldier because he couldn't let him go. If he let him go, he would harm himself and Lu Wenju. When he ran back, he would definitely report to his superiors that they had been attacked, and the troops would protect the weak. They would never let the battalion commander Fang and them go just because these ruffians tried to commit murder and were killed.

This incident will definitely cause a big stir by then. He is already being cared about by the military commanders. It is inevitable that the military commanders in Chongqing will not be alerted by then, or a new crime will be framed against him.

Now that we have done it, we should do it cleanly. Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 is by no means the kind of person who is soft-hearted and soft-hearted. On key matters, he is famous for being decisive in killing.

So he didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy. He raised his right hand, pointed the handle of the pistol at the guy's temple and hit it hard. After a bang, the guy immediately went limp.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 is famous for his dark hands. If this guy goes down, there is no possibility of survival for this guy. His skull is cracked directly, his temples are deeply sunk, and his eyes are filled with tears. Blood came out and he died on the spot.

As for the guy on the ground who was knocked unconscious by his level 1 hand knife , Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 did not take action again. Lu Wenju saw Battalion Commander Fang 㡣’s movements and understood that Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 wanted to eradicate the root, so he picked up another piece. Brick came over and slapped the lying soldier on the back of the head with Brick.

The soldier twitched a few times and then fell silent. Looking at the small temple, the six soldiers who broke in at this time were all dead and lying on the ground.

Chen Ergou sat on the floor dumbfounded, watching the scene happening in front of him, and asked stammering: "What happened, what happened?

He... he... they are all dead?"

Camp Changfang squatted down, patted Zhao Ergou on the shoulder, and said to him harmoniously: "It's okay, brother, these soldiers want to kill us and steal our belongings! We have no choice but to kill them!" "

Chen Ergou's face turned pale. He sat on the ground and shrank back. He looked at the battalion commander Fang Min with fear in his eyes and stammered: "But, but... they are soldiers!"

"So they deserve to die even more! What soldiers should do is to protect their homes and the country, not to kill people and steal goods to bring trouble to the countryside! They are worse than some bandits!"

Lu Wenju said coldly.

Zhao Ergou sat on the ground with fear, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 sighed and said to him: "Don't be afraid! We have no choice but to kill them today. If we don't kill them today, all three of us will die in their hands! Let them be unlucky! Look at what they have brought with them You will understand what they have! Go and see their baggage!"

Chen Ergou stood up tremblingly, walked to the corpse of a soldier, pulled a baggage from his shoulder, and used one hand to It took a lot of effort to unpack the baggage.

After opening it, he saw some silk and satin stuffed in the bag, and even a woman's embroidered bellyband. There was a small bag wrapped in it. After unzipping it, several women's jewelry were revealed, and some of the jewelry actually had There was blood, and it was fresh blood.

Chen Ergou understood it immediately. During this year, he traveled to Hunan, Guizhou and Sichuan, and met many people of all kinds. Of course, he also saw many such ruffians, including many soldiers in the army. They are soldiers in name, but in fact they are bastards who do all kinds of evil. They use their identity as soldiers to cover up and have guns in their hands. Once the control is loosened, these soldiers will rob everywhere and use the so-called expropriation to fight against Japan. In the name of supplies, people are openly looting everywhere.

It’s not just the soldiers who do this. Some officers are no better. With guns in their hands, they direct their soldiers to grab things. When the time comes, he takes the bulk of the looted property, and the soldiers take the bulk of it. Taking small heads has become a way for them to make a fortune.

You can tell by the burdens these six soldiers are carrying today. They just robbed a wealthy family nearby at night, and maybe even killed someone. Chen Ergou looked at their arms again. None of them had armbands, so they completely understood why the battalion commander Fang Min wanted to kill them just now.

These six soldiers must have robbed the place. They saw this small temple and wanted to come in to take shelter from the rain. When they came in, they met the three of them. When they saw the luggage brought by the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, they moved. The evil intention was to kill people and gain goods, so they hacked Lu Wenju and the others' salutes.

Unfortunately, these six bastards met the two ruthless men, Battalion Commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, today. Not only did they fail to rob them, but they were killed on the spot.

However, the battalion commanders Fang 㡣 and Lu Wenju were really ruthless. They killed all six of them without even leaving a single one alive. Brick shot to death.

Even Chen Ergou had fought, and he had fought a bloody battle. Today, seeing the fierceness of the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, I still felt a little scared.

"Er Gou! Don't look at it! It's not that we are ruthless, it's that we really have to be ruthless! If they run away, a large group of soldiers will definitely come to us tomorrow from all over the world, and they will definitely trap us in Japan. The crime of being a spy! Remember, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself! This is what our boss said! If you don't want to do it, you have to do it quickly! Don't be afraid! I won't do anything to you!"

Lu Wenju stood up and packed a few bags and checked them. There were some soft things stuffed inside.

Chen Ergou sighed and nodded: "I know! Thank you sir for saving my life again!"

"It's not like I saved your life. We were saving ourselves. I didn't want to kill anyone, but they forced me to do so." I have to kill them. If we don’t kill them, we will die! It’s better to let these scum die and save a lot of harm!”

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 said to Zhao Ergou.

The roof of the ruined temple was actually leaking everywhere. Only the place where the three of them slept could barely cover the rain. A few soldiers were lying in the small temple. The battalion commander looked at them and said: "These people's The corpses cannot be left here. Someone will definitely find them tomorrow. After all, they are soldiers. Six of them died at once, which will definitely attract attention. Maybe it will cause an uproar. We must dispose of their corpses before dawn! ! "

Chen Ergou gradually adapted to this result, and said with a heart: "They deserve to die! I'll help you bury them!"

The rain outside was still falling, and Lu Wen gathered at the entrance of the ruined temple and looked outside. After taking a look, he said to the battalion commander Fang 㡣: "Boss, the river below has risen a lot. Otherwise, we will throw them into the river and wash them away!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 walked to the door, listened, shook his head and said: "This is a small river. Chongqing is now relatively densely populated. The corpses can't go very far before they are discovered. It's really troublesome! It's better to hide them! At least their corpses can't be discovered in the short term."

Lu Wenju After thinking about it for a while, he could only sigh and turned his head to look: "Six, how troublesome!"

Looking at Chen Ergou who was busy, Lu Wenju whispered to the battalion commander Fang Yi: "Can we trust him?"

Battalion Chang Fang was also a little confused. Chen Ergou and the others had just met. Although he and Lu Wenju saved Chen Ergou, the matter was too big today. If Chen Ergou sold them, then he and Lu Wenju would probably He will immediately become a wanted criminal. Killing a soldier without permission is a serious crime. No matter why these six scumbags were killed, once this matter gets out, neither the military nor the local area will sit idly by and ignore it.

And now that they have retired, there is no one to protect them. If Chen Ergou sells them, it will be really troublesome.

So if you were a truly ruthless person, the safest way at this time would be to do it with Chen Ergou, so that you could avoid future troubles and no longer have to worry about being betrayed by Chen Ergou.

But the battalion commander Fang 㡣 thought for a while and then shook his head and said: "Believe it or not, we can't harm him! Work!"

Chen Ergou had only one hand and was weak, so he couldn't drag the body, so he helped Lu Wenju The battalion commander Fang Min carried the corpses of these six soldiers one at a time to the mountain in the rain.

It was raining, there were no roads on the mountain, and there was no way to light a torch, so the three of them suffered a lot. After struggling until the sky was bright, they finally found a stone crevice in the mountain and connected these six people. The corpse of the scumbag was thrown into the cracks of the rocks.

After daybreak, the three of them worked hard again, using simple tools to get some dead branches and leaves plus soil and gravel, filled them into the cracks in the rocks, and buried the bodies of the six scumbag soldiers. The soldiers' guns and looted items were also thrown into the crevices of the rocks and buried.

Chen Ergou was very reluctant to throw away these soft things. He was really scared of poverty. He thought everything was a good thing and it was a pity to throw it away.

However, under the persuasion of the battalion commander Fang 㡣, he told him that these things could not be kept. First, they were useless, but there was no time to take action. If they were left behind, they would cause disaster.

In the end, they only left some silver coins and gold and silver jewelry, which they wrapped and stuffed into the baggage. These things were enough to pay for Chen Ergou's return home in the future. The battalion commander Fang 㡣 didn't care about these things and directly took the money. He wrapped the items and gave them to Chen Ergou, asking him to keep them and hide them in his crotch.

Chen Ergou was so moved that he met a noble person this time. Battalion Commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju not only saved his life, but they also didn't care about the money. In his eyes, the money was already a huge sum of money. , but the battalion commander Fang Min didn't even look at it, just wrapped it up and threw it to him, asking him to take it back with him as his travel expenses back home.

For Chen Ergou, this can be said to be a rebirth of kindness. Therefore, Chen Ergou can no longer express gratitude to battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju.

After cleaning up the bodies of the six scumbags, the battalion commander Fang 㡣 thought about it and found it very funny. In four days, he encountered two groups of scumbags, both of whom wanted to kill and gain goods. In the end, within four days, he killed He killed eleven scum of soldiers. The life in his hands was a little too worthless.

He didn't know whether his life was too good or too bad. Most people might not encounter this kind of thing once in their lifetime, but he encountered it twice in four days.

Back in the small temple, there were still some blood stains on the ground. Lu Wenju went outside to get some water and poured it on the ground. Chen Ergou brushed the ground with grass to remove the blood stains. Whoever comes here again, They would never find out that this place was once a murder scene. They all picked up the bullet casings that fell when the battalion commander Fang Min opened fire.

But at this time, the three of them were all tired and exhausted. They found a dry place to sit down in the temple. They only slept for a while last night and looked at the rain outside. They couldn't go on the road now, so the three of them He leaned against the wall and squinted for a while.

When they woke up, it was almost noon. The three of them ate some dry food, pickles, and grilled a snake they caught on the mountain to fill their stomachs. At this time, the rain gradually stopped.

The three of them walked out of the ruined temple and walked towards the main road.

At this time, Chongqing was very lively. Today is August 25th. It has been eight days since they left Zhijiang , and it has been four days since they got off the bus.

Two trucks from the New Sixth Army had arrived in Chongqing the afternoon before yesterday, and were intercepted by a group of policemen from the Chongqing Police Corps on a bridge in Chongqing. They used the order issued by the military commander to execute the two trucks. Checked.

Chen Weiyan was very excited. He personally led a team to intercept the two trucks on the bridge. He immediately surrounded the two trucks and searched the two trucks. However, when he saw Li Jun and Li Shuanghu jumping out of the car, When the two of them were together, he was a little stunned.

Li Jun and Li Shuanghu jumped out of the car with cold expressions and showed their retirement certificates to these policemen. At the same time, the platoon leader of the New Sixth Army's baggage regiment also jumped out of the car and came over cursingly. Chen Weiyan's men shouted: "What the hell are you checking?

I am from the New Sixth Army, and I was ordered to send malfunctioning firearms to the repair shop of the Chongqing Ordnance Department! What right do you have to stop the vehicle for inspection?"

When Chen Weiyan saw Li Jun, Li Jun also saw Chen Weiyan. After the two people met, they were both stunned.

Chen Weiyan didn't expect that Li Jun would be in these two cars, and Li Jun didn't expect to run into the bastard Chen Weiyan here. Chen Weiyan helped Bai Hui deal with him, Zhu Wenchang, and Feng Tianhao, and fired them. After leaving the spy camp, Chen Weiyan secretly arranged for his people to secretly escort Li Jun and Zhu Wenchang out of Zhijiang and transport them to Kunming. He even ordered the staff of his baggage regiment not to leave on the road. Just kill three people.

But the result surprised Chen Weiyan. He never expected that the injured Li Jun and the three people actually ran away halfway and even ran back to Zhijiang. Later, the battalion commander Fang 㡣 came back and killed Bai Hui by dividing three by five. A group of people were cleaned up, and he was dug out as well. Finally, Liao Yaoxiang chased him out of the New Sixth Army like a dog, almost ruining his future.

If Yao Zhenxing hadn't been so generous and helped him, brought him back to Chongqing and assigned him a job in the police corps, he would have been thrust into that useless place without even realizing it. Went on.

When he saw two New Sixth Army trucks driving onto the bridge today, he was so excited that he quickly stopped the two trucks, but he never expected that the person who jumped out of the truck was actually Li Jun. , not the battalion commander Fang Mi he imagined he wanted to capture.

Li Jun didn't expect to meet Chen Weiyan here who had changed into a police uniform. When he saw Chen Weiyan, he understood everything, so he gave Chen Weiyan an evil smile and walked slowly towards Chen Weiyan.

"Commander Chen! What a coincidence, I met General Chen here! What?

How come Staff Chen has changed his skin like this?

He is no longer in the army?

He is no longer in the army, why did he become a policeman? ?"

Li Jun asked Chen Weiyan with a sneer.

Chen Weiyan's face twitched a few times, he laughed awkwardly, and said to Li Jun: "It turns out to be Company Commander Li! It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect that I could meet Company Commander Li here! I dare to ask Company Commander Li, your battalion commander. "

" So Commander Chen is waiting for our boss here?

Oh, what a coincidence! Our battalion commander didn't come to Chongqing this time. He suddenly remembered that he had something to do, so he got off the car and went back. Zhijiang! Look at what happened. If you had informed me earlier, you wouldn’t have to wait here for so long, right?

What a coincidence!"

Li Jun looked at it with a smirk. The police officers who were surrounding the truck on the bridge saw them climbing onto the truck and searching the truck.

And the platoon leader of the New Sixth Army escorting the car stood under the car and cursed, threatening the police officers who were searching the car not to touch anything. Those were the guns and artillery of their New Sixth Army. If one less thing was missing, they would be in trouble.

The inspection of the vehicle was soon completed. Chen Weiyan's men came over and told Chen Weiyan that the vehicle had been inspected and no target was found. There were only a few drivers and escorts from the New Sixth Army's baggage regiment, and the only one left was Li Jun. and Li Shuanghu.

Chen Weiyan snorted coldly and wanted to arrest Li Jun and Li Shuanghu, but at this time there were many people on the bridge looking at them, some of them were even making fun of them, and then someone shouted: "Oh! Captain Li, there are two more Brother Hu, how come it’s such a coincidence?

I’m Zhang Cheng! Do you still remember me?”

Li Jun turned his head and saw a young man on crutches watching the lively crowd from the bridge. Zhong walked out, with a smile on his face, and walked towards him.

Li Jun took a closer look and recognized that he was indeed a veteran named Zhang Cheng from the company, so he quickly strode over to meet the lame Zhang Cheng and hugged the lame Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng’s left leg was gone from the knee down, leaving only one foot. He could only move with crutches. After seeing Li Jun and Li Shuanghu, tears filled his eyes. He loosened his crutches and one leg was left. Jumping on the ground, he hugged Li Jun. Li Shuanghu also ran over with a cigarette in his mouth and helped this old brother.

"Zhang Cheng, why are you here?"

Li Jun no longer cared about the livid Chen Weiyan on his side, grabbed Zhang Cheng's arm and supported him and asked quickly.

Zhang Cheng said with tears in his eyes: "Don't I have nothing to do?

I can't go back home. I have only one leg left, so I can only stay in Chongqing! I am passing by here and I just happened to see you! What a coincidence. Ah! What a coincidence?"

Chen Weiyan stood nearby with a livid face, looking at Zhang Cheng who suddenly appeared. He didn't know this Zhang Cheng, but from Li Jun's words, he heard that this lame man was also Li Jun and his fellow veterans from the special agent battalion happened to be passing by this bridge and met Li Jun and the others. Now they could no longer suppress the matter.

Even if he forcibly detains Li Jun and Li Shuanghu now, there is no reason for him to forcibly detain this lame man. Even if he forcibly detains this lame man, who can guarantee that among the people watching the excitement on the bridge? , don’t you know this cripple?

So now that he didn't block the battalion commander, he couldn't cover it up even if he did anything, so he turned around and walked aside in anger, lit a cigarette and started smoking, his mind was racing, thinking about what to do what to do.

At this time, one of his subordinates was more clever. He was chatting with the drivers of the New Sixth Army's baggage regiment, and even handed them cigarettes with a smile. After a while, he got what he wanted from the mouths of these drivers and the soldiers escorting the vehicles. news.

After inquiring about the information he wanted, he hurriedly ran towards Chen Weiyan, saluted Chen Weiyan and whispered: "Captain, let me ask clearly, the man named Fang did come to Chongqing in their car, but the guy arrived in advance When I first entered Chongqing, I got out of the car and said I was going to visit an old brother somewhere! I won’t come to Chongqing with the car!”

Chen Weiyan immediately threw the cigarette into the river and asked the subordinates hurriedly: “They Did he get off the bus somewhere? "

" Asked clearly, they said that the man named Fang got off the bus when he entered Wulong County! "

The remaining two people came with the bus! Chen Weiyan's police officer replied to him.

Chen Weiyan was so angry that he had done such a good job and just slipped away from his hands. The man named Fang had indeed come and was already in Chongqing, but he was still several hundred miles away from Chongqing. Where are he now? It's somewhere and I can't figure it out.

Things will be difficult to handle now. If the battalion commander Fang 㡣 comes to Chongqing in these two trucks, then the truck has a big target, and even if there are more cars in Chongqing, there will still not be many in the end. They can completely Among the passing vehicles, it was easy to find the two trucks without disturbing them too much and attracting attention.

But now the battalion commander Fang 㡣 gave up taking the bus and came to Chongqing on foot instead. Now things are not easy to handle. Chongqing now has a population of more than one million, and hundreds of thousands of people enter and exit Chongqing every day. Moreover, there are dozens of roads and bridges in and out of Chongqing. Yao Zhenxing wants to capture the camp and block two trucks before entering the city. They can still do this.

But if the battalion commander Fang 㡣 walked into the city and deliberately bypassed the roads and bridges here, then it would be a fantasy to block all the intersections in and out of Chongqing with the power Yao Zhenxing currently has at his disposal.

Chen Weiyan thought about it now, but couldn't think of a good way, so he punched the iron railings beside the bridge, but the pain immediately made him gasp in cold air, waved his hands and said, "You guys Keep watching here! Keep a close eye on people entering the city, and pay special attention to tall people. That guy is a tall guy, and his figure won't change! Keep an eye on him, don't let that guy take the opportunity to sneak into the city! "Go and do it!"

"What should we do with these two people?"

's police immediately asked Chen Weiyan.

Chen Weiyan glared at Li Jun and Li Shuanghu in the distance fiercely: "Send people to change into plain clothes and follow them. I will keep an eye on them! Look where they are going to stay!"


The policeman under him stood at attention and saluted. .

Chen Weiyan stopped saying hello to Li Jun and walked along the bridge towards the south of the bridge. Li Jun glanced sideways and saw Chen Weiyan out of the corner of his eye and sneered.

On the surface Zhang Cheng was reminiscing with Li Jun and the others, but he was actually paying attention to Chen Weiyan. When he saw Chen Weiyan leaving, he whispered: "Boss Li, Brother Erhu, don't say anything, just follow me!"

Li Jun and Li Shuanghu were not stupid either. They roughly understood as soon as they heard Zhang Cheng's words, so they nodded and continued to pretend to say a few words to Zhang Cheng, patted Zhang Cheng on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the Xinliu who was escorting the car. The platoon leader of the military baggage regiment said to the platoon leader: "Platoon leader Yu, let's just stop here! There have been a lot of troubles along the way! I have made you worry! After you go back, please tell the Wu regiment on behalf of me and our boss. Thank you very much for troublesome brothers! This is our wish. Our boss specially asked us to buy a few packs of cigarettes for our brothers when we get off the bus! Don't be polite, Platoon Leader Yu! "Get off!"

said Li Jun stuffed a cloth bag into platoon leader Yu's hand. Platoon leader Yu knew that there were ten oceans inside, and quickly took Li Jun's hand and said, "Sir, you can't do it!" ! This is really impossible! If you can ride in our car, you are giving us shame! If it weren't for you, we would be dead on the road! How could we accept this before we can thank you? No, no! Absolutely not. If our regiment leader knows about this, our legs will have to be broken!"

said that the platoon leader stuffed the cloth bag into Li Jun's pocket. He was sincere, and he really didn't dare to accept Li Jun's kindness.

Li Jun pushed several times, but failed to give the money to Platoon Leader Yu. He also saw that Platoon Leader Yu was sincere, so he nodded and said: "In this case, I won't force it! We won't force it!" Let's say goodbye. If we meet again in the future, I will treat you to a few drinks, Commander Yu! You are busy with military affairs, so don't delay!"

Platoon Leader Yu suddenly asked in a low voice: "Captain Li, please tell the truth. , what is going on today?

Why do I feel that something is wrong?

Are these gangsters coming against Chief Fang?

What is going on?

, are they rebelling? "

Platoon Leader Yu is neither blind nor deaf. After being stopped today, these policemen produced a search warrant, which was issued by the military commander. Moreover, Platoon Leader Yu could see that these policemen were rushing to their car. The people sitting there were not Li Jun and Li Shuanghu. While they were talking, he also eavesdropped on the conversation between Chen Weiyan and Li Jun, and also heard a police officer asking about the whereabouts of the battalion commander Fang 㡣 from his subordinates.

So he felt keenly that today's things were not simple. It seemed that these police officers were helping the military commander find the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

Li Jun looked around, pulled Platoon Commander Yu to the side of the car, and whispered: "Platoon Commander Yu, to be honest, they are here for our boss! Our boss has offended a bastard of the military commander, and the military commander has always been They wanted to deal with our boss, but they had no chance before, and they didn’t dare to attack our boss in our New Sixth Army, so they waited for our boss here in Chongqing! Fortunately, our boss noticed it in advance and got out of the car in advance to avoid them! But this matter is not over, and they will not let it go! If Platoon Commander Yu has a chance to see Commander Liao this time, then please tell the military commander about this matter. If our boss is wronged and arrested by the military commander, If so, I hope Commander Liao can help!"

Platoon Commander Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "His uncle..." "Shh... Platoon Commander, we are soft-spoken, so don't get involved in this matter. ! Go and hand it over as soon as possible. Only Commander Liao can say anything about this, and no one else can help! This is the way the world is now, and the battle we should fight is over! , it’s time to turn around and deal with us! Thank you, Platoon Commander! Please take care of yourself!”

Li Jun quickly stopped the platoon leader from yelling at him. , took a step back, saluted the platoon leader, and then quickly turned around and left.

Platoon leader Yu was stunned for a while, looking at the backs of Li Jun and Li Shuanghu leaving with their backpacks. Suddenly, he punched the carriage hard and raised his hands to salute their backs. After turning around, he said to the Several policemen driving their car started to curse: "Have you finished the investigation?

Why don't you get out of here after the investigation?

You're blocking the car like a dog, and you still want me to take care of your business?

How about you guys? Get in the car! Let's go! Get out of the way!"

The police actually have no deterrent effect on soldiers. They are usually responsible for targeting ordinary people. Generally speaking, they are soldiers. They don't dare to provoke them. The troops all protect their shortcomings. Even though Platoon Leader Yu is just a small platoon leader, the sign of their New Sixth Army is here. As long as it's not something special, they won't put the police there at all. In their eyes, the police really didn’t dare to do anything to them.

Moreover, the vehicles are currently equipped with guns and cannons. Even if they are broken, they are still military supplies. The police do not dare to mess around. If they fall out, the platoon leader will report to him that the goods are lost. I am sorry. If he was robbed by the police, the New Sixth Army would definitely take the case to the military headquarters. In the end, the police would definitely be left with nothing to lose.

Therefore, Platoon Leader Yu was not polite to these policemen at all. He shouted angrily and drove the policemen aside. He led the people to start the car and drove across the iron bridge into the city of Chongqing with a roar, leaving behind the car. A large cloud of black smoke made the policemen standing behind the car choke and cough. They all looked at the truck in the distance and cursed.

Chen Weiyan quickly met Yao Zhenxing and informed Yao Zhenxing of the situation. After Yao Zhenxing heard this, his brows immediately wrinkled. He stood up and walked around the temporary headquarters several times with his hands behind his back and said angrily: "The surname is Fang. How did you know that we were going to deal with him?

got off the bus early?"

Chen Weiyan shook his head and said: "I don't know about this humble position, but Fang is known to be cunning and cunning. Bai Hui and the others have said that this person has a sense of danger. He has an innate premonition and can predict threats in advance. Maybe he might have had a premonition on his way to Chongqing this time and got off the bus in Wulong County in advance. "It's not impossible!"

Yao Zhenxing thought about it! He nodded and said, "It's possible! Someone who wasn't one of us should have leaked the news. In that case, they wouldn't have time to notify this bastard! This is a bit of a problem!"

"What should we do now?

This guy got off the car and walked If so, it will be difficult for us to stop him! With our current manpower, it is difficult to cover all the entrances to the city. If we want to block him outside the city and arrest him, it will be very difficult now! "

Chen Weiyan said to Yao Zhenxing.

Yao Zhenxing clasped his hands behind his back like a trapped animal, circling back and forth in the room. After thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "Don't retreat yet, continue to set up points at various intersections to intercept him, and also deploy some manpower to strengthen the attack on Cheng Yan'er and The monitoring of Fan Xingchen and others must be done 24 hours a day! If the person named Fang really sneaks into the city, he will definitely contact these people. In addition, Li Jun and Li Shuanghu who just entered the city must also contact them. Monitor them immediately! Keep an eye on them, and you can find the person named Fang!"

Yao Zhenxing finally stopped and said to Chen Weiyan.

Chen Weiyan immediately stood at attention and said: "Bizhi understands! Beizhi has sent people to follow that Li Jun and Li Shuanghu! I will definitely strengthen the monitoring in the area I am responsible for, and will never let him sneak into the city from the intersection of the area I am responsible for! "

"Well! I know your ability. You have arranged this well! If you do it well, I will definitely give you a good future!"

Yao Zhenxing said to Chen Weiyan. At that time, when Yao Zhenxing was employing people, he naturally understood how to create a big cake for his subordinates and ask them to work harder.

Chen Weiyan immediately became excited, stood at attention and saluted again, and said a lot of words of assurance to Yao Zhenxing, vowing to capture the battalion commander Fang.

After Chen Weiyan left, Yao Zhenxing immediately called the personnel in charge at each intersection, informing them that the first interception and arrest operation had failed. Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 had got off the bus early and did not enter Chongqing by car. He might be walking towards Chongqing now. While walking, he ordered various places to strengthen inspections of pedestrians entering the city, so as to prevent him from sneaking into Chongqing through these intersections.

After Bai Hui learned about it, he immediately felt very depressed, but he did not consider that someone among them had leaked the news, because he knew the battalion commander Fang Mi very well, and knew that the battalion commander Fang Mi had a very uncanny premonition of danger, and it was most likely that he He felt threatened on the way here, so he got off the bus in Wulong County in advance.

Now that this is the case, Bai Hui has no good solution. He can only order his subordinates to stop staring at the trucks on the road and instead monitor the pedestrians on the road. At the same time, he tells his subordinates that they must focus on checking tall people and not let them go. Passed a tall man and entered the city without inspection.

After Cao Youde and Kong Quan learned the news, they both expressed frustration. They were all downcast and disappointed. After receiving Bai Hui's order, they immediately went to the intersections they were responsible for to strengthen the monitoring of pedestrians. Whenever you see a tall person, check them out immediately.

Now the photo of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 has been sent to everyone. Everyone has remembered the appearance of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣, and all intersections have begun to strengthen surveillance of pedestrians on the road.

At the same time, Yao Zhenxing called the men responsible for monitoring Fan Xingchen and Cheng Yaner to him and asked them about Fan Xingchen and Cheng Yaner's situation in the past few days.

A military spy responsible for monitoring Fan Xingchen said: "I haven't noticed anything unusual about Mr. Fan in the past two days. He is still the same. He goes out to drink tea when he has nothing to do. When he is free, he drinks at home with his former subordinates who visit him. The day before yesterday, I took a rickshaw to Shancheng Road and returned home after lunch. I didn’t find that he had contacted Zhu Wenchang and others in the city! In addition, Zhu Wenchang and Zhao Ershuan had nothing unusual these past two days. Wenchang went to Fan's house, but Fan Xingchen was not there, so he went back. Today, he had some wine with Zhao Ershuan at his residence and played mahjong for a while at the door. Zhao Ershuan still had nothing to do, so he went to Fan's business to help! Unloading and loading, in short, these people who have been responsible for the past two days have not found anything wrong with them."

Another agent responsible for monitoring Cheng Yan'er said: "Cheng Yan'er has not done anything unusual in the past two days, and he is still normal. At work, she has continued to report and apply for resignation in the past two days! No special personnel have been found to have contact with her! "Well! You must strengthen your surveillance and never let any of them leave your sight." Fang is now temporarily out of our sight, and may infiltrate into the city next. If this person sneaks into the city, we will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack to catch him. Only by keeping an eye on these people can we possibly catch him. ! Especially Cheng Yan'er! You must not relax, you must monitor her 24 hours a day, and you must not let her leave your sight!"

Yao Zhenxing ordered these subordinates.

"Yes! We will monitor them closely! As long as that person named Fang dares to show up, we will arrest him immediately!"

Several agents immediately agreed loudly.

After Fan Xingchen told his father about the battalion commander Fang 㡣, he stopped as per his father's request, and resumed his usual activities on the surface every day, going out to a nearby teahouse to drink some tea and listen to a song. Occasionally, when friends came to visit, he would hold a banquet and drink some wine so that the military secret agents who were staring at him would not notice anything unusual.

However, Fan Xingchen has been feeling heartbroken these past two days, because he has never received any news about the safety of the battalion commander Fang Ji, and can only communicate with the outside world through Liu Yan and a housekeeper at home.

Liu Yan and the housekeeper kept walking around the city, reporting back to Fan Xingchen all the news they received.

Now they have confirmed that checkpoints have appeared at various intersections and bridges in the northeastern urban-suburban junction of Chongqing. They are monitoring and inspecting trucks entering the city. They seem to be looking for specific targets. This is completely confirmed. The news they had received before was that the military commander had indeed set up a blockade at the intersection entering the city to arrest the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

But so far, the people in the military command have gained nothing. This means that the car in which Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 was riding may not have arrived in Chongqing and was delayed on the way. It also shows that Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 has not yet fallen into the hands of military commanders.

In addition, Zhu Wenchang asked Liu Yu to tell Fan Xingchen that he had mobilized all available personnel in the city. Most of these personnel were retired veterans of the secret service camp. As long as they were not targeted by the military commander, all of them should leave the city and follow the battalion commander's direction. He searched the possible roads to Chongqing outside the city and tried to block the battalion commander Fang Ji before he entered the city to prevent the battalion commander Fang Ji from falling into the hands of the military commander.

Zhu Wenchang even made preparations. He ambushed people at various important intersections, prepared a small amount of explosives, and watched at the intersections. If the battalion commander Fang Yi was unfortunately blocked by the military commander, these personnel would detonate the explosives and take advantage of the situation. They randomly covered the escape of Battalion Commander Fang Min. All in all, we must not let Battalion Commander Fang Min fall into the hands of the military commander.

Fan Xingchen was a little worried about this. An explosion in Chongqing is not a trivial matter. The impact will be very large. Once an explosion occurs to rescue Chang Fang, I am afraid that the battalion commander Fang will be charged with this crime. , became a wanted criminal and could no longer be seen in public.

So Fan Xingchen asked the housekeeper to go to Zhu Wenchang and tell Zhu Wenchang that it was best not to cause an explosion unless it was absolutely necessary. Doing so would make the camp commander Fang 㡣 unjust and completely put the battalion commander Fang 㡣 in the scapegoat.

In addition, Fan Xingchen also met Su Jingming. Su Jingming arrived at Fan's house on the night Fan Xingchen asked him for help. He told Fan Xingchen that Chen Xiao informed Cheng Yan'er of the matter that afternoon, and Cheng Yan'er made a very big decision. The serious issue is her own safety.

Once the military commander fails to capture the battalion commander Fang 㡣, Cheng Yaner will be the last trump card in their hand. The military commander has never had any bottom line in his work and will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal.

Yao Zhenxing knew very well the weakness of Battalion Commander Fang Mi. The destiny of Battalion Commander Fang Mi was Cheng Yan'er. As long as he controlled Cheng Yan'er, Battalion Commander Fang Mi would not be able to leave Chongqing and escape on his own.

So Cheng Yan'er felt that once Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 escaped Yao Zhenxing's first round of arrests, Yao Zhenxing would most likely attack her, find an excuse to control her, and force Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 to show up. In that case, Battalion Commander Fang 㡣It's dangerous.

Cheng Yaner is not afraid of Yao Zhenxing arresting her. She has told Chen Xiao that if Yao Zhenxing tries to arrest her to force the battalion commander Fang 㡣 to show up and submit, she would rather commit suicide than let herself be humiliated in the hands of Yao Zhenxing.

Through long-term understanding, Cheng Yan'er now knows that Yao Zhenxing is a lustful person and a psychopath. Yao Zhenxing hates the battalion commander Fang 㡣, so once he catches Cheng Yan'er with his face, he will definitely not let Cheng Yan'er go. Cheng Yan'er will do it for herself She is innocent and will never let herself fall into Yao Zhenxing's hands.

So Cheng Yaner asked Chen Xiao to inform Fan Xingchen and, if possible, ask Fan Xingchen to find a way to send her out of Chongqing as soon as possible. Only when she left Chongqing did Yao Zhenxing lose his trump card against the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

But if Fan Xingchen could not send her out of Chongqing, for the sake of her own innocence and that of the battalion commander, once Yao Zhenxing attacked her, she would immediately choose to commit suicide.

Fan Xingchen was slightly startled after hearing Su Jingming's words. What Cheng Yan'er was worried about was not impossible. A sinister person like Yao Zhenxing had no bottom line. Once he was targeted, he would not achieve his goal. If they don't give up, if the capture of Battalion Commander Fang Er fails in the early stage, Yao Zhenxing, a mad dog, is indeed very likely to jump over the wall and attack Cheng Yan'er.

Yao Zhenxing is a smart man. He knows very well the life gate of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣. Cheng Yaner is the life gate of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣. As long as he controls Cheng Yaner, it is equivalent to tying up the hands and feet of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 with ropes. Battalion Commander Fang 㡣I have no choice but to surrender.

He also knew Cheng Yan'er's character. Cheng Yan'er had a tough personality and was straightforward. She said and did whatever came to her mind. She also clearly recognized the threat she posed to the battalion commander Fang 㡣, so she made such a decision.

If Yao Zhenxing really attacks her, Fan Xingchen absolutely believes that Cheng Yaner will choose to commit suicide without hesitation and will never let herself fall into the hands of Yao Zhenxing and become a tool used by Yao Zhenxing to threaten the battalion commander Fang into submission. .

This is the most terrifying thing. If Yao Zhenxing is really desperate to control Cheng Yan'er and finally forces Cheng Yan'er to commit suicide, then this will be a disaster.

No one knows the energy of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 better than him. Once this happens, Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 will completely stand on the opposite side of the National Government and will definitely use all his energy to Chongqing is turned upside down. He will never stop until Yao Zhenxing is killed. The battalion commander Fang 㡣 who picked up the gun is an absolutely terrifying existence in Fan Xingchen's eyes. No one can control him. When the time comes, the battalion commander Fang 㡣 will Will transform into a vengeful god.

Fan Xingchen definitely doesn’t want to see this happen, because once this happens, I don’t know how many people will have to pay with their lives for Yao Zhenxing’s selfishness and narrow-mindedness.

Once this happens, Fan Xingchen cannot stay out of it, or he chooses to continue to stand firmly by the side of the battalion commander Fang 㡣 and help the battalion commander Fang 㡣 take revenge on Yao Zhenxing. This also means that he and his father will completely break up, and follow Battalion Commander Fang Ji stood on the opposite side of the National Government and became its enemy.

Or he could only choose to stand on the opposite side of the battalion commander Fang 㡣, help Yao Zhenxing, and put the battalion commander Fang 㡣 to death.

Besides these two roads, there will be no third road for him to choose, but he is unwilling to choose these two roads. He is not willing to completely break with his father and stand on the opposite side of the National Government. , as Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 declared war on the entire current national system, he was even more unwilling to become a betrayer, betrayed Battalion Commander Fang 㡣, stood on the opposite side of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣, and helped Yao Zhenxing put Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 to death.

So when Fan Xingchen thought about the consequences, he broke into a cold sweat and even panicked for a while.

After thinking about it, he felt that he could not handle this matter by himself. With his current ability, he simply could not easily get Cheng Yan'er out of Chongqing.

The only person who could help him was his father, so he immediately found his father again and told his father his worries.

Fan Xingchen's father also fell silent after hearing Fan Xingchen's words. After a long time, Fan's father raised his head and asked Fan Xingchen: "If this really happens, I want to know what you will do. What kind of choice?"

Fan Xingchen's facial features were squeezed together. He held his head with both hands and held his hair. He lowered his head for a long time before slowly putting down his hands and raising his head. He looked at his father with painful eyes and said: " I think I might go with him! Turn the whole of Chongqing upside down!"

Fan's father nodded expressionlessly, and then asked, "Do you think it's worth it?"

Fan Xingchen was silent for a long time. After a while, he finally answered: "For me, it may not be worth it! But if I don't do this, I won't be able to face my conscience! The battalion commander Fang Min is a hero of the country and a hero of the anti-Japanese war!" No one has the right to do this to him! Maybe he was right before, the Kuomintang is really rotten to the core! Maybe smashing it is the only way out for China! I really believed what he said, but now I start to believe it! When a country is ruled by people like Yao Zhenxing and others, there will be no distinction between black and white! People like Lian Yaohui who have done great things for the country, When everyone is being framed for a trivial matter, what hope does this country have?

What's more, when the Japanese have just announced their surrender and have not completely laid down their weapons, these urban foxes and rats are going crazy towards their former enemies. The heroes of the country have launched their revenge! Isn't it worth it for me to stand up and help Yaohui resist?" After listening to Fan Xingchen's words, Fan's father stood up silently and walked slowly around the room with his hands behind his back. His expression kept changing, sometimes frustrated, sometimes angry, sometimes showing a hint of relief, but mostly worried and disappointed.

There was silence in the room for a while, and only the sound of Fan's father pacing back and forth in the room was left. After a while, Fan's father stopped and sighed: "Okay! I will try my best to help. Yaohui and Cheng Yan'er, I will definitely find a way to protect Cheng Yan'er! Let's find a way together, don't be impulsive!"

After thanking his father, Fan Xingchen returned to his residence and saw Liu Yan. Sitting in his room, playing with some things, he saw that it was a mortar shell, but the tail and fuse had been removed. Liu Yan was inserting an electric detonator into the shell, along with wires and batteries. , one glance revealed that this guy was building a bomb, and at the same time there were two grenades at his feet.

"Where did you get it?"

Fan Xingchen was startled and asked quickly. If this thing exploded, the roof of his house would probably be blown off.

Liu Yan didn't even raise his head and said: "This is not easy. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't get on the black market?

Don't talk about it. Some brothers have already obtained pistols and bullets on the black market! I still like it Playing with explosives, this is what the boss taught me. I hope I don’t use it, but if Yao really catches the boss, then I will treat Yao to eat this iron melon! Fantou, that mirror box of yours! Lend it to me! If something happens, I won't bother you!"

Fan Xingchen was stunned for a while. He knew that the matter was no longer something he could handle. These brothers are all die-hard supporters of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣. After learning that the military commander was going to deal with the battalion commander Fang 㡣, they were all really angry, and each made their own choice, that is, once the battalion commander Fang 㡣 was arrested, they would no longer be polite, and they would follow The military commander fought tooth and nail.

Fan Xingchen said no more, turned around and went to his bedroom, took out a mirror box he had been carrying, and threw it in front of Liu Yan.

This mirror box was not actually given to him by his father. The gun was taken and used by the battalion commander Fang 㡣 when he met him a long time ago. Later, the gun was damaged. After arriving in India , the battalion commander Fang Min got the m1911, seized the mirror box, and gave the gun to Fan Xingchen.

After Fan Xingchen used it for a while, he felt that this mirror case was a bit useless, so he also changed it to an m1911. He sent this gun back to Chongqing as a souvenir. After he came back this time, Fan’s father took this gun back to Chongqing. The mirror box was given to him in exchange and hung on the wall of his bedroom.

"I can give you the gun, but if that time comes, you must call me!"

"That will hurt your Fan family!"

Liu Yan put down the bomb, picked up the mirror box, pulled it out, and pulled it back and forth a few times. After checking the gun, he pulled out the magazine and looked at it. He nodded with satisfaction and said to Fan Xingchen.

"It's out of the question! My life was originally given to me by the boss! What's the point of not being implicated?

Just do it!"

Fan Xingchen said calmly.

Liu Yan raised her head and stared at Fan Xingchen's face for a while. Suddenly she grinned and said, "Boss, it's not a loss to have a brother like you!"

"Of course it's not a loss! Haha, this guy has made a lot of money!" "

"Seeing that there is no Shanzi, we still can't do it well! Even Brother Ergou can see it at a glance! Haha!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 turned to Lu Wenju, who was wiping his tears and said.

Lu Wenju said angrily: "What's weird about this?

He has been following us for a long time. If he can't see it anymore, he will be a fool!"

"By the way, sir, why are you dressed like this?"

Chen After the two dogs were full, they had time to worry about it. They curiously asked the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju.


Someone is trying to harm our boss! Our boss is a famous hero and a recipient of the Medal of the Blue Sky. Just because he offended a villain from the military commander , the military commander wanted to harm our boss. , forcing us to dress up like this to go to Chongqing!"

Lu Wenju got angry when he mentioned this, picked up a wooden stick, and smashed it on a stone at his feet. The stick was broken and thrown into the bonfire, which caused a cloud of sparks to fly.

Chen Ergou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly there were stars in his eyes. He immediately shouted to the battalion commander Fang Ji: "The Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun?

This is the most powerful medal! Our company commander has only received the Medal of Loyalty and Bravery! The Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun! "How much merit does it take to get a medal?"

"Your commander Fang just got one! It's not a big deal!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 said calmly, he was not talking nonsense, Fang Xianjue because Hengyang led the Tenth Army to fight for forty days, which shocked the country. Later, when he returned to Chongqing, Chiang Kai-shek personally awarded him the Medal of the Blue Sky and White Sun.

"Don't listen to our boss! We used to be from the Expeditionary Force. Our boss led us and captured a Japs major general alive. Capture him alive! This was the only Japs general we captured alive during the eight-year war of resistance! Scorpion La Shit! This is not why we were given the Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun! Our boss not only won the Medal of the Blue Sky and the White Sun, but also the Baoding and Yunhui Medal. . By the way, you are talking about the Medal of Loyalty and Courage, Mr. I have one too! Do you think it's awesome?"

When Lu Wenju said this, he became excited and started spitting at Chen Ergou.

Chen Ergou was stunned for a moment by his boast. Looking at the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, there were only little stars of admiration in their eyes.

"Come on! Shut up! Our little credit is nothing compared to Ergou and the Tenth Army. It's just better luck! The Tenth Army are all heroes! Even if we give Ergou one I think the Medal of Blue Sky and White Sun is not too much!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 threw a small wooden stick at the head of Lu Wenju, who was spitting like stars, interrupting him.

After hearing this, Lu Wenju thought for a while and nodded: "That's true! I've heard about the Battle of Hengyang, and the Tenth Army is indeed good! Oh, by the way, Ergou, how many Japanese have you killed? "

Ergou thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "I don't know either! When we were in Hengyang, our army commander told us not to fight until we couldn't see the enemy, or if we couldn't aim accurately. He ordered us to do our best to kill a Japs with one bullet! I didn’t fire a few shots at all, but mostly used grenades to hit the Japs. Our commander asked us to dig up a lot of old Kuan Lao Kuan around Hengyang. There are a lot of grenades prepared in the trenches! When the Japs attack, they have to go down into the trenches first and then climb up. We don’t show our heads. When we hear the Japs starting to climb up, we throw grenades downwards. The grenade killed a lot of kiddos! I don’t know how many kiddoers I killed! It seems that I killed two kiddoers with my gun!”

"Well done. With your military exploits, although you may not be able to get the Medal of Blue Sky and White Sun, at least the Medal of Loyalty and Bravery is fine with me!"

Lu Wenju sat over and patted Chen Ergou on the shoulder and said.

The three of them chatted until midnight. After all, Chen Ergou was relatively weak and began to yawn non-stop. The battalion commander Fang Er looked at his watch and said to Chen Ergou: "Go to sleep, have a good sleep, and we will be on our way early tomorrow morning. "Go to Chongqing!"

Chen Ergou agreed, and the three of them moved the bonfire into the small temple, found a broken earthen basin, raised the bonfire, and placed it at the door, so that even if a wild animal passed by, they would not dare to break into the brazier. Entering a small temple can also play a role in repelling mosquitoes.

Just as it started to rain, the three of them folded their clothes and lay down on the ground of the small temple. After a while, they all fell asleep.

I don't know what time it was, but the battalion commander Fang Ji suddenly woke up with a jolt. A feeling of danger came to his heart. He jumped up and reached out to touch the pistol hidden under his head.

had just grabbed the pistol and sat up, stuffing the pistol into his lower back, when several wet people broke in outside, and they were all carrying guns.

Several people were wearing military uniforms. They were obviously looking for shelter from the rain. When they came here, they saw the small temple and rushed in. Everyone was carrying a baggage. As soon as they came in, they hit the battalion commander Fang 㡣 who stood up. Face to face.

When they saw Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 in civilian clothes under the light of the bonfire, they immediately pointed their guns at him: "What are you doing?"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 quickly raised his hands and laughed with him. Said: "Travelers, I passed by a nearby place after dark. There was no village or shop in front of me, so I found this place to rest for a night! Bosses, don't get me wrong!"

Several soldiers looked at the battalion commander Fang 㡣 up and down. At this time, Lu Wenju was also awakened and rolled over and sat up. He instinctively wanted to touch for the gun next to him, but when he touched it all in vain, he remembered that they had retired and did not bring a long gun except for the pistol.

The soldiers immediately pointed at Lu Wenju to prevent Lu Wenju from moving. They looked at Lu Wenju. When they saw Lu Wenju’s bright clothes and the rattan box next to him, several soldiers looked at each other. He glanced at him with a greedy look in his eyes.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 secretly screamed that these soldiers were not good people, because he could see that although these soldiers were wearing military uniforms, their armbands were removed by them, and the general troops of the Kuomintang army were Wear armbands, the numbers on the armbands can show their unit number to identify them.

The Special Agent Battalion used to be directly affiliated with the Expeditionary Force General Headquarters, so the armbands had a venomous snake with an open mouth and fangs showing that they were not affiliated with any army or division, and the New Sixth Army after returning to China, New armbands were issued. After the special agent battalion returned home, they received the armbands of the New Sixth Army. However, they did not give up the previous viper armbands and wore them under the New Sixth Army armbands.

For example, the Eighth Route Army currently has the words Eighth Route Army on its armbands, which can show the identity of each unit. However, these soldiers did not wear armbands. The armbands were obviously removed from their sleeves. This shows that these soldiers Soldiers don't want their unit numbers to be known.

In addition, he saw that these soldiers were all carrying a baggage. Some of the furoshiki were made of native cloth, and some were made of satin quilts, with bulging things stuffed inside.

Moreover, these soldiers had stern expressions on their faces and twinkling eyes. It was obvious that they were not serious soldiers. Moreover, it was still raining outside in the middle of the night, and they did not stay in the camp honestly. But he ran to this remote little ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, which speaks volumes.

Several soldiers looked at Chen Ergou who was still sleeping soundly on the ground, so they rolled their eyes and forced the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju with guns: "Travelers?

I think you three are Japanese spies! Want to Otherwise, why would Bu Toudian hide them in this ruined temple?

Tie them up and find out what they have with them!"

At this time, a soldier sneered and pointed his gun at the battalion commander. Fang 㡣 said: "What are you searching for? They are Japanese spies! Just kill them!"

said, he pulled the bolt of the gun, pushed the bullet into the chamber, and pointed it at the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

When the other soldiers heard this, not only did they not object, but they all laughed evilly and pulled the bolts of their guns and loaded the guns.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 felt that Tianling Gai was about to burst with anger. These ruffians simply wanted to kill people and buy goods. What excuse could they make, saying that they were Japanese spies and that the Kuomintang's military discipline was corrupted, but how could it be so corrupted?

No wonder people in many places are unwilling to help the Kuomintang in the fight against Japan, because sometimes some Kuomintang troops are even worse than the Japanese devils, and they show no mercy when they harm the people. They will immediately become intimidated when they encounter the Japanese.

He didn't want to cause trouble today, but he unexpectedly encountered such a few soldiers and ruffians who actually wanted to kill them indiscriminately. This can't be blamed on him for being ruthless. If he didn't resist at this time, he and Lu Wenju and Chen Er would soon The dog is about to lie dead here, and he can no longer pretend to survive.

When the first soldier who suggested killing people and stealing goods pointed his gun at the battalion commander Fang 㡣, the battalion commander hurriedly pretended to be panicked and shouted: "Boss, boss, don't shoot! I have money with me, you guys Just take it, just keep me alive! I brought hundreds of dollars for our boss!" When the soldiers heard this, their eyes flashed with greed, and they all focused on it! At this time, there was lightning and thunder outside. From time to time, lightning pierced the night sky, instantly illuminating the dark sky and earth, followed by a heart-shaking thunder, crackling between the sky and the earth. scroll.

"Where is it?"

A soldier shouted to the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

"Boss, it's here, it's here!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 raised his hands and quickly kicked the baggage on the ground next to him.

The two soldiers withdrew their hands and put away their rifles, and immediately came towards the battalion commander Fang 㡣. At the same time, they bent down to pick up the baggage at the feet of the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

At this moment, the battalion commander Fang Min slashed his hand like lightning, hitting the soldier with his right hand and his head lowered in the back of the neck. The soldier didn't say a word and plunged his head to the ground.

The other soldier realized that something was wrong and immediately straightened up. The battalion commander Fang Ji strangled his neck and blocked him in front of him.

The remaining four soldiers quickly pointed their guns at the battalion commander Fang 㡣, but their accomplices blocked the figure of the battalion commander Fang 㡣. At this time, Lu Wenju had no time to draw his gun, so he quietly picked up a brick next to him and cloned himself. He stood up, slapped away a soldier's rifle, swung his arm, and most of the green brick whizzed and hit the soldier's head solidly. With a snap, the green brick was shot. After a few dollars, the soldier groaned and fell to the ground.

At this time, Chen Ergou, who had been sleeping like a dead pig, was finally woken up. He opened his eyes sleepily and looked at the group of people in front of him in confusion.

The small temple was already very small, and it became even more cramped when a group of people squeezed in. The remaining three soldiers saw the brother next to them being slapped down by another young man, and they quickly turned their guns to point at Lu Wenju. .

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 had already taken out the pistol from his lower back, rubbed it on his thigh, turned on the nose safety, raised his hand and fired three shots at the three soldiers.

At such a close distance, the pistol was much faster than the rifle. Before the three soldiers could take aim at Lu Wenju, their heads exploded one by one, and they lay on the ground with a bang.

As a result, the soldier who was struggling saw this scene and immediately peed his pants. The hot urine flowed down his legs and onto the ground. His legs were shaking like chaff.

"Spare your life, spare your life! Grandpa, spare your life!"

The soldier cried out in a cry and threw the rifle in his hand to the ground.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 was really angry now. He didn't bother to interrogate the captured soldier because he couldn't let him go. If he let him go, he would harm himself and Lu Wenju. When he ran back, he would definitely report to his superiors that they had been attacked, and the troops would protect the weak. They would never let the battalion commander Fang and them go just because these ruffians tried to commit murder and were killed.

This incident will definitely cause a big stir by then. He is already being cared about by the military commanders. It is inevitable that the military commanders in Chongqing will not be alerted by then, or a new crime will be framed against him.

Now that we have done it, we should do it cleanly. Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 is by no means the kind of person who is soft-hearted and soft-hearted. On key matters, he is famous for being decisive in killing.

So he didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy. He raised his right hand, pointed the handle of the pistol at the guy's temple and hit it hard. After a bang, the guy immediately went limp.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 is famous for his dark hands. If this guy goes down, there is no possibility of survival for this guy. His skull is cracked directly, his temples are deeply sunk, and his eyes are filled with tears. Blood came out and he died on the spot.

As for the guy on the ground who was knocked unconscious by his level 1 hand knife , Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 did not take action again. Lu Wenju saw Battalion Commander Fang 㡣’s movements and understood that Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 wanted to eradicate the root, so he picked up another piece. Brick came over and slapped the lying soldier on the back of the head with Brick.

The soldier twitched a few times and then fell silent. Looking at the small temple, the six soldiers who broke in at this time were all dead and lying on the ground.

Chen Ergou sat on the floor dumbfounded, watching the scene happening in front of him, and asked stammering: "What happened, what happened?

He... he... they are all dead?"

Camp Changfang squatted down, patted Zhao Ergou on the shoulder, and said to him harmoniously: "It's okay, brother, these soldiers want to kill us and steal our belongings! We have no choice but to kill them!" "

Chen Ergou's face turned pale. He sat on the ground and shrank back. He looked at the battalion commander Fang Min with fear in his eyes and stammered: "But, but... they are soldiers!"

"So they deserve to die even more! What soldiers should do is to protect their homes and the country, not to kill people and steal goods to bring trouble to the countryside! They are worse than some bandits!"

Lu Wenju said coldly.

Zhao Ergou sat on the ground with fear, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 sighed and said to him: "Don't be afraid! We have no choice but to kill them today. If we don't kill them today, all three of us will die in their hands! Let them be unlucky! Look at what they have brought with them You will understand what they have! Go and see their baggage!"

Chen Ergou stood up tremblingly, walked to the corpse of a soldier, pulled a baggage from his shoulder, and used one hand to It took a lot of effort to unpack the baggage.

After opening it, he saw some silk and satin stuffed in the bag, and even a woman's embroidered bellyband. There was a small bag wrapped in it. After unzipping it, several women's jewelry were revealed, and some of the jewelry actually had There was blood, and it was fresh blood.

Chen Ergou understood it immediately. During this year, he traveled to Hunan, Guizhou and Sichuan, and met many people of all kinds. Of course, he also saw many such ruffians, including many soldiers in the army. They are soldiers in name, but in fact they are bastards who do all kinds of evil. They use their identity as soldiers to cover up and have guns in their hands. Once the control is loosened, these soldiers will rob everywhere and use the so-called expropriation to fight against Japan. In the name of supplies, people are openly looting everywhere.

It’s not just the soldiers who do this. Some officers are no better. With guns in their hands, they direct their soldiers to grab things. When the time comes, he takes the bulk of the looted property, and the soldiers take the bulk of it. Taking small heads has become a way for them to make a fortune.

You can tell by the burdens these six soldiers are carrying today. They just robbed a wealthy family nearby at night, and maybe even killed someone. Chen Ergou looked at their arms again. None of them had armbands, so they completely understood why the battalion commander Fang Min wanted to kill them just now.

These six soldiers must have robbed the place. They saw this small temple and wanted to come in to take shelter from the rain. When they came in, they met the three of them. When they saw the luggage brought by the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, they moved. The evil intention was to kill people and gain goods, so they hacked Lu Wenju and the others' salutes.

Unfortunately, these six bastards met the two ruthless men, Battalion Commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, today. Not only did they fail to rob them, but they were killed on the spot.

However, the battalion commanders Fang 㡣 and Lu Wenju were really ruthless. They killed all six of them without even leaving a single one alive. Brick shot to death.

Even Chen Ergou had fought, and he had fought a bloody battle. Today, seeing the fierceness of the battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju, I still felt a little scared.

"Er Gou! Don't look at it! It's not that we are ruthless, it's that we really have to be ruthless! If they run away, a large group of soldiers will definitely come to us tomorrow from all over the world, and they will definitely trap us in Japan. The crime of being a spy! Remember, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself! This is what our boss said! If you don't want to do it, you have to do it quickly! Don't be afraid! I won't do anything to you!"

Lu Wenju stood up and packed a few bags and checked them. There were some soft things stuffed inside.

Chen Ergou sighed and nodded: "I know! Thank you sir for saving my life again!"

"It's not like I saved your life. We were saving ourselves. I didn't want to kill anyone, but they forced me to do so." I have to kill them. If we don’t kill them, we will die! It’s better to let these scum die and save a lot of harm!”

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 said to Zhao Ergou.

The roof of the ruined temple was actually leaking everywhere. Only the place where the three of them slept could barely cover the rain. A few soldiers were lying in the small temple. The battalion commander looked at them and said: "These people's The corpses cannot be left here. Someone will definitely find them tomorrow. After all, they are soldiers. Six of them died at once, which will definitely attract attention. Maybe it will cause an uproar. We must dispose of their corpses before dawn! ! "

Chen Ergou gradually adapted to this result, and said with a heart: "They deserve to die! I'll help you bury them!"

The rain outside was still falling, and Lu Wen gathered at the entrance of the ruined temple and looked outside. After taking a look, he said to the battalion commander Fang 㡣: "Boss, the river below has risen a lot. Otherwise, we will throw them into the river and wash them away!"

Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 walked to the door, listened, shook his head and said: "This is a small river. Chongqing is now relatively densely populated. The corpses can't go very far before they are discovered. It's really troublesome! It's better to hide them! At least their corpses can't be discovered in the short term."

Lu Wenju After thinking about it for a while, he could only sigh and turned his head to look: "Six, how troublesome!"

Looking at Chen Ergou who was busy, Lu Wenju whispered to the battalion commander Fang Yi: "Can we trust him?"

Battalion Chang Fang was also a little confused. Chen Ergou and the others had just met. Although he and Lu Wenju saved Chen Ergou, the matter was too big today. If Chen Ergou sold them, then he and Lu Wenju would probably He will immediately become a wanted criminal. Killing a soldier without permission is a serious crime. No matter why these six scumbags were killed, once this matter gets out, neither the military nor the local area will sit idly by and ignore it.

And now that they have retired, there is no one to protect them. If Chen Ergou sells them, it will be really troublesome.

So if you were a truly ruthless person, the safest way at this time would be to do it with Chen Ergou, so that you could avoid future troubles and no longer have to worry about being betrayed by Chen Ergou.

But the battalion commander Fang 㡣 thought for a while and then shook his head and said: "Believe it or not, we can't harm him! Work!"

Chen Ergou had only one hand and was weak, so he couldn't drag the body, so he helped Lu Wenju The battalion commander Fang Min carried the corpses of these six soldiers one at a time to the mountain in the rain.

It was raining, there were no roads on the mountain, and there was no way to light a torch, so the three of them suffered a lot. After struggling until the sky was bright, they finally found a stone crevice in the mountain and connected these six people. The corpse of the scumbag was thrown into the cracks of the rocks.

After daybreak, the three of them worked hard again, using simple tools to get some dead branches and leaves plus soil and gravel, filled them into the cracks in the rocks, and buried the bodies of the six scumbag soldiers. The soldiers' guns and looted items were also thrown into the crevices of the rocks and buried.

Chen Ergou was very reluctant to throw away these soft things. He was really scared of poverty. He thought everything was a good thing and it was a pity to throw it away.

However, under the persuasion of the battalion commander Fang 㡣, he told him that these things could not be kept. First, they were useless, but there was no time to take action. If they were left behind, they would cause disaster.

In the end, they only left some silver coins and gold and silver jewelry, which they wrapped and stuffed into the baggage. These things were enough to pay for Chen Ergou's return home in the future. The battalion commander Fang 㡣 didn't care about these things and directly took the money. He wrapped the items and gave them to Chen Ergou, asking him to keep them and hide them in his crotch.

Chen Ergou was so moved that he met a noble person this time. Battalion Commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju not only saved his life, but they also didn't care about the money. In his eyes, the money was already a huge sum of money. , but the battalion commander Fang Min didn't even look at it, just wrapped it up and threw it to him, asking him to take it back with him as his travel expenses back home.

For Chen Ergou, this can be said to be a rebirth of kindness. Therefore, Chen Ergou can no longer express gratitude to battalion commander Fang Yi and Lu Wenju.

After cleaning up the bodies of the six scumbags, the battalion commander Fang 㡣 thought about it and found it very funny. In four days, he encountered two groups of scumbags, both of whom wanted to kill and gain goods. In the end, within four days, he killed He killed eleven scum of soldiers. The life in his hands was a little too worthless.

He didn't know whether his life was too good or too bad. Most people might not encounter this kind of thing once in their lifetime, but he encountered it twice in four days.

Back in the small temple, there were still some blood stains on the ground. Lu Wenju went outside to get some water and poured it on the ground. Chen Ergou brushed the ground with grass to remove the blood stains. Whoever comes here again, They would never find out that this place was once a murder scene. They all picked up the bullet casings that fell when the battalion commander Fang Min opened fire.

But at this time, the three of them were all tired and exhausted. They found a dry place to sit down in the temple. They only slept for a while last night and looked at the rain outside. They couldn't go on the road now, so the three of them He leaned against the wall and squinted for a while.

When they woke up, it was almost noon. The three of them ate some dry food, pickles, and grilled a snake they caught on the mountain to fill their stomachs. At this time, the rain gradually stopped.

The three of them walked out of the ruined temple and walked towards the main road.

At this time, Chongqing was very lively. Today is August 25th. It has been eight days since they left Zhijiang , and it has been four days since they got off the bus.

Two trucks from the New Sixth Army had arrived in Chongqing the afternoon before yesterday, and were intercepted by a group of policemen from the Chongqing Police Corps on a bridge in Chongqing. They used the order issued by the military commander to execute the two trucks. Checked.

Chen Weiyan was very excited. He personally led a team to intercept the two trucks on the bridge. He immediately surrounded the two trucks and searched the two trucks. However, when he saw Li Jun and Li Shuanghu jumping out of the car, When the two of them were together, he was a little stunned.

Li Jun and Li Shuanghu jumped out of the car with cold expressions and showed their retirement certificates to these policemen. At the same time, the platoon leader of the New Sixth Army's baggage regiment also jumped out of the car and came over cursingly. Chen Weiyan's men shouted: "What the hell are you checking?

I am from the New Sixth Army, and I was ordered to send malfunctioning firearms to the repair shop of the Chongqing Ordnance Department! What right do you have to stop the vehicle for inspection?"

When Chen Weiyan saw Li Jun, Li Jun also saw Chen Weiyan. After the two people met, they were both stunned.

Chen Weiyan didn't expect that Li Jun would be in these two cars, and Li Jun didn't expect to run into the bastard Chen Weiyan here. Chen Weiyan helped Bai Hui deal with him, Zhu Wenchang, and Feng Tianhao, and fired them. After leaving the spy camp, Chen Weiyan secretly arranged for his people to secretly escort Li Jun and Zhu Wenchang out of Zhijiang and transport them to Kunming. He even ordered the staff of his baggage regiment not to leave on the road. Just kill three people.

But the result surprised Chen Weiyan. He never expected that the injured Li Jun and the three people actually ran away halfway and even ran back to Zhijiang. Later, the battalion commander Fang 㡣 came back and killed Bai Hui by dividing three by five. A group of people were cleaned up, and he was dug out as well. Finally, Liao Yaoxiang chased him out of the New Sixth Army like a dog, almost ruining his future.

If Yao Zhenxing hadn't been so generous and helped him, brought him back to Chongqing and assigned him a job in the police corps, he would have been thrust into that useless place without even realizing it. Went on.

When he saw two New Sixth Army trucks driving onto the bridge today, he was so excited that he quickly stopped the two trucks, but he never expected that the person who jumped out of the truck was actually Li Jun. , not the battalion commander Fang Mi he imagined he wanted to capture.

Li Jun didn't expect to meet Chen Weiyan here who had changed into a police uniform. When he saw Chen Weiyan, he understood everything, so he gave Chen Weiyan an evil smile and walked slowly towards Chen Weiyan.

"Commander Chen! What a coincidence, I met General Chen here! What?

How come Staff Chen has changed his skin like this?

He is no longer in the army?

He is no longer in the army, why did he become a policeman? ?"

Li Jun asked Chen Weiyan with a sneer.

Chen Weiyan's face twitched a few times, he laughed awkwardly, and said to Li Jun: "It turns out to be Company Commander Li! It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect that I could meet Company Commander Li here! I dare to ask Company Commander Li, your battalion commander. "

" So Commander Chen is waiting for our boss here?

Oh, what a coincidence! Our battalion commander didn't come to Chongqing this time. He suddenly remembered that he had something to do, so he got off the car and went back. Zhijiang! Look at what happened. If you had informed me earlier, you wouldn’t have to wait here for so long, right?

What a coincidence!"

Li Jun looked at it with a smirk. The police officers who were surrounding the truck on the bridge saw them climbing onto the truck and searching the truck.

And the platoon leader of the New Sixth Army escorting the car stood under the car and cursed, threatening the police officers who were searching the car not to touch anything. Those were the guns and artillery of their New Sixth Army. If one less thing was missing, they would be in trouble.

The inspection of the vehicle was soon completed. Chen Weiyan's men came over and told Chen Weiyan that the vehicle had been inspected and no target was found. There were only a few drivers and escorts from the New Sixth Army's baggage regiment, and the only one left was Li Jun. and Li Shuanghu.

Chen Weiyan snorted coldly and wanted to arrest Li Jun and Li Shuanghu, but at this time there were many people on the bridge looking at them, some of them were even making fun of them, and then someone shouted: "Oh! Captain Li, there are two more Brother Hu, how come it’s such a coincidence?

I’m Zhang Cheng! Do you still remember me?”

Li Jun turned his head and saw a young man on crutches watching the lively crowd from the bridge. Zhong walked out, with a smile on his face, and walked towards him.

Li Jun took a closer look and recognized that he was indeed a veteran named Zhang Cheng from the company, so he quickly strode over to meet the lame Zhang Cheng and hugged the lame Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng’s left leg was gone from the knee down, leaving only one foot. He could only move with crutches. After seeing Li Jun and Li Shuanghu, tears filled his eyes. He loosened his crutches and one leg was left. Jumping on the ground, he hugged Li Jun. Li Shuanghu also ran over with a cigarette in his mouth and helped this old brother.

"Zhang Cheng, why are you here?"

Li Jun no longer cared about the livid Chen Weiyan on his side, grabbed Zhang Cheng's arm and supported him and asked quickly.

Zhang Cheng said with tears in his eyes: "Don't I have nothing to do?

I can't go back home. I have only one leg left, so I can only stay in Chongqing! I am passing by here and I just happened to see you! What a coincidence. Ah! What a coincidence?"

Chen Weiyan stood nearby with a livid face, looking at Zhang Cheng who suddenly appeared. He didn't know this Zhang Cheng, but from Li Jun's words, he heard that this lame man was also Li Jun and his fellow veterans from the special agent battalion happened to be passing by this bridge and met Li Jun and the others. Now they could no longer suppress the matter.

Even if he forcibly detains Li Jun and Li Shuanghu now, there is no reason for him to forcibly detain this lame man. Even if he forcibly detains this lame man, who can guarantee that among the people watching the excitement on the bridge? , don’t you know this cripple?

So now that he didn't block the battalion commander, he couldn't cover it up even if he did anything, so he turned around and walked aside in anger, lit a cigarette and started smoking, his mind was racing, thinking about what to do what to do.

At this time, one of his subordinates was more clever. He was chatting with the drivers of the New Sixth Army's baggage regiment, and even handed them cigarettes with a smile. After a while, he got what he wanted from the mouths of these drivers and the soldiers escorting the vehicles. news.

After inquiring about the information he wanted, he hurriedly ran towards Chen Weiyan, saluted Chen Weiyan and whispered: "Captain, let me ask clearly, the man named Fang did come to Chongqing in their car, but the guy arrived in advance When I first entered Chongqing, I got out of the car and said I was going to visit an old brother somewhere! I won’t come to Chongqing with the car!”

Chen Weiyan immediately threw the cigarette into the river and asked the subordinates hurriedly: “They Did he get off the bus somewhere? "

" Asked clearly, they said that the man named Fang got off the bus when he entered Wulong County! "

The remaining two people came with the bus! Chen Weiyan's police officer replied to him.

Chen Weiyan was so angry that he had done such a good job and just slipped away from his hands. The man named Fang had indeed come and was already in Chongqing, but he was still several hundred miles away from Chongqing. Where are he now? It's somewhere and I can't figure it out.

Things will be difficult to handle now. If the battalion commander Fang 㡣 comes to Chongqing in these two trucks, then the truck has a big target, and even if there are more cars in Chongqing, there will still not be many in the end. They can completely Among the passing vehicles, it was easy to find the two trucks without disturbing them too much and attracting attention.

But now the battalion commander Fang 㡣 gave up taking the bus and came to Chongqing on foot instead. Now things are not easy to handle. Chongqing now has a population of more than one million, and hundreds of thousands of people enter and exit Chongqing every day. Moreover, there are dozens of roads and bridges in and out of Chongqing. Yao Zhenxing wants to capture the camp and block two trucks before entering the city. They can still do this.

But if the battalion commander Fang 㡣 walked into the city and deliberately bypassed the roads and bridges here, then it would be a fantasy to block all the intersections in and out of Chongqing with the power Yao Zhenxing currently has at his disposal.

Chen Weiyan thought about it now, but couldn't think of a good way, so he punched the iron railings beside the bridge, but the pain immediately made him gasp in cold air, waved his hands and said, "You guys Keep watching here! Keep a close eye on people entering the city, and pay special attention to tall people. That guy is a tall guy, and his figure won't change! Keep an eye on him, don't let that guy take the opportunity to sneak into the city! "Go and do it!"

"What should we do with these two people?"

's police immediately asked Chen Weiyan.

Chen Weiyan glared at Li Jun and Li Shuanghu in the distance fiercely: "Send people to change into plain clothes and follow them. I will keep an eye on them! Look where they are going to stay!"


The policeman under him stood at attention and saluted. .

Chen Weiyan stopped saying hello to Li Jun and walked along the bridge towards the south of the bridge. Li Jun glanced sideways and saw Chen Weiyan out of the corner of his eye and sneered.

On the surface Zhang Cheng was reminiscing with Li Jun and the others, but he was actually paying attention to Chen Weiyan. When he saw Chen Weiyan leaving, he whispered: "Boss Li, Brother Erhu, don't say anything, just follow me!"

Li Jun and Li Shuanghu were not stupid either. They roughly understood as soon as they heard Zhang Cheng's words, so they nodded and continued to pretend to say a few words to Zhang Cheng, patted Zhang Cheng on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the Xinliu who was escorting the car. The platoon leader of the military baggage regiment said to the platoon leader: "Platoon leader Yu, let's just stop here! There have been a lot of troubles along the way! I have made you worry! After you go back, please tell the Wu regiment on behalf of me and our boss. Thank you very much for troublesome brothers! This is our wish. Our boss specially asked us to buy a few packs of cigarettes for our brothers when we get off the bus! Don't be polite, Platoon Leader Yu! "Get off!"

said Li Jun stuffed a cloth bag into platoon leader Yu's hand. Platoon leader Yu knew that there were ten oceans inside, and quickly took Li Jun's hand and said, "Sir, you can't do it!" ! This is really impossible! If you can ride in our car, you are giving us shame! If it weren't for you, we would be dead on the road! How could we accept this before we can thank you? No, no! Absolutely not. If our regiment leader knows about this, our legs will have to be broken!"

said that the platoon leader stuffed the cloth bag into Li Jun's pocket. He was sincere, and he really didn't dare to accept Li Jun's kindness.

Li Jun pushed several times, but failed to give the money to Platoon Leader Yu. He also saw that Platoon Leader Yu was sincere, so he nodded and said: "In this case, I won't force it! We won't force it!" Let's say goodbye. If we meet again in the future, I will treat you to a few drinks, Commander Yu! You are busy with military affairs, so don't delay!"

Platoon Leader Yu suddenly asked in a low voice: "Captain Li, please tell the truth. , what is going on today?

Why do I feel that something is wrong?

Are these gangsters coming against Chief Fang?

What is going on?

, are they rebelling? "

Platoon Leader Yu is neither blind nor deaf. After being stopped today, these policemen produced a search warrant, which was issued by the military commander. Moreover, Platoon Leader Yu could see that these policemen were rushing to their car. The people sitting there were not Li Jun and Li Shuanghu. While they were talking, he also eavesdropped on the conversation between Chen Weiyan and Li Jun, and also heard a police officer asking about the whereabouts of the battalion commander Fang 㡣 from his subordinates.

So he felt keenly that today's things were not simple. It seemed that these police officers were helping the military commander find the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

Li Jun looked around, pulled Platoon Commander Yu to the side of the car, and whispered: "Platoon Commander Yu, to be honest, they are here for our boss! Our boss has offended a bastard of the military commander, and the military commander has always been They wanted to deal with our boss, but they had no chance before, and they didn’t dare to attack our boss in our New Sixth Army, so they waited for our boss here in Chongqing! Fortunately, our boss noticed it in advance and got out of the car in advance to avoid them! But this matter is not over, and they will not let it go! If Platoon Commander Yu has a chance to see Commander Liao this time, then please tell the military commander about this matter. If our boss is wronged and arrested by the military commander, If so, I hope Commander Liao can help!"

Platoon Commander Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "His uncle..." "Shh... Platoon Commander, we are soft-spoken, so don't get involved in this matter. ! Go and hand it over as soon as possible. Only Commander Liao can say anything about this, and no one else can help! This is the way the world is now, and the battle we should fight is over! , it’s time to turn around and deal with us! Thank you, Platoon Commander! Please take care of yourself!”

Li Jun quickly stopped the platoon leader from yelling at him. , took a step back, saluted the platoon leader, and then quickly turned around and left.

Platoon leader Yu was stunned for a while, looking at the backs of Li Jun and Li Shuanghu leaving with their backpacks. Suddenly, he punched the carriage hard and raised his hands to salute their backs. After turning around, he said to the Several policemen driving their car started to curse: "Have you finished the investigation?

Why don't you get out of here after the investigation?

You're blocking the car like a dog, and you still want me to take care of your business?

How about you guys? Get in the car! Let's go! Get out of the way!"

The police actually have no deterrent effect on soldiers. They are usually responsible for targeting ordinary people. Generally speaking, they are soldiers. They don't dare to provoke them. The troops all protect their shortcomings. Even though Platoon Leader Yu is just a small platoon leader, the sign of their New Sixth Army is here. As long as it's not something special, they won't put the police there at all. In their eyes, the police really didn’t dare to do anything to them.

Moreover, the vehicles are currently equipped with guns and cannons. Even if they are broken, they are still military supplies. The police do not dare to mess around. If they fall out, the platoon leader will report to him that the goods are lost. I am sorry. If he was robbed by the police, the New Sixth Army would definitely take the case to the military headquarters. In the end, the police would definitely be left with nothing to lose.

Therefore, Platoon Leader Yu was not polite to these policemen at all. He shouted angrily and drove the policemen aside. He led the people to start the car and drove across the iron bridge into the city of Chongqing with a roar, leaving behind the car. A large cloud of black smoke made the policemen standing behind the car choke and cough. They all looked at the truck in the distance and cursed.

Chen Weiyan quickly met Yao Zhenxing and informed Yao Zhenxing of the situation. After Yao Zhenxing heard this, his brows immediately wrinkled. He stood up and walked around the temporary headquarters several times with his hands behind his back and said angrily: "The surname is Fang. How did you know that we were going to deal with him?

got off the bus early?"

Chen Weiyan shook his head and said: "I don't know about this humble position, but Fang is known to be cunning and cunning. Bai Hui and the others have said that this person has a sense of danger. He has an innate premonition and can predict threats in advance. Maybe he might have had a premonition on his way to Chongqing this time and got off the bus in Wulong County in advance. "It's not impossible!"

Yao Zhenxing thought about it! He nodded and said, "It's possible! Someone who wasn't one of us should have leaked the news. In that case, they wouldn't have time to notify this bastard! This is a bit of a problem!"

"What should we do now?

This guy got off the car and walked If so, it will be difficult for us to stop him! With our current manpower, it is difficult to cover all the entrances to the city. If we want to block him outside the city and arrest him, it will be very difficult now! "

Chen Weiyan said to Yao Zhenxing.

Yao Zhenxing clasped his hands behind his back like a trapped animal, circling back and forth in the room. After thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "Don't retreat yet, continue to set up points at various intersections to intercept him, and also deploy some manpower to strengthen the attack on Cheng Yan'er and The monitoring of Fan Xingchen and others must be done 24 hours a day! If the person named Fang really sneaks into the city, he will definitely contact these people. In addition, Li Jun and Li Shuanghu who just entered the city must also contact them. Monitor them immediately! Keep an eye on them, and you can find the person named Fang!"

Yao Zhenxing finally stopped and said to Chen Weiyan.

Chen Weiyan immediately stood at attention and said: "Bizhi understands! Beizhi has sent people to follow that Li Jun and Li Shuanghu! I will definitely strengthen the monitoring in the area I am responsible for, and will never let him sneak into the city from the intersection of the area I am responsible for! "

"Well! I know your ability. You have arranged this well! If you do it well, I will definitely give you a good future!"

Yao Zhenxing said to Chen Weiyan. At that time, when Yao Zhenxing was employing people, he naturally understood how to create a big cake for his subordinates and ask them to work harder.

Chen Weiyan immediately became excited, stood at attention and saluted again, and said a lot of words of assurance to Yao Zhenxing, vowing to capture the battalion commander Fang.

After Chen Weiyan left, Yao Zhenxing immediately called the personnel in charge at each intersection, informing them that the first interception and arrest operation had failed. Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 had got off the bus early and did not enter Chongqing by car. He might be walking towards Chongqing now. While walking, he ordered various places to strengthen inspections of pedestrians entering the city, so as to prevent him from sneaking into Chongqing through these intersections.

After Bai Hui learned about it, he immediately felt very depressed, but he did not consider that someone among them had leaked the news, because he knew the battalion commander Fang Mi very well, and knew that the battalion commander Fang Mi had a very uncanny premonition of danger, and it was most likely that he He felt threatened on the way here, so he got off the bus in Wulong County in advance.

Now that this is the case, Bai Hui has no good solution. He can only order his subordinates to stop staring at the trucks on the road and instead monitor the pedestrians on the road. At the same time, he tells his subordinates that they must focus on checking tall people and not let them go. Passed a tall man and entered the city without inspection.

After Cao Youde and Kong Quan learned the news, they both expressed frustration. They were all downcast and disappointed. After receiving Bai Hui's order, they immediately went to the intersections they were responsible for to strengthen the monitoring of pedestrians. Whenever you see a tall person, check them out immediately.

Now the photo of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 has been sent to everyone. Everyone has remembered the appearance of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣, and all intersections have begun to strengthen surveillance of pedestrians on the road.

At the same time, Yao Zhenxing called the men responsible for monitoring Fan Xingchen and Cheng Yaner to him and asked them about Fan Xingchen and Cheng Yaner's situation in the past few days.

A military spy responsible for monitoring Fan Xingchen said: "I haven't noticed anything unusual about Mr. Fan in the past two days. He is still the same. He goes out to drink tea when he has nothing to do. When he is free, he drinks at home with his former subordinates who visit him. The day before yesterday, I took a rickshaw to Shancheng Road and returned home after lunch. I didn’t find that he had contacted Zhu Wenchang and others in the city! In addition, Zhu Wenchang and Zhao Ershuan had nothing unusual these past two days. Wenchang went to Fan's house, but Fan Xingchen was not there, so he went back. Today, he had some wine with Zhao Ershuan at his residence and played mahjong for a while at the door. Zhao Ershuan still had nothing to do, so he went to Fan's business to help! Unloading and loading, in short, these people who have been responsible for the past two days have not found anything wrong with them."

Another agent responsible for monitoring Cheng Yan'er said: "Cheng Yan'er has not done anything unusual in the past two days, and he is still normal. At work, she has continued to report and apply for resignation in the past two days! No special personnel have been found to have contact with her! "Well! You must strengthen your surveillance and never let any of them leave your sight." Fang is now temporarily out of our sight, and may infiltrate into the city next. If this person sneaks into the city, we will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack to catch him. Only by keeping an eye on these people can we possibly catch him. ! Especially Cheng Yan'er! You must not relax, you must monitor her 24 hours a day, and you must not let her leave your sight!"

Yao Zhenxing ordered these subordinates.

"Yes! We will monitor them closely! As long as that person named Fang dares to show up, we will arrest him immediately!"

Several agents immediately agreed loudly.

After Fan Xingchen told his father about the battalion commander Fang 㡣, he stopped as per his father's request, and resumed his usual activities on the surface every day, going out to a nearby teahouse to drink some tea and listen to a song. Occasionally, when friends came to visit, he would hold a banquet and drink some wine so that the military secret agents who were staring at him would not notice anything unusual.

However, Fan Xingchen has been feeling heartbroken these past two days, because he has never received any news about the safety of the battalion commander Fang Ji, and can only communicate with the outside world through Liu Yan and a housekeeper at home.

Liu Yan and the housekeeper kept walking around the city, reporting back to Fan Xingchen all the news they received.

Now they have confirmed that checkpoints have appeared at various intersections and bridges in the northeastern urban-suburban junction of Chongqing. They are monitoring and inspecting trucks entering the city. They seem to be looking for specific targets. This is completely confirmed. The news they had received before was that the military commander had indeed set up a blockade at the intersection entering the city to arrest the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

But so far, the people in the military command have gained nothing. This means that the car in which Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 was riding may not have arrived in Chongqing and was delayed on the way. It also shows that Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 has not yet fallen into the hands of military commanders.

In addition, Zhu Wenchang asked Liu Yu to tell Fan Xingchen that he had mobilized all available personnel in the city. Most of these personnel were retired veterans of the secret service camp. As long as they were not targeted by the military commander, all of them should leave the city and follow the battalion commander's direction. He searched the possible roads to Chongqing outside the city and tried to block the battalion commander Fang Ji before he entered the city to prevent the battalion commander Fang Ji from falling into the hands of the military commander.

Zhu Wenchang even made preparations. He ambushed people at various important intersections, prepared a small amount of explosives, and watched at the intersections. If the battalion commander Fang Yi was unfortunately blocked by the military commander, these personnel would detonate the explosives and take advantage of the situation. They randomly covered the escape of Battalion Commander Fang Min. All in all, we must not let Battalion Commander Fang Min fall into the hands of the military commander.

Fan Xingchen was a little worried about this. An explosion in Chongqing is not a trivial matter. The impact will be very large. Once an explosion occurs to rescue Chang Fang, I am afraid that the battalion commander Fang will be charged with this crime. , became a wanted criminal and could no longer be seen in public.

So Fan Xingchen asked the housekeeper to go to Zhu Wenchang and tell Zhu Wenchang that it was best not to cause an explosion unless it was absolutely necessary. Doing so would make the camp commander Fang 㡣 unjust and completely put the battalion commander Fang 㡣 in the scapegoat.

In addition, Fan Xingchen also met Su Jingming. Su Jingming arrived at Fan's house on the night Fan Xingchen asked him for help. He told Fan Xingchen that Chen Xiao informed Cheng Yan'er of the matter that afternoon, and Cheng Yan'er made a very big decision. The serious issue is her own safety.

Once the military commander fails to capture the battalion commander Fang 㡣, Cheng Yaner will be the last trump card in their hand. The military commander has never had any bottom line in his work and will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal.

Yao Zhenxing knew very well the weakness of Battalion Commander Fang Mi. The destiny of Battalion Commander Fang Mi was Cheng Yan'er. As long as he controlled Cheng Yan'er, Battalion Commander Fang Mi would not be able to leave Chongqing and escape on his own.

So Cheng Yan'er felt that once Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 escaped Yao Zhenxing's first round of arrests, Yao Zhenxing would most likely attack her, find an excuse to control her, and force Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 to show up. In that case, Battalion Commander Fang 㡣It's dangerous.

Cheng Yaner is not afraid of Yao Zhenxing arresting her. She has told Chen Xiao that if Yao Zhenxing tries to arrest her to force the battalion commander Fang 㡣 to show up and submit, she would rather commit suicide than let herself be humiliated in the hands of Yao Zhenxing.

Through long-term understanding, Cheng Yan'er now knows that Yao Zhenxing is a lustful person and a psychopath. Yao Zhenxing hates the battalion commander Fang 㡣, so once he catches Cheng Yan'er with his face, he will definitely not let Cheng Yan'er go. Cheng Yan'er will do it for herself She is innocent and will never let herself fall into Yao Zhenxing's hands.

So Cheng Yaner asked Chen Xiao to inform Fan Xingchen and, if possible, ask Fan Xingchen to find a way to send her out of Chongqing as soon as possible. Only when she left Chongqing did Yao Zhenxing lose his trump card against the battalion commander Fang 㡣.

But if Fan Xingchen could not send her out of Chongqing, for the sake of her own innocence and that of the battalion commander, once Yao Zhenxing attacked her, she would immediately choose to commit suicide.

Fan Xingchen was slightly startled after hearing Su Jingming's words. What Cheng Yan'er was worried about was not impossible. A sinister person like Yao Zhenxing had no bottom line. Once he was targeted, he would not achieve his goal. If they don't give up, if the capture of Battalion Commander Fang Er fails in the early stage, Yao Zhenxing, a mad dog, is indeed very likely to jump over the wall and attack Cheng Yan'er.

Yao Zhenxing is a smart man. He knows very well the life gate of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣. Cheng Yaner is the life gate of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣. As long as he controls Cheng Yaner, it is equivalent to tying up the hands and feet of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 with ropes. Battalion Commander Fang 㡣I have no choice but to surrender.

He also knew Cheng Yan'er's character. Cheng Yan'er had a tough personality and was straightforward. She said and did whatever came to her mind. She also clearly recognized the threat she posed to the battalion commander Fang 㡣, so she made such a decision.

If Yao Zhenxing really attacks her, Fan Xingchen absolutely believes that Cheng Yaner will choose to commit suicide without hesitation and will never let herself fall into the hands of Yao Zhenxing and become a tool used by Yao Zhenxing to threaten the battalion commander Fang into submission. .

This is the most terrifying thing. If Yao Zhenxing is really desperate to control Cheng Yan'er and finally forces Cheng Yan'er to commit suicide, then this will be a disaster.

No one knows the energy of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 better than him. Once this happens, Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 will completely stand on the opposite side of the National Government and will definitely use all his energy to Chongqing is turned upside down. He will never stop until Yao Zhenxing is killed. The battalion commander Fang 㡣 who picked up the gun is an absolutely terrifying existence in Fan Xingchen's eyes. No one can control him. When the time comes, the battalion commander Fang 㡣 will Will transform into a vengeful god.

Fan Xingchen definitely doesn’t want to see this happen, because once this happens, I don’t know how many people will have to pay with their lives for Yao Zhenxing’s selfishness and narrow-mindedness.

Once this happens, Fan Xingchen cannot stay out of it, or he chooses to continue to stand firmly by the side of the battalion commander Fang 㡣 and help the battalion commander Fang 㡣 take revenge on Yao Zhenxing. This also means that he and his father will completely break up, and follow Battalion Commander Fang Ji stood on the opposite side of the National Government and became its enemy.

Or he could only choose to stand on the opposite side of the battalion commander Fang 㡣, help Yao Zhenxing, and put the battalion commander Fang 㡣 to death.

Besides these two roads, there will be no third road for him to choose, but he is unwilling to choose these two roads. He is not willing to completely break with his father and stand on the opposite side of the National Government. , as Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 declared war on the entire current national system, he was even more unwilling to become a betrayer, betrayed Battalion Commander Fang 㡣, stood on the opposite side of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣, and helped Yao Zhenxing put Battalion Commander Fang 㡣 to death.

So when Fan Xingchen thought about the consequences, he broke into a cold sweat and even panicked for a while.

After thinking about it, he felt that he could not handle this matter by himself. With his current ability, he simply could not easily get Cheng Yan'er out of Chongqing.

The only person who could help him was his father, so he immediately found his father again and told his father his worries.

Fan Xingchen's father also fell silent after hearing Fan Xingchen's words. After a long time, Fan's father raised his head and asked Fan Xingchen: "If this really happens, I want to know what you will do. What kind of choice?"

Fan Xingchen's facial features were squeezed together. He held his head with both hands and held his hair. He lowered his head for a long time before slowly putting down his hands and raising his head. He looked at his father with painful eyes and said: " I think I might go with him! Turn the whole of Chongqing upside down!"

Fan's father nodded expressionlessly, and then asked, "Do you think it's worth it?"

Fan Xingchen was silent for a long time. After a while, he finally answered: "For me, it may not be worth it! But if I don't do this, I won't be able to face my conscience! The battalion commander Fang Min is a hero of the country and a hero of the anti-Japanese war!" No one has the right to do this to him! Maybe he was right before, the Kuomintang is really rotten to the core! Maybe smashing it is the only way out for China! I really believed what he said, but now I start to believe it! When a country is ruled by people like Yao Zhenxing and others, there will be no distinction between black and white! People like Lian Yaohui who have done great things for the country, When everyone is being framed for a trivial matter, what hope does this country have?

What's more, when the Japanese have just announced their surrender and have not completely laid down their weapons, these urban foxes and rats are going crazy towards their former enemies. The heroes of the country have launched their revenge! Isn't it worth it for me to stand up and help Yaohui resist?" After listening to Fan Xingchen's words, Fan's father stood up silently and walked slowly around the room with his hands behind his back. His expression kept changing, sometimes frustrated, sometimes angry, sometimes showing a hint of relief, but mostly worried and disappointed.

There was silence in the room for a while, and only the sound of Fan's father pacing back and forth in the room was left. After a while, Fan's father stopped and sighed: "Okay! I will try my best to help. Yaohui and Cheng Yan'er, I will definitely find a way to protect Cheng Yan'er! Let's find a way together, don't be impulsive!"

After thanking his father, Fan Xingchen returned to his residence and saw Liu Yan. Sitting in his room, playing with some things, he saw that it was a mortar shell, but the tail and fuse had been removed. Liu Yan was inserting an electric detonator into the shell, along with wires and batteries. , one glance revealed that this guy was building a bomb, and at the same time there were two grenades at his feet.

"Where did you get it?"

Fan Xingchen was startled and asked quickly. If this thing exploded, the roof of his house would probably be blown off.

Liu Yan didn't even raise his head and said: "This is not easy. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't get on the black market?

Don't talk about it. Some brothers have already obtained pistols and bullets on the black market! I still like it Playing with explosives, this is what the boss taught me. I hope I don’t use it, but if Yao really catches the boss, then I will treat Yao to eat this iron melon! Fantou, that mirror box of yours! Lend it to me! If something happens, I won't bother you!"

Fan Xingchen was stunned for a while. He knew that the matter was no longer something he could handle. These brothers are all die-hard supporters of Battalion Commander Fang 㡣. After learning that the military commander was going to deal with the battalion commander Fang 㡣, they were all really angry, and each made their own choice, that is, once the battalion commander Fang 㡣 was arrested, they would no longer be polite, and they would follow The military commander fought tooth and nail.

Fan Xingchen said no more, turned around and went to his bedroom, took out a mirror box he had been carrying, and threw it in front of Liu Yan.

This mirror box was not actually given to him by his father. The gun was taken and used by the battalion commander Fang 㡣 when he met him a long time ago. Later, the gun was damaged. After arriving in India , the battalion commander Fang Min got the m1911, seized the mirror box, and gave the gun to Fan Xingchen.

After Fan Xingchen used it for a while, he felt that this mirror case was a bit useless, so he also changed it to an m1911. He sent this gun back to Chongqing as a souvenir. After he came back this time, Fan’s father took this gun back to Chongqing. The mirror box was given to him in exchange and hung on the wall of his bedroom.

"I can give you the gun, but if that time comes, you must call me!"

"That will hurt your Fan family!"

Liu Yan put down the bomb, picked up the mirror box, pulled it out, and pulled it back and forth a few times. After checking the gun, he pulled out the magazine and looked at it. He nodded with satisfaction and said to Fan Xingchen.

"It's out of the question! My life was originally given to me by the boss! What's the point of not being implicated?

Just do it!"

Fan Xingchen said calmly.

Liu Yan raised her head and stared at Fan Xingchen's face for a while. Suddenly she grinned and said, "Boss, it's not a loss to have a brother like you!"

"Of course it's not a loss! Haha, this guy has made a lot of money!" "