Liu Heng was the fourth son of Han Emperor Liu Bang and Bo Ji. His biological mother Bo Ji was not favored by Liu Bang, so Liu Heng had no chance of becoming the crown prince.

Liu Heng was the fourth son of Han Gaozu Liu Bang and Bo Ji . His biological mother Bo Ji was not favored by Liu Bang, so Liu Heng had no chance of becoming the prince. But the truth is so magical. The more you desperately want something, you just can't get it, and the things you don't want just come to your door.

Liu Heng was hit by a pie in the sky. In September 180 BC, Liu Heng was surprised by the news that he went to Beijing to inherit the throne. At that time, Liu Heng was not overjoyed after receiving the notice. After all, the Lu family was too harsh on the royal family surnamed Liu when they were in power.

The first thing Liu Heng thought of was Empress Lu's conspiracy, so on the one hand, he sent people to the capital to inquire about the news; on the other hand, he conducted divination in the palace, and only after getting good news, he took people to the capital to succeed to the throne. Three months after Liu Heng successfully ascended the throne, in order to stabilize the foundation of the Han Dynasty, ministers requested the establishment of a prince to consolidate the country's foundation.

The prince is the foundation of the country, and the stability of the prince's position is of extraordinary significance to the stability of Liu Heng's country. But why should he refuse? Liu Heng: I did it on purpose.

When the minister wrote a letter requesting Liu Hengli's eldest son Liu Qi to be the prince. What is surprising is that Liu Heng actually refused, and even suggested choosing a worthy person from the clan as the prince. Did Liu Heng really not want to make his son the emperor?

Liu Heng's own succession to the throne had an unexpected ending. Of course, all this was inseparable from his ability to keep a low profile. In order to avoid the persecution of Empress Lu, he refused to be crowned King of Zhao by Empress Lu. At that time, King Zhao had a high-risk title. Several Zhao kings surnamed Liu died mysteriously, and Liu Heng was trying to save his life. He refused to be granted the title of King of Zhao and was willing to take the lead as his legitimate mother, so he was able to save his life.

He and his mother stayed in a small and poor place, carefully avoiding Empress Lu's liquidation. Under the guidance of his mother Bo Ji, he began to learn from Lao Tzu's rule of inaction. Manage on behalf of in an orderly manner. It was his low-key and humble character that made him become the emperor.

And when he became emperor, he was not succeeded by his father after his father died, but by his brother who was elected by the ministers except Lu. But now that he immediately made his son the crown prince after he succeeded to the throne, it seemed a bit unethical, so he proposed to let his uncle be elected crown prince. Isn't this ridiculous?

Liu Heng was 23 years old when he succeeded to the throne, but his uncle was much older than him. If his uncle was a capable person, how could Liu Heng be the emperor of the Han Dynasty? The second time, he still refused the advice of the ministers and let Liu Bang's other grandchildren be elected princes. Just imagine if Liu Bang's grandchildren could still become princes, how could Liu Heng become emperor?

Therefore, Liu Hengming gave up the position of prince, but in fact he was leaving a good image of benevolence, virtue and humility for himself. After the third rejection, he knew that the crown prince was none other than Liu Qi. Therefore, Liu Heng refused to choose his son as the prince. In fact, he did it on purpose. After all, the position of prince must belong to Liu Qi.