The author of "Watching Beauties While Drunk" by Xiao Wenzi, Volume 1: The Stubborn Talent Show Girl - Wang Zhao [1] Zhaojun is a stubborn girl. Her story takes place during a palace draft. The palace draft, to put it bluntly, is when the emperor selects his mistress. The ancient

Drunk and burning the midnight oil to look at beauties

Author Xiao Wenzi

The first series of The Alluring Country

Falling Wild Goose: The Stubborn Talent Show Girl——Wang Zhao


Zhaojun is a stubborn girl.

Her story happened during a palace draft.

Palace draft, to put it bluntly, is when the emperor chooses his wife. The ancients did not practice monogamy, and there was no limit to the number of wives, as long as they could support them. A poor man may not have money to marry a wife, but a rich man can have three wives and four concubines. The emperor is different from ordinary people. After a few years, on a whim, he will mobilize people to choose a new wife from all over the country.

Ordinary people have to go through a lot of fuss when marrying a daughter-in-law. When an emperor chooses a wife, the situation is not ordinary. There are many beauties in the world, but there is only one emperor, so the procedure is quite complicated. It generally requires voluntary registration and local government recommendation. After the audition is eliminated, a small number of the remaining ones enter the palace to participate in the finals. Only those who win in the finals can get the opportunity to serve the emperor.

This time, Emperor Han YuanLiu Shi wants to choose his mistress.

Wang Zhaojun participated in the most famous draft in history.

Unlike Xi Shi's pure grassroots, Zhaojun was already the legendary most beautiful woman in Zigui, Hubei (now part of Yichang, Hubei) before her "debut". She was both beautiful and talented, and her family was well off. Based on her ability, winning this draft is a breeze. However, extraordinary beauty does not mean winning or even being favored. To successfully join the emperor's concubines, beauty is only a necessary condition, not a sufficient one. Zhaojun also lacks the same important quality.

Every competition has rules, and some competitions often have hidden rules. The format of this draft in the palace finals stage has such a problem.

Because there were too many women in the draft, and there was only one judge as the emperor, Brother Liu Shi, after taking care of everything, had no time to inspect them one by one, so he could only ask the painter to draw pictures for him to criticize. Many human factors can be added to hand-painted portraits. In this case, the painter has a lot to gain. If he gives you favors, he can make your eyes wider and your nose higher and your chin to be sharper; if he doesn't give you favors, he might just give you rosacea with a shake of his hand.

We have seen too many model competitions nowadays. They have a big stage, a lot of cameras, and a lot of audiences, allowing you to constantly change into evening gowns, cheongsams, and swimsuits. No one can fake it. This shows how fair and open the competition system is. important.

The painter who drew Wang Zhaojun's pictures was called Mao Yanshou. Before the painting started, he gave Zhaojun enough tips, saying: "I draw the nose first when I draw a person, and the emperor looks at the picture first when looking at the person." That means that the emperor should look at the picture first. When he sees you in person, he must first make him satisfied with your portrait. I am painting this portrait, so you have to be happy!

Unfortunately, he met the stubborn girl Zhaojun.

(updated every Monday to be continued)

July 30, 2022