Zhuge Liang set fire to Chibi? Or Zhou Yu burning Chibi? Who wins after the war? Who is the winner?

In October of 208 AD, Zhuge Liang dispatched Soochow from Jiangxia to persuade Sun Quan to join forces with Liu Bei to fight against Cao Cao . In order to realize the first step of "Longzhong pairing", occupy Jingzhou .

As for Cao Cao, seeing Liu Bei escaped to Jiangxia, he planned to take Jiangxia in one go. When Liu Bei was defeated and retreated to Xiakou, he and Zhuge Liang joined forces with Sun Quan to fight against Cao Cao. Lu Su also happened to ask Liu Bei what his next plan was. Liu Bei first tested Lu Su and said he was going to vote for Cangwu Prefect. Lu Su hurriedly persuaded Liu Bei, saying how good Sun Quan was, the two should join forces and so on.

In the middle of Liu Bei's arms, both sides have the intention of joining forces. Lu Su suggested that Liu Bei move his troops to Fankou, so that it would be closer to Chaisang, where the Wu army was stationed. Afterwards, they went to see Zhuge Liang alone. First, they talked about their relationship with Zhuge Jin . As for Zhuge Liang, he and Liu Bei had already planned to join Sun Quan. Naturally, they went to Jiangdong with Lu Su.

Zhuge Liang saw Sun Quan for the first time. He knew that Sun Quan was not a mediocre leader, and that he could not be persuaded by rhetoric. He is well aware of the hearts of the world, and if he asks directly, it may not work, and he continues to use the radical method.

What kind of a radical method? Let me first say that you, Sun Quan, are powerful and have a land in the east of the Yangtze River. Besides, my lord Liu Bei is no less. Sitting on Hannan , even though he is defeated, it is nothing but a place where heroes are useless. It is also said that Cao Cao, unifying the north, is unparalleled in the world. If you, Sun Quan, can't beat him, surrender as soon as possible.

What about Sun Quan?I was in the middle of the plot. I directly said that I wanted to fight Cao Cao to the death. I was afraid that Liu Bei had just failed. Is the army capable of fighting? Zhuge Liang saw through Sun Quan's mind at once, and bluntly said that Cao Cao was at the end of the force, Liu Bei was the lord of benevolence and righteousness, and Lu Su was helping, Sun Quan decided to join forces with Liu Bei to fight against Cao Cao.

If you are undecided about internal affairs, ask Zibu, if you are undecided about foreign affairs, ask about Zhou Yu . This is Sun Ce 's account to Sun Quan before his death. Zhang Zibu brought a group of civil servants to descend from the main faction.

Of course, those who are familiar with the battle of Chibi know that there are also links to Zhuge Liang's tongue-in-cheek battle with Confucian scholars, Zhiji Zhou Yu, and thatched boat borrowing arrows, etc. So who set the fire in Chibi? Is it Zhou Yu? Or Zhuge Liang? Or Lu Su?

Three Kingdoms It is recorded that Zhou Yu burned a fire in Chibi and saved the people of Jiangdong. I can also think that Huang Gai set the fire, because Huang Gai took the lead in lighting the boat and rushed towards Cao Ying. I can also think that Sun Quan burned it. If Sun Quan surrendered and did not fight, then the burning of Chibi would not exist.

Zhou Yu used a countermeasure to get rid of the two generals Cai Mao and Zhang Yun in Cao's camp, and used a bitter plan to lure Huang Gai to deceive. The ship was burnt, and everyone was contributing to the burning of Chibi. So who came up with the fire attack? When Cao Cao tied the boat, Zhou Yu was already very happy and invited Zhuge Liang to discuss matters. The heroes saw the same thing.Zhuge Liang was a veteran of using fire again, the two hit it off, smiled at each other, and left the camp without saying much.

This is the mantra that people describe now when things are almost done. Growing up by the river on Sunday, knowing that the southeast wind is unlikely to blow in early November, I am depressed all day long, I am afraid that all my efforts will be in vain.

Zhuge Liang thought of this problem one step earlier. He watched the stars all night and the weather from the sun. It was expected that after 20 days, there would be a southeasterly wind. Zhou Yu saw Zhuge Liang's assertive words, so he planned to launch a general attack on the 22nd of this month.

Zhuge Liang returned to Liu Bei's army by boat to prepare for the battle. Zhou Yu went all the way to the riverside, looking at the distant shadow of Gufan, he sighed in his heart that he was not as good as Kong Ming, and Kong Ming could not be used by Soochow, also Nothing can be done.

There was a fire in Chibi, which destroyed Cao Cao's army of 200,000. This fire was the third fire that Zhuge Liang came out of the mountain, but it was not set by Zhuge Liang alone, but by everyone. Why is this fire in Chibi so attractive? Because after this fire, the first step of Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong pair" will be realized.

Cao Cao led his defeated army to flee all the way, and was continuously intercepted by Sun and Liu's allied forces. After finally escaping to Jiangling, he returned to Xudu the next day, and ordered Cao Ren to guard Nanjun , Xiahou Dun to guard Xiangyang , and Zhang Liao to go to the east to guard Hefei. Zhou Yu led his army to cross the river and approached the city of Jiangling, and fought hard with Cao Ren for more than a year.In the end, Cao Ren voluntarily gave up Jiangling and retreated to Xiangyang, before Wu Jun entered Jiangling.

When Zhuge Liang saw Zhou Yu and Cao Ren fighting hard in Jiangling, he knew that the opportunity was coming, so he discussed with Liu Bei to attack the four prefectures of Jingzhou south of the Yangtze River, so as to have a place to live. Therefore, let Guan Yu take Changsha and Wuling, and Zhao Yun take Guiyang and Lingling.

Zhuge Liang pointed out in the first step of "Longzhong Duo" that he would take most of the land in Jingzhou to give Liu Bei a foothold for development. So apart from Zhuge Liang, didn't anyone else think of this fertile land in Jingzhou?

Lu Su once offered a plan to Sun Quan, saying: "The Han Dynasty cannot be revived, and Cao Cao cannot be eliminated. For the general's plan, only the tripod is in the east of the Yangtze River to see the changes in the world. Suppress the Huangzu, and attack the Liu Biao. Extreme, according to it, then build the title of the emperor, in order to map the world." This is a "Longzhong pair"

Eastern Wu general Gan Ning Zeng offered a plan to Sun Quan: "Today's Han Zuo is getting weaker, Cao Cao is more arrogant, In the end, it will be usurped. The land of Nanjing, the shape of mountains and tombs, and the circulation of rivers and rivers, is a matter of the country's west. Chuguan, the big event is wider, and you can get a glimpse of Bashu." This is another "Longzhong pair"

After the battle of Chibi, Liu Bei gained the most, not only with a base , and also conquered a group of contemporary heroes, such as Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Pang Tong, Ma Liang, etc.

For Zhuge Liang, the great success was that he won a large base for Liu Bei not long after his debut. He successfully realized the first step of his strategic idea of ​​uniting Wu and resisting Cao Cao, capturing Jingzhou, capturing Bashu, dividing the world into three parts, and unifying the Central Plains, which he proposed in Longzhong.

Some people say that Zhuge Liang's power is weak, but when talking about relatives, compared to Liu Bei Group, Zhuge Liang's power is second to none.

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