Decisive Battle at Mount Sanfeng: Textbook example of Mongolian cavalry tactics

As the pinnacle of large-scale cavalry tactics in the Middle Ages, the Mongols' group combat mode has always been a legend that later military scientists talked about. And their opponents often come up with all kinds of quick success methods to deal with them. It's just that these short-term tactics often fail immediately after having a temporary effect.

A rare period of strategic opportunity

After the Battle of Yehuling, the Mongols quickly came back and took the Golden State Capital

1211 After the Battle of Yehuling, Jin not only lost most of his combat power, but also made himself extremely passive strategically. The small Juyong Pass was unable to stop the Mongolian cavalry from going south to encircle Zhongdu. After a long siege, the connection between the mainland and the northeastern mainland of Jin was completely cut off.

In order to shrink the line of defense, we will start again with a picture. Jin Guo took the initiative to abandon the entire Hebei, which is tantamount to actually abandoning the land of Longxing in the mountains and forests of Northeast Asia. With the Mongols taking control of Shanxi, Hebei, and Liaodong, the Kingdom of Jin has completely become a Central Plains country from the south of the Yellow River to the north of the Huai River. According to common sense, the fate of Jin Guo has also come to an end. However, a series of international changes that occurred immediately gave Jin Guo a rare respite.

Under Mongolian oppression, the lingering Golden State

If today there are still contemporary people who consider Golden State as the ancestor of culture, travel back. It must be possible in North China at the beginning of the 13th century to proudly announce to the world: Our Golden State is the most tenacious resistance against Mongolian cavalry of all countries!

But this kind of illusion, even the ancients, is actually determined by Mongolia's own nomadic group. After unifying the various parts of the grassland, the Mongols have actually developed a close strategic relationship with the Central Asian world to the west. Some grassland Turkic forces that originally resisted Mongolia continued to gather new resistance forces in the western plateau and the Qihe Basin in Central Asia. Even north of the returned Xixia and the newly conquered Yellow River, the situation is still surging.

In the latter part of Genghis Khan's military career, he first sent troops to destroy the Karachidan dynasty, where Prince Naiman was a rebel. The latter changed the original Nestorian Christian faith to Buddhism due to the support of the local Khitan nobles. Subsequently, a vigorous Buddhist holy war movement was launched in various parts of Xiliao. This not only caused Islamic cities in the Western Regions and other places to resist him, but even the remnants of the tribes who originally followed him were discouraged. Karaqidan fell apart immediately after the Mongol cavalry arrived. The Uighurs, Turks, and Western cities that gave up resistance have become enlightened teachers for the Mongols to understand the civilization and settlement culture of Central Asia.

The last Karaqidan army was dominated by Naiman Turks.

Then, using the caravan's killing incident, Genghis Khan moved westward. The first large-scale western expedition that shook the history of Central Asia. Taking advantage of the vacuum period after the decline of the Karachidan and Ghazni dynasties, the Kharazim people gradually built their own embryonic empire in eastern Central Asia. However, the aspiring and talented King Mokomo miscalculated the form of the enemy or the enemy. His loose federation, under the rapid impact of the Mongolian cavalry group, was a complete failure. But the remaining troops under the command of Prince Zalandin have been dealing with Genghis Khan in Afghanistan and North India.

Mongolian cavalry fights the Huarazim cavalry

After defeating the Kwarazim remnant at the Battle of the Indus, the Mongolian army followed Use soldiers against Xixia who is beginning to show signs of resistance. Genghis Khan died of illness in the army before his accomplishment, and only then did the second profuse sweat formally embark on the big stage of history. But need to get Kuriel TerraceThe regulations approved by the conference made the Mongols wait another three years before confirming the official status of Wo Kuotai.

It is already the autumn of 1229 at this time. The people of Jin Guo have obtained a precious period of strategic opportunity in a few years. They don't have a leisurely feeling, and they count the resistance of Hua Lazi Mo and Xixia people as a sense of accomplishment. On the contrary, after a series of drastic and short-term reforms, Jin Guoren's combat effectiveness has risen compared to the Yehuling period.

Mongolia’s westward campaign gave the Golden Kingdom more time

Fortress country south of the Yellow River

Mongol Empire

After actively abandoning Hebei and other places, the people of the Kingdom of Jin moved the capital to the former capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng. The strategic defense issues that plagued the Northern Song Dynasty in the past are now also issues that Jin Guoren need to consider.

On the one hand, according to the historical experience of the Northern Song Dynasty, powerful enemies can easily penetrate into Henan from Hebei and other places. Although the Yellow River is one of the largest rivers, it is far less open in many places than the Yangtze River in the south. In the freezing season, the easy-to-freeze river surface is impossible to protect the colorful world in the south. The Guanzhong Basin in the northwest has also been shrouded in the Hetao area for a long time, and it is difficult for Jin Guoren to stick to it for a long time. Therefore, in the former Northern Song Dynasty, the front line of national defense and troops were mainly concentrated in Hebei.

Jin Guoren who retired to Henan often face the threat of being attacked by Kaifeng

On the other hand, the Jurchen nobles at this time have been sinicized Deep, but still using the only remaining resources in the Central Plains area, doing the best . In addition to increasing the urban defenses of some key cities, new troops were recruited from the Han people from all over the country to form a defense force with a total strength of 200,000. This brand-new Jin Guohan army is similar to the Northern Song army in terms of weapons and tactics. But in terms of the quality of soldiers and the bravery of generals, they are even better. The most famous one is the Flower Hat Army commanded by the famous Han army general Wang Zhanghui.

When the Mongolian general Muhuali's partial division, after occupying Shaanxi and other places. Relying on Tongguan and Hulao, the new army of the Kingdom of Jin insisted on resisting, and kept the Mongolian cavalry out of its Henan private territory for a long time. This is the Golden State, which is already a fortress country south of the Yellow River. They took advantage of the hinterland of the Central Plains to minimize the route of entry and supply. So as to avoid the defects of poor mobility and slow response when facing the Mongolian army. Even if the Mongolian cavalry can penetrate the defense line, it can't help the infantry guarding the city.

The loyal army

has undergone strict selection and training. It is also during this period that a group of young and middle-aged generals gradually grew up. Among them, the most eye-catching is the famous cavalry monk Wanyan Chen. He used the traditional training methods of Jurchen cavalry to rigorously train the cavalry of his unit, and improved morale with generous treatment.

This elite cavalry unit called the Zhongxiao Army has become the core of the mobile force in the late Jin Dynasty. The eight thousand Mongolian elites who defeated the Mongolian star Sutai in Dachangyuan. Also in the Weizhou siege battle, three thousand Turks tore through the Mongol army's heavy encirclement of Zhoucheng. In Daohui Valley near Tongguan, it was also their desperate charge that defeated the Mongols. These few battles with the excellent performance of heavy cavalry to defeat the strong enemy greatly improved the morale of the Golden State army, which has been defeated and defeated.

The loyal army and a large number of Han troops became the last support of the Jin Dynasty

Mongolia’s main force debut

Following the throne, Wo Kuotai is determined to take the Golden State Memorial Flag

In 1229, he sat firmly in the position of Mongolian Khan and determined to use the dying and struggling Jin Kingdom for himself Sacrificial flag. He assembled the Mongolian army returning from Central Asia and the Western Regions and formulated a new set of war strategies against gold. Although the Mongolian army was repelled by the Zhongxiao Army in the early Weizhou Battle, a larger-scale southward expedition came as scheduled in the second year.

According to the strategy formulated by Genghis Khan before his death, the Mongolian army is preparing to make a strategic roundabout from the northwest. A 40,000 army led by General Drag Lei, besieged the Fengxiang Mansion, the main defense of the Golden State. The Mongolian army in this period was not just a mobile army composed of heavy cavalry and light cavalry. With the attachment of many parts of northern China, infantry from the Western Regions and Xixia began to enter. Those Khitan and Han generals who once guarded the border for the Kingdom of Jin also organized infantrymen to fight for the Mongolian Khan after gaining the status of a local vassal.

Because they have lived in a mixed zone of agricultural and animal husbandry for generations, they are familiar with cavalry and are also good at foot combat. They can also build engineering equipment in time to greatly increase Mongolia's siege level.

The addition of the Han army greatly improved the Mongols’ siege level. Obstacles were removed. The Mongolian army used the method of forcibly borrowing the way to bypass Xi'an, which was also heavily guarded, and continued south. While delivering good letters to the Song Dynasty, they attacked the western border area with a large force. After defeating most of the Song Dynasty’s troops in the western border area, it traveled east through the Han River along the Yangtze River through Xingyuan Mansion. Finally entering Hubei, the whole army crossed the Han River and invaded the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. Faced with such a sudden detour, the Jin Guoren, who had previously placed the main force on the northern line of defense, had to turn around and head south.

The most fatal weakness of the Golden Army is the disagreement between the two senior generals. Zhangpingliang province, Pingzhang political affairs Wanyan Heda is the frontline commander who fought in Song Jin, Jin Xia, and Jin Meng battlefields. Xingshang Shu save trouble and transfer Pua is a cron who Jin Xuanzong was promoted during the time of the prince, and played the role of escort when Jin Aizong took the throne. He is a typical general who grew up in the capital.

The two people often disagree on their strategic views. When Wanyan Heda fought with various enemy forces in the two provinces of Shaanxi, he moved Pua and asked Jin Aizong to transfer him back. After obtaining the intelligence of the Mongolian army blitzing in from the southwest, the two together led a large number of northern frontline troops to Dengzhou to find the main force of the Mongolian army.

Mongolian cavalry units going south

When the Golden Army entered Dengzhou, the Mongolian cavalry was still south of the Han River. So the Golden Army faced two choices. They could wait for the Mongols to attack suddenly when they were halfway through, or let the Mongols come ashore and form a decisive battle. The infantry general Zhang Hui believed that the river should be intercepted and attacked. Because of the vast hinterland to the southwest of the Kingdom of Jin, the defenses were empty, and once the enemy's cavalry crossed the river, they could not cope. The high-ranking immigrant Pu Ache said: You know the geography of the south but do not understand the army of the north. When I was in Yuzhou, I got the emperor's decree. The enemy must go to fight even in the desert! What should I do if the enemy runs away like Dachangwon or Dahuigu? !

So, in order to completely eliminate the main force of the Mongolian army, the Golden Army rested for 20 days. When the Mongolian army crossed Hebei, the whole army moved forward to meet the thundering army.

Mongolians who have improved their weapon level a lot


Mongolian cavalry like no man from the northwest

The Golden State Army had very little knowledge about the strength and composition of the Mongolian army before the war. Only after a small-scale contact did it capture the two lost Mongolian Rangers. Through interrogation, they learned that the enemy had the first seven men, and one general commanded them.

The so-called head item refers to the general directly commanded in the army, similar to the prosecutor of the Kingdom of Jin or the commanding officer of the Southern Song Dynasty. The general naturally refers to the commander of the Mongolian army. The seven generals who actually command the army are the veteran Subutai, Hutuhu, Kuiqune, the pioneer Tuxue, Jiang Zhuer, and Wanhu Liu Yiwai, who commanded the Han army. And the Khitanese Xiao Zara'er. In addition, there are also the Han army Wanhu Liu Heng'an, the artillery army marshal Jia La Tahun and other units as auxiliary troops to participate in the battle.

With the restless Golden Army choosing Yushan as the main battlefield, the battle deployment was made in advance. The infantry occupied the dangerous high ground, overlooking the oncoming Mongolian army. The cavalry reserve is hiding behind the hillside, ready to launch a counterattack at any time.


The Mongolian army used the two small flags as the leader to spy on the reality of the golden army, but they were not eager to fight head-on. A large number of cavalry spread out along the front, like a wild goose spreading its wings, surrounding the golden army holding on to the mountain. not only surrounded the Golden Army infantry at the top of the mountain, but even surrounded the Golden Army cavalry unit behind the mountain. The main force of the Mongolian cavalry is nearly 20,000, and they are divided into three teams to advance in sequence. The head coach of the Jin army moved Pua to see the Mongols' formation, and he naively thought that the Mongols wanted to besiege him and would not take the initiative to attack. But his troops deployed across the mountains were soon attacked by the Mongols.

The Mongolian cavalry's combat method is like using water to do a stress test, applying pressure on each link of the enemy to break down the enemy's position. Therefore, the Golden Army infantry holding on to the top of the hill discovered that although the Mongolian light cavalry surged up many times like a wave, they were quickly repelled by the crossbowmen behind the heavy infantry with guns. This head-on confrontation lasted three rounds in total. Found that the Mongolian cavalry could not be taken by force, they circled to the side of the Jin army and charged three consecutive times at the position where the coach moved Pua.

The charging Mongolian heavy cavalry

Jin’s loyal and filial army cavalry, under the anger of the Mongolian arrows, frequently charged back. They encountered the Mongolian heavy cavalry who had come back in front of them, and they fought in the mountains with inconvenient terrain. The Mongolian cavalry has no advantage in this combat environment. The Zhongxiao Army successfully repelled the roundabout enemy.

After that, the Mongolian cavalry attacked the Golden Army infantry at the top of the mountain. The newly replaced troops attacked the exhausted Han soldiers on the flanks. The matter once developed to the point where the chief commander retreated before the entire army would not collapse. Knowing that the Mongolian cavalry could not defeat the Golden Army, they chose to disengage. If the Zhongxiao Army launched a pursuit at this time, it might directly defeat the main force that dragged mines.

However, Yilapua ordered to resolutely not leave, and believed that it was difficult for the Mongols to escape between their troops and the Yangtze River. Unexpectedly, the opponent will disappear without a trace after the next day. The Jin Army pursued for 4 days, but wanted to retreat from Dengzhou City because there was not much food left. The Mongolian cavalry who had been lurking for many days suddenly shot out from a jujube forest, shocking everyone in a cold sweat. Although the main force defeated the enemy due to tight defense, the heavy troops were still looted. After being surrounded for a whole day of offensive, they withdrew into Dengzhou City at night.

The whereabouts of the weird Mongolian riding archer

The soul returns to Sanfeng Mountain

0awoku8#588#588#588 Taiwan’s main force went directly south from the true north

When the most important field army of the Kingdom of Jin was contained in the south, MongoliaThe real main force of the army only began to move south. Dahan Wo Kuotai personally led the troops and pointed directly to Bianliang, the capital of the Kingdom of Jin. Because the field troops were transferred, it was impossible for the scattered militia forces to block the Mongolian cavalry. Jin Aizong could only order the southern troops to be recalled.

In February of 1232, the troops led by Pua and Wanyan Heda were moved and left Dengzhou. At this time, they still have 20,000 cavalry including the Loyalty Army and at least twice as many infantry. More King Qin troops joined in midway, including local officials and concentrated militia garrisons. This allowed an unprecedented expansion in the scale of entry, including all kinds of civil servants and escorts, is 130,000 people.

Mongolian cavalry who constantly monitored and harassed the Golden Army

The cavalry who towed mine has been following the Golden Army throughout the process. . They will not only approach the opponent's troops to shoot arrows, but also spend a lot of effort to disrupt the heavy team. Due to the previous battles, the Golden Army's supplies lost a lot. When the size of the team gets bigger and bigger, the logistics of the army is about to collapse. The Mongolian cavalry also harassed in all directions, which slowed the pace of advance and wiped out many small units that transported supplies along the way. In addition to the cold weather, I can't walk anymore when I marched into the 25th place in Junzhou.

The Golden Army in a difficult situation in the cold and the ground

The emissary of the Jin Aizong brought the emperor’s will at this time and made them Quickly lead his troops back to the capital, and the emperor will personally greet him at the gate. For the Golden Army on the edge of the cliff, this is undoubtedly the last gold medal for life.

After the forcibly marching Jinren arrived near Sanfeng Mountain, they found that the road was getting more and more difficult. The Mongols have cut down the numbers on both sides in advance to block the mountain road. The infantry must withstand the cold arrows that may come at any time and clear obstacles little by little. Subsequently, these Han troops had to expel the Mongolian cavalry who occupied some mountainous areas. As their opponents retreated, they also split into two groups, heading in two opposite directions, northeast and southwest.

The cavalry of the Golden Army also found that there seemed to be countless Mongolian cavalry around them. This may be an illusion created by the Mongols deliberately raising dust or fanning the flames. But Jin Ren, who was already nervous, couldn't help launching a suicidal charge. As a result, the Golden Cavalry still couldn't catch up with the Mongols who ran away.

Today's Sanfengshan

Take advantage of the opportunity of the Jinjun wasting time in the Sanfeng Mountain area, tow mines and waited until they moved south from the north of the Yellow River. The main force of the Wo Kuo Taiwan Army. A large number of cavalry quickly arrived at the Sanfeng Mountain area, and through various means of blockade, surrounded the Golden Army in the entire mountain area. After several days of marching in wind and snow, the Jin army has no resistance. The soldiers stood stiff in their clothes, their spears were frozen like pillars, and the army had run out of food for several days.

The tow mine, who is well versed in the way of nomadic cavalry, ordered that a small road leading to Junzhou be undefended. Discovering this situation, Jin Jun began to flee towards Junju in a scramble. The coaches who moved Pua and Wanyan Heda completely lost the ability to control the army. As a result, 100,000 troops and horses were crowded everywhere on the narrow mountain road. The Mongolian cavalry finally waited for their hunting moment. They launched strong attacks from all directions, using arrows or taking turns to kill opponents who had lost the power to fight back.

The Golden Army

, who was finally massacred by the Mongols, was captured in the rebellious army and was executed because he was unwilling to surrender. Wanyan Heda and Wanyan Chen led hundreds of cavalry to rush out of Sanfeng Mountain and escape into Junzhou City. But they were soon surrounded by the Mongols who followed. With the ramparts of the Mongolian Han army, Junzhou City was besiegedThe person broke. The two Titans in the last years of Jin Guo were killed because they were unwilling to surrender.

So far, the people of Jin Kingdom have basically lost all their troops in resisting Mongol invasion in 20 years. Among them are not only mobile elites such as the Huamao Army and the Loyalty Army, but also many local troops that have been mobilized. Their death in battle also means that a large number of built fortresses are no longer defended.

The Battle of Sanfengshan announced the end of the Kingdom of Jin Planning or tactical scheduling can be called the pinnacle of medieval cavalry art. Even in the history of the Mongolian war, where similar good shows were often staged, it was a rare victory. The end of this battle basically announced the end of the Golden Kingdom.