In 2006, when Wang Guangmei passed away, Li Na couldn't cry and told his son: Help Liu Yuan take care of everything

In the autumn of 2006, at a memorial service in Beijing, Chairman Mao's daughter Li Ne looked at a cold photo and couldn't cry. For whom did she cry?

Let us first look back at the life of the deceased, and perhaps we can discover her identity from it.

In the autumn of 1921, she quacked and fell to the ground. There was a lot of laughter at home. 's six brothers were all welcoming the arrival of the little sister.

In the winter of 1946, gave up the opportunity to become a senior sister of Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao and joined the revolution. is ready to serve the country at any time.

In the summer of 1948, she got married and married a man 23 years older than her. After marriage, she became a good wife and mother, taking care of her husband and nine children.

In the fall of 2006, she passed away. Many people came to see her off in a simple memorial service, ranging from the 97-year-old Red Army uncle to the underage primary school students.

Yes, she is the legend of a generation of women-Wang Guangmei.

Scholarly family, everybody's lady

Wang Guangmei

On September 26, 1921, a baby girl fell to the ground while her father Wang Zhichang was in the United States attending the Washington Nine Nations Conference. After hearing the news, he was very excited. This is his first daughter. He who has always wanted a little padded jacket finally got what he wanted today.

Since he was in the United States at the time, his family’s children were ranked in the "light" generation,So Wang Zhichang named his first daughter "Wang Guangmei".

Wang Guangmei has seven elder brothers at home and four younger sisters, but she is always the most favored one. If there is something good in the family, she always gets the first share.

Although the yard at home is relatively large, there are too many siblings in the family. When she was a child, Wang Guangmei could only live in the same room with her four sisters, but every girl wanted to have her own private space. Wait until Wang Guangmei Longer, in order to facilitate her reading at night, her parents gave Wang Guangmei a separate room, allowing her to "behave arrogantly" in her small space.

In this way, Wang Guangmei grew up under the endless love of her parents.

Wang Guangmei did not live up to the love of her parents, has always been very good in academic performance, ranking among the best, and even skipping high school, enviing her classmates.

After graduating from high school and entering Fu Jen Catholic University , Wang Guangmei was as good as ever. She devoted herself to studying and became the first batch of female masters in atomic physics in China.

And the reason why she is so good, in addition to her own talent and hard work, is also the influence of her parents on her outlook on life and values.

Wang Guangmei’s father, Wang Zhichang, traveled to Japan in his early years and studied business at Waseda University . He had a close relationship with Liao Zhongkai.

Wang Zhichang joined the official post after returning from Japan, from official to acting chief of agricultural and commercial affairs, and became one of the important figures influencing China's economy.

Although Wang Zhichang has a smooth career,But the road of love was bumpy. He married three wives in his life. The first two wives died after giving birth to his eldest, second and third sons.

's third wife is Dong Jieru , that is, Wang Guangmei's mother. She gave birth to three sons and five daughters for Wang Zhichang and stayed with him all her life.

Dong Jieru was born in a commercial home, and her family is a famous salt merchant in Tianjin. When she was young, she opposed feudalism. At that time, it was normal for women to bind their feet. However, she resolutely refused. No, she is one of the first batch of female college students in China.

Wang Guangmei

Wang Zhichang, who returned to China at the time, worked as a teacher at Peiyang Women’s Normal University. She liked this unique female classmate in the class. She wrote many times to express Dong Jieru, and Dong Jieru also expressed her interest in this. A teacher has a good impression.

But when Wang Zhichang went to Dong's family to propose marriage, the Dong family flatly refused, for two reasons:

First, the love between the two is a teacher-student relationship, has different generations of teachers and students since ancient times.

Second, Wang Zhichang lost his wife twice, and there are children in the family to raise. The elder Dong Jieru is in her twenties and . This is too heavy a burden for Dong Jieru.

Although the Dong family did not agree with the marriage of the two, Dong Jie insisted on going it alone. The two invited some relatives and friends to dinner at Six Nations Hotel. Even if they were officially married, the Dong family could only admit this in desperation. son in law.

Wang Guangmei’s parents are both senior intellectuals, so they are very supportive of Wang Guangmei’s study. Of course, because the two are also daring to be different,So I can understand some of Wang Guangmei's "extraordinary" behavior.

Dedicated to the revolution, nine deaths without regret

In 1943, Wang Guangmei was admitted to the Fu Jen Catholic University Institute of Science, was responsible for taking her to a gracious German professor. After graduating from Fu Jen Catholic University, she was stayed on to become a teaching assistant in the Department of Physics, preparing to continue her studies and go to the United States for a Ph.D.

Originally, Wang Guangmei would become an excellent scientific research scholar or a scientist, but she has embarked on a completely opposite path—participating in the revolution. This is all due to the influence of the family environment.

The Wang family is open-minded, and parents ask their children to open their eyes to the world. Many people in the family accept progressive communist ideas and have close contact with the underground party, especially Wang Guangmei’s fourth brother, Wang Guangjie.

Wang Guangjie was the first member of the Wang family to participate in the revolution. He has been secretly passing news to Yan'an on the radio. It was under the influence of her elder brother that Wang Guangmei gradually became interested in communism, and she also wanted to participate in the revolution like her elder brother.

In this way, Wang Guangjie's wife introduced Peking underground party member Cui Yueli to her.

The pine forest in Taimiao, Beijing is where Wang Guangmei and Cui Yueli meet. At that time, Wang Guangmei was wearing plain clothes and a pair of white gloves, which impressed Cui Yueli.

After the two successfully connected, they started a cordial conversation, and friendship was also established in this conversation. Later, Wang Guangmei often read the progressive books Cui Yueli lent her, especially " on the self-cultivation of communist members".

At that time, books promoting the Communist Party were not allowed to be sold.Therefore, the covers of these books are mostly various types of magazines. At that time, Wang Guangmei lived in Xidan. There were many policemen standing on the side of the street in Xidan. They often searched the cars and bags of passing pedestrians to prevent someone from carrying books about the Communist Party. Wang Guangmei often frightened and was afraid on the street. The police searched.

Wang Guangmei carefully studied these progressive books. She found that it was really too difficult to become a Communist, but she was not discouraged and kept encouraging herself.

In December 1945, when the Anti-Japanese War ended, the CCP still had a bipartisan antagonism. The U.S. government sent the former Army Chief of Staff Marshall to China under the guise of the president’s special envoy. In an attempt to fish in troubled waters and seek more interests in China, the "Military Research Department" was established in Beiping.

In order to avoid the civil war and solve the problem peacefully, the Communist Party dispatched Ye Jianying and Li Kenong as Chinese representatives to participate in the mediation. However, in addition to the Kuomintang, there are Americans who interact with the Communist Party. We also lack an English translator.

At this time, Cui Yueli thought of a person coming alone, this person is Wang Guangmei with a high degree of education.

So Wang Guangmei received a note from the underground party, inviting her to work as an English translator in the "Military Regulation Department".

It’s just that this job makes Wang Guangmei hesitate, because at this time she has already received the acceptance letter for full scholarship doctoral students from the Department of Atomic Physics of Stanford University and University of Chicago , she is not willing Give up the opportunity to work for the party, and can't bear to disappoint the German professor who has carefully nurtured her.Wang Guangmei was caught in a dilemma.

But the revolution is not over yet, Wang Guangmei finally convinced herself that she decided to complete the "Military Regulation Department" first before considering studying abroad.

Wang Guangmei, who works in the military mediation department, was generous and very talkative. During this period, the words and actions of the Communists deeply infected Wang Guangmei, and she finally made it between school and revolution. Choice.

In August 1946, Marshall's "mediation" failed. The Communist Party members of the Military Mediation Department urgently evacuated from Peking in order to avoid hunting down by the domestically produced party.

In this year, Wang Guangmei also made the decision to change her life-to go to Yan'an.

If Wang Guangmei chooses to continue her studies, she may be Yang Zhenning’s senior sister and the first female physicist in China, but she went to Yan’an, gave up her studies and became a glorious revolutionary fighter.

In November 1946, Wang Guangmei bid farewell to her parents to the airport and boarded a small military plane. During the flight, she looked at the lofty mountains outside the window, feeling excited, because she was about to fly to the revolutionary holy land in her heart.

It is in this place that Wang Guangmei has a deeper understanding of the Chinese Communist Party and also met the love of her life-Liu Shaoqi.

Love for life

Liu Shaoqi at that time gradually improved his political status in the party, but his marriage became a headache for the Party Central Committee.

Before meeting Wang Guangmei,Liu Shaoqi was once married and left his young children unattended. People in Yan'an can often see Liu Shaoqi carefully feeding their children while eating.

The scene of Liu Shaoqi feeding his children a spoonful of food deeply hurt Zhu De's heart.

Zhu De is a round older than Liu Shaoqi. As an older brother, he believes he is obligated to marry his younger brother Zhang Luo. He and his wife Kang Keqing have always wanted to find a good-natured, kind-hearted and quiet wife for Liu Shaoqi. A pair of children has the care of the mother, so that he can work hard and no longer worry about the children at home.

At the end of 1946, Wang Guangmei, a student from Peking, was assigned to the foreign affairs team of the Central Military Commission and continued to work in translation. Here, Wang Guangmei received the kind care of Zhu De and his wife, and Wang Guangmei found a home. warmth.

In her spare time, Wang Guangmei also participates in the dance party held by the central government.

It was at the prom that Wang Guangmei met Liu Shaoqi.

Since Liu Shaoqi had been leading the work of Peking in his early years, he was very kind when he saw Wang Guangmei from Peking, and asked her some questions about Peking to understand the situation in Peking.

At that time, Wang Guangmei didn't know Liu Shaoqi's identity, only that he was a certain leader of the central government, so Wang Guangmei answered all questions from the leader.

Immediately, Liu Shaoqi asked again: "Are you a party member?"

Wang Guangmei can only answer truthfully: "I haven't joined the party, I wonder if the leader can help?" After a simple conversation,Liu Shaoqi is very interested in this Wang Guangmei from Peking.

After that, Liu Shaoqi, who has always been serious and serious, took time to visit the Foreign Affairs Bureau, accompanied by Wang Bingnan, the deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Department.

What Wang Bingnan did not expect was that Liu Shaoqi cared about the staff of the Foreign Affairs Department and greeted Wang Guangmei and others cordially.

The problem comes again. At that time, the diplomatic affairs were managed by Zhou Enlai, so why did Liu Shaoqi always go to the Foreign Affairs Department which he was not in charge of?

Liu Shaoqi, who has experienced several failed marriages, was already disheartened about the marriage, but he did not expect that Wang Guangmei's arrival would ignite the flame in his heart, so Liu Shaoqi began to talk to Wang Guangmei.

In several conversations, Wang Guangmei and Liu Shaoqi began to have a common language, and their relationship has also moved closer, but Wang Guangmei did not know that Liu Shaoqi had fallen in love with her, and thought it was the leader's support for the new comrades.

The two didn't get along for long. After that, Hu Zongnan led his troops to attack Yan'an. In order to ensure the victory of the national war, Chairman Mao and other party leaders decided to leave Yan'an. As a result, various agencies and units moved one after another, and Liu Shaoqi and Wang Guangmei were also forced to separate.

In March 1948, Wang Guangmei, who finished the land reform, finally came to Xibaipo . Liu Shaoqi saw Wang Guangmei again, and he made up his mind to show his mind, so he found Wang Guangmei to talk.

In the conversation, Liu Shaoqi expressed his admiration for Wang Guangmei, and also explained the responsibility and loneliness that Wang Guangmei will bear once the two get married.

Hearing what Liu Shaoqi said,Wang Guangmei looked shocked, but after thinking about it, she immediately agreed to become a boyfriend and girlfriend with Liu Shaoqi.

On August 21, 1948, under the arduous conditions in Xibaipo, they got married. Although the conditions were simple, Wang Guangmei still entrusted people to buy eggs, sugar and other items, and made cakes and gave them to the people at the time. This leader, under the witness of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, the two got married.

Wang Guangmei told her parents in Peiping about her marriage, but her parents didn’t know who Liu Shaoqi was, what he looked like, and how old. This party member bought them a copy of "On the Cultivation of Communists." There is a picture of Liu Shaoqi on the title page of the book. The two old men looked at it very carefully, for fear that they might not know the son-in-law in the future.

Liu Shaoqi and Wang Guangmei share the same belief-Marxism, and have the same identity-Communist Party members. Naturally, they have the same topics and sympathize with each other.

After getting married, Wang Guangmei completely turned into a good helper after marriage. She gave up her career and started to care for her husband and children, devoting all her energy to this family.

After marriage, Wang Guangmei accompanied Liu Shaoqi to solve his problems and became Liu Shaoqi's right-hand man.

Wang Guangmei gave birth to four children after marriage, plus a few children before, forming a large family with more than ten members. As the mother of the family, she treats every child equally and never spoils Child, thanks to her efforts, the Liu family has become the happiest family in Zhongnanhai.

Harmonious family

What Wang Guangmei did not expect is that Liu Shaoqi died of illness in 1969. The original Hele family suddenly lost one member. Wang Guangmei felt extremely sad when he thought of her husband’s death.She wanted to go back to the place where her husband was born and take a look.

Liu Shaoqi’s sons and daughters also understand that their mother misses their father, but their mother had gone back to the former residence with their father. They worried that their mother would be touched by the situation and never made it.

However, Wang Guangmei's longing for her husband has not diminished, but has increased day by day, and her children will eventually be moved.

Finally, in 1983, accompanied by her son Liu Yuan, Wang Guangmei returned to Liu Shaoqi's hometown, Huaminglou.

Wang Guangmei saw that the people of Huaminglou lived a rich life, everyone was diligent, and was very happy. Her husband's efforts were not wasted, and his spirit of heaven could also rest in peace.

After learning that Wang Guangmei returned to Huaming Tower, the local residents were also very excited. They spontaneously came to see them off when they left. Wang Guangmei was very pleased to see the smiling faces of the villagers.

After visiting her husband’s hometown, Wang Guangmei and her team came to Chairman Mao’s hometown 30 kilometers away from Huaming Tower- Shaoshan. In Shaoshan, Wang Guangmei carefully observed Chairman Mao’s living environment. When he left Shaoshan, She also bowed deeply in front of Chairman Mao’s former residence and said: "Deeply cherish the memory of Chairman Mao, your student Wang Guangmei."

Wang Guangmei in his later years

Wang Guangmei not only cherishes the memory of Chairman Mao. The descendants of Chairman Mao are also very concerned.

When she learned that Li Ne was in poor health after the death of Chairman Mao, and she took the child by herself, life was very difficult.

So Wang Guangmei often brought her babysitter to Li Ne’s house to help Li Ne with some housework, and always persuaded Li Ne to open her heart.Find another father for the child.

Faced with Wang Guangmei's care, Li Ne was very grateful and respected Wang Guangmei even more in his heart.

Wang Guangmei has always been very concerned about the lives of Li Min and Li Ne. The two sisters also get along very well with Wang Guangmei's son Liu Yuan. When they were young, the two sisters always took Liu Yuan, a little brother, to play with.

In 1996, Li Ne visited the Three Gorges, and Liu Yuan waited on the roadside early when he heard that Li Ne had arrived. At this time Liu Yuan had grown into a handsome general, and Li Ne had already walked out of the haze of marriage.

Time came to 2004. Wang Guangmei, who was over eighty years old, called her son and daughter home, and invited Li Min and Li Ne to have a meal together. At this time, Li Min and Li Ne were also already Gray-haired, they couldn't help feeling emotional when they saw the same gray-haired aunt who took care of the family in every possible way.

During the dinner, Wang Guangmei toasted several times and told the two sisters to take care and take care of the body. The two sisters nodded when they heard the aunt's care as always.

Time flies quickly. After the meal, Liu and Mao took a group photo together to record the friendship between the two families.

In the autumn of 2006, this former "first lady", "big lady" and "mathematics queen" passed away in Beijing. His son Liu Yuan is over 50 years old, but he can hardly conceal the grief in his heart. He cried bitterly at the meeting, and for a time it was difficult to host a memorial service.

Li Na, who was in the mourning hall, broke into tears, and asked his son to "help Liu Yuan run the funeral."

At Wang Guangmei's funeral, countless revolutionary seniors came to send her the last...

Wang Guangmei’s life is not to fight or grab,Give up my ideals for the revolution, and give silently for the husband and family. This is her, a new Chinese woman-Wang Guangmei.
