After the imperial physician saw Qianlong, he prescribed a prescription: living with the queen for 100 days. Why?

People have birth, old age, sickness and death, which is a universal law recognized since ancient times, even the emperor at the peak of power is no exception. Therefore, in ancient times, every emperor cherished his life very much. After all, he finally became the master of the world, and no one wanted to die. Therefore, each of the ancient emperors was equipped with an extremely luxurious imperial medical team, always considering the safety of the emperor.

Emperor Qianlong was one of them. Once, he suffered from an intractable disease. Even he himself couldn't tell where he was uncomfortable, but it was all kinds of pain. In a desperate situation, all the imperial physicians in the Qing court gathered together to see Lord Qianlong, but all the imperial physicians were helpless one by one.

There is only one experienced old doctor, who can see Qianlong’s illness at a glance . But this disease really made him difficult to talk about. In a hurry, the old doctor reluctantly said a way: live with the queen for a hundred days...

1. Qianlong's disease

I want to talk about Qianlong's disease , But also from the life of Qianlong. As the fourth prince of Yongzheng, the grandson of Kangxi. He was born in the 50th year of Kangxi. Kangxi likes his grandson very much. The relationship between the two of them is very good.

At the same time, when Qianlong grew up, he also respected and admired the grandfather of the first emperor who had been in power for 61 years. So after he succeeded to the throne, he also wanted to be a person like his grandfather Kangxi. For this reason, worked very hard. During the first thirty years of his administration, the Qing Dynasty prospered and entered the famous .

But the hard work of governing for 30 years has also made his body suffer a lot of illness. In modern medicine,There is a common disease caused by prolonged sitting. Many white-collar workers and students have this disease. I believe many readers have guessed that it is hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids, called hemorrhoids in Chinese medicine, usually cause bleeding, pain, and anal discomfort. In the mild cases, the anus bleeds day by day, and in the severe cases, they dare not sit down and must be surgically removed at a regular Class-A hospital. The disease that made Qianlong painful was also hemorrhoids . But in the ancient medical system, such private parts of the human body were very taboo, let alone the emperor's.

Qianlong, as the king of a country, was even more taboo, and he couldn't even mention it. Not to mention letting Chinese medicine practitioners who need to see, hear and listen carefully. Therefore, many imperial physicians are at a loss. But for a very experienced old lady, it can be seen at a glance.

2. Mysterious treatment

Although the old doctor has rich experience, he can see the emperor’s disease at a glance. But if you really want to talk about treatment, it makes the old lady also have trouble. The emperor’s hemorrhoids are already very serious, and it is definitely hard to get results with mild medication.

Even in today's highly developed medicine, for hemorrhoids, there is only "cut and cure forever". This path can be taken, let alone ancient times. Huatuo was killed by Cao Cao because he was going to perform surgery on Cao Cao . Even if the old doctor is really talented and capable of performing operations on Qianlong, I am afraid Qianlong will kill him as a quack.

This matter also really made the old doctors difficult.He began to think wildly about how to cure Qianlong's disease both euphemistically and effectively. After the old lady thinks over and over again, a bold idea emerged in his mind. But as the saying goes, the old lady is still very frightened if he is a tiger like a tiger. But the so-called bow is on the string, I have to send it. The old lady was also heartbroken and prescribed a very puzzling prescription for Qianlong: stayed with the queen for one hundred days. Both the imperial physician and Qianlong himself were very surprised.

Fortunately, Qianlong, who was in a hurry to go to the hospital, still believed in the medical skills of the old doctor. After all, if he can't save himself, no one else can save himself. can only follow the old doctor's method, go back to the palace and live with the queen for one hundred days. The old lady's hanging heart also fell to the ground like a big rock.

And the miraculous thing, as the old lady said, one hundred days later, Qianlong's illness turned out to be cured. Qianlong was very happy and directly rewarded the old doctor Qianliang's gold, and also knighted. Is the old doctor really a god? Is ancient Chinese medicine so effective? Why can Qianlong's hemorrhoids disappear by staying with the queen for one day?

3. The secret of the old doctor

Actually, the key to the old doctor's cure for Qianlong lies in the queen. It turns out that in order to prevent the emperor from curing his own crimes, the old lady thought of a perfect way, that is, to tell the queen of Fucha the cure for Qianlong's disease.

Empress Fucha is Qianlong's additive wife, and the relationship with Qianlong can be said to be the closest person in the world. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, is definitely the most suitable candidate. And when the review found that Qianlong had hemorrhoids,Also understand the heart.

In the hundred days that followed by sleeping with Qianlong, Empress Fucha took care of Qianlong day and night. At the same time, massaged Qianlong every day according to the method given to him by the old lady, taking medicine, and let him lie down and rest. In the end, under the care of Empress Fucha, Qianlong's hemorrhoids finally healed.

And in these hundred days, Qianlong spent a very happy and unforgettable time with Empress Fucha. This hundred days of happy time made Qianlong miss very much. But after he recovered from his illness, there were countless government affairs that Qianlong needed to deal with. Fortunately, during this time of illness, Qianlong noticed his physical condition.

handed over many insignificant losses to other officials to deal with. At the same time, they chose to accompany the queen more. The relationship between the two gradually improved. But good times are always short. Although Qianlong's illness is cured, Empress Fucha's body is not as good as each day. In the end, she completely fell ill and passed away.

This time, even the old doctors with superb medical skills can't do anything about it. Humans have misfortunes and blessings, and is always a reincarnation that humans cannot escape. Even the world and the universe will inevitably go toward destruction. Even if Emperor Qianlong was an emperor, he could only watch the death of his beloved one and was helpless.


One person gradually abandons everything and climbs to the peak of power. In the end, he finds that a small hemorrhoid can be the king of a country. People live in a world of birth, old age, sickness and death, so what can they do even if they become emperors. There is still no way to restore the lost person.

This seems to be the greatest fairness the Creator has given to all creatures,No matter who you are, how much money and power you have, you will eventually have to endure the pain of life and death. No one can escape the cycle of death.

But this does not mean that we are born to live a passive life and wait for death. How to enjoy the happiness and meaning of life in the current life. Live better in the present and bravely welcome the coming of tomorrow. Just like the words of Roman Roland , "There is only one kind of heroism in 's life, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life. "
