First-class hero Du Fuguo, two soldiers and two doctors out of the four siblings, all of them are heroes of the new era

Taiping Village, Xinglong Town, Meitan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, this red revolutionary base area not only bred simple folk customs, but also gave birth to countless heroes. The four brothers and sisters Du Fuguo are typical representatives of this red land.

The four brothers and sisters of the Du family, two in the army and two in the doctor, are in different positions, guarding the peace of the motherland and the people. What kind of heroic stories do they have?

Big Brother Du Fuguo: You retreat and let me come

Du Fuguo, born in 1991, is the eldest son of the family. Du Fuguo, who has been deeply influenced by the red since childhood, is inspired to become the People's Liberation Army who protects the motherland and people.

Demining hero Du Fuguo

There are four brothers and sisters in Du Fuguo.

In December 2010, the 19-year-old Du Fuguo successfully enlisted in the army. In November 2016, he joined the party and became a soldier and sergeant rank of a mine-sweeping and detonation team.

On the afternoon of October 11, 2018, the fourth team of the Yunnan Minesweeper Brigade of the Southern Theater Command conducted a minesweeping operation at a minefield in Malipo County, Yunnan Province. This was once the main battlefield of the Southern Yunnan Campaign and the counterattack against Vietnam. A large number of undetonated mines and grenades were left behind.

When Du Fuguo took the soldier Ai Yan to investigate a minefield with dense explosives, he found an exposed projectile. According to mine clearance experience, the preliminary judgment is that it is a very dangerous aggravated grenade, and the following should be There are more unexploded grenades.

Du Fuguo made a decisive decision and immediately reported to the team leader. After receiving the instruction to "find out trickery settings", he did not retreat, but ordered the soldier Ai Yan:

"You stand back and let me come!"

Just as Du Fuguo carefully cleaned the dust from the projectile body in accordance with the operating procedures, the projectile suddenly exploded. To protect the Ai Yan, Du Fuguo subconsciously fell to the side of the Ai Yan.

Du Fuguo lost his eyes and hands during the mission

Although he was wearing thick protective clothing,However, the powerful shock wave still tore the protective clothing on Du Fuguo's body and exploded into a blood man in an instant. Du Fuguo lost his hands and eyes since then.

Because Du Fuguo stayed in front of his life, Ai Yan, who was only two to three meters away from Du Fuguo, suffered only a little skin trauma.

On the demining position, Du Fuguo left the danger of death to himself, and gave the hope of life to his comrade Ai Yan. The sentence "Retreat, let me come" became the strongest voice of the times and perfectly interpreted the revolution of the new era. The mission and responsibility of soldiers.

On November 18, 2018, Du Fuguo was awarded first-class merit by the organization.

Second sister Du Fujia : Two times to apply for assistance in Wuhan

Among the four brothers and sisters, Du Fujia is the only girl.

Five years ago, Du Fujia became an ordinary nurse at the People's Hospital of Meitan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province after graduation.

Second Sister Du Fujia

In 2020, a sudden new crown pandemic caused the whole of China to press the pause button. With the wise decision of the Party Central Committee, the action of a province to aid the first generation is vigorous. The turmoil unfolded.

In this fight against the epidemic, Du Fujia took the initiative to ask for a fight, and submitted the request twice, requesting to go to the front line in Wuhan.

During the period of waiting for notification, Du Fujia has quietly begun to prepare for the aid to Wuhan.

Before receiving the notice, Du Fujia had bought the necessary daily necessities, commonly used medicines, adult diapers and protective clothing, and resolutely cut the long hair that she had managed to retain into short hair.

On the afternoon of February 21, the eighth batch of 174 members of the Guizhou Provincial Support Hubei Medical Team went to Wuhan, Hubei Province. Du Fujia was honored to be one of them.

Du Fujia in Wuhan

After just a few days of training, on February 26, Du Fujia and his colleagues formally entered Wuhan University People's Hospital to participate in the medical care of the eighth ward of the East Hospital of the hospital Work.

Also coming to the People's Hospital of Wuhan University is the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University 's medical aid team in Hubei. The staff of the two medical teams are arranged together to be responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and treatment of patients.

In the first week after coming, Du Fujia was only doing simple things, such as pouring water, delivering food, collecting garbage, and routine temperature measurement and disinfection.

Victory of the epidemic

Wearing heavy protective clothing, wearing goggles, and staying in the ward fully armed for six or seven hours, everyone is working hard to learn and adapt, and so is Du Fujia.

In the second week, Du Fujia gradually began to take the patient's temperature, blood oxygen, etc., and at the same time would do some basic nursing work.

From the third week, Du Fujia officially entered the medical team and began to take charge of patients.

Du Fujia said:

"We are here to serve patients, as long as I need me, I can do anything."

By the fourth week, Du Fujia added new work content and she needs to enter treatment The office is on duty, handling doctor's orders, dispensing medicines and infusions to patients, and managing patients in several wards.

In the days in Wuhan, in addition to severe physical overdrafts, there was also psychological suffering, because at that time people were full of unknowns and fears about the new crown virus .

The nurse wears heavy protective clothing to take care of the patient

Every time on duty, Du Fujia wears protective clothing to stay in the ward for six or seven hours, and has been busy.

Although it was a cold winter, the rigorous and heavy protective clothing made her and her colleagues sweat. In the end, thanks to the efforts of these angels in white, a war against the virus without gunpowder was won.

Du Fumin, the third child: always stick to the frontline post

Du Fumin,Du's family ranked third, and is now a doctor in the intensive care unit of Jiali Hospital, Meitan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province.

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, he, like his sister Du Fujia, was also eager to go to Wuhan for first-line support. He submitted the invitation letter early, but because he had only been working for one year at the time, considering his lack of actual combat experience, the hospital There is no agreement.

Du Fumin in blood donation

However, Du Fumin was not discouraged. In the battle against the local new crown pneumonia in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, he always stayed on the front line.

Speaking of not being able to "please fight" to the front line of epidemic prevention, the 24-year-old Du Fumin regretted and said with a firm tone:

"Although I did not reach the forefront of epidemic prevention, I also want to follow my brother as an example. , Fulfill my mission with youth and passion, and be responsible for keeping the land and fulfilling the responsibility in my own post."

Du Fumin and his eldest brother Du Fuguo

as one of the new crown pneumonia fever clinics designated by Guizhou Province First, Jiali Hospital in Meitan County is also on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Du Fumin felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

Fourth brother Du Fuqiang: the youngest veteran

The youngest brother Du Fuqiang is only 23 years old, but he has been in a border defense regiment in Tibet for 5 years, and he is like a young veteran.

Influenced by his elder brother Du Fuguo, his younger brother Du Fuqiang wanted to be a soldier since he was a child.

In 2016, Du Fuqiang got his wish and became a border fighter. His company was responsible for the most difficult patrol road-Abira.

When Du Fuqiang and his eldest brother Du Fuguo called, Du Fuqiang firmly promised like his brother:

"I must stand on guard and guard the frontier line!"

The third brother Du Fuqiang who guards the frontiers

on the southern border defense of Tibet Mountain at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters,It is covered with snow all year round, and the cold wind howls.

Du Fuqiang and his comrades would go on a patrol for 5 days and 4 nights, wading more than 10 icy rivers, and over 5 snow-capped mountains that never melted.

Because the place is sparsely populated and there are no supply stations along the way, Du Fuguo and his comrades have to carry more than 70 catties of equipment and supplies each time they patrol.

Du Fuqiang often said to his comrades around him:

"My brother has been a hero in my mind since I was a little boy. As his younger brother, I must inherit and carry forward his spirit and guard every inch of land under my feet."

Although Du Fuqiang's words are simple, they can deeply inspire every comrade in arms. Everyone feels that Du Fuguo's spirit and honor are everyone's common wealth.

After seeing the deeds of the four brothers and sisters of the Du family, many netizens have liked and commented:

"What kind of fairy family has nurtured so many outstanding children!"

"Mother Du should write a book. Teach us how to educate our children."

"I wish my children are as promising as they are."

Everyone expresses their admiration for heroes and their longing for the success of their children and a happy family.

Concluding remarks:

The four brothers and sisters of the Du family are rich in the country, the good, the people, and the strong. Although they are in various places, they all share a common belief, that is, to defend their home and country. In ordinary positions, the four brothers and sisters of the Du family guard the safety and well-being of the people with bravery and responsibility.

Just like the classic saying: There is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying the weight for us.

is exactly the persistence of thousands of heroes like the four brothers and sisters of the Du family in various positions.To have today’s peaceful and prosperous age and the prosperity of the country and the strong people, pay tribute to the heroes, thank you!
