The last doctor of Puyi: He was in jail for 29 years, saved people with a secret recipe after he was released, and became a famous doctor of a generation

In 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and the Puppet Manchuria in the northeast also perished.

was supported as the emperor of the Puppet Manchuria Puyi and his younger brother Pu Jie fled to Shenyang together, planning to fly to Japan.

As a result, they failed to escape and were captured by the Soviet army on the spot.

In many people's impressions, the last emperor was incompetent, failed to make any contribution to the country, and the family was relatively in decline.

Actually, this is not the case.

Pu Yi, younger brother Pu Jie, and some families, after undergoing ideological transformation. Each contributes to the cause of New China and shines.

After Puyi and some relatives were pardoned, Zhou Enlai personally met them and encouraged them to contribute to the new China.

They have indeed lived up to the expectations of the Prime Minister and the people.

After Puyi's amnesty, the most clear to the world is that he wrote a book "The First Half of My Life". This is a memoir about himself. He objectively writes out his special and rare experience, which also contains his own reflection.

This book not only shows the court life and the struggles of the royal family, but also records the diplomatic history of Japan and the puppet Manchukuo.

Therefore, it has a high historical value and educational function.

His younger brother Pu Jie, who was very grateful after meeting Premier Zhou, wrote in the poem: "I will treasure this sangyu landscape, and try to find an inch of yin for the rest of my age."

He not only said that, but also practiced it. Pujie is very enthusiastic about public welfare and donated the savings he has worked for many years to the Asian Games.

Aixinjueluo family, the two of them are familiar characters. There is a relatively stranger to us, who also made great contributions to the cause of New China after he was released from prison.

After he got a new life and became an ordinary citizen, he opened a private clinic, devoted himself to the cause of Chinese medicine, and cured many patients with difficult and incurable diseases.

He is Puyi's imperial doctor: Aixinjueluo Yinglie Peng, and he is also the last imperial doctor in history.

It is well known that the imperial physician is a medical figure who specializes in serving the royal family. The ability to achieve this position shows his medical ability.

He is now 105 years old.

His life has been ups and downs, perhaps from birth to the Aixinjueluo family, he is destined to have such a life .


In 1916, Aixinjueluo Yinglie Peng was born in Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. He is the descendant of the six sons of Taizu, Taizu Aixinjueluo Nurhachi of the Qing Dynasty.

His family inherited the Qing Dynasty imperial physician, and won the trust of the royal family.


However, the father did not want his son to enter the palace to do things in the future, because he was very aware of the danger of entering the palace to do things.

Father wants his son to be a law when he grows up, to be an ordinary citizen and live simple happiness.

However, fate is a trick .

Xiao Yinglie is born with a strong interest in medicine and is also talented and intelligent.

people in the family want him to learn Chinese medicine, so he has inherited it.

When he was eight or nine years old, he followed his uncle to read "Eighteen Anti", "Twenty-Eight Maid Jue" and other medical techniques.

And his uncle is the Aixinjueluo Shutang who was later called by Pu Yi to be the imperial physician.

However, that society was no longer the imperial doctor of the Qing Dynasty, but the imperial doctor of the Puppet Manchukuo. The Qing Dynasty had perished before Yinglie was born.

Later, Ying Lie violated his father's wishes and abandoned the law to practice medicine and was admitted to the Manchurian Harbin military doctor. He personally promised to his father: "I will only treat the people in the future."

Parents just give us advice, and the final decision is still in his own hands . The path of saving the world from medicine is good in itself, but his fate is bound by his life experience.

In 1941, Yinglie's uncle died. Pu Yi issued instructions to find a person who is proficient in medicine to take over the position of the royal doctor in the school, and stated that the request is a member of the clan.

The reason why Puyi asked people in the clan to be royal doctors was naturally to be assured of using it. At this time, Yinglie, who was a hereditary doctor in the family, was spotted.

At this time, Yinglie is working as a military doctor in the Third Army of the Qiqihar Puppet Manchukuo. It is also involuntary for him to be a military doctor. Students who graduated from Harbin Medical School must all be assigned to the army in accordance with the requirements of military management.

Candidates were selected to look for, but in the end, Yinglie was selected.

Yinglie looked at the instructions issued by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs with a panic expression on his face. He immediately looked for reasons to refuse, saying that he was still young and inexperienced, so he could not enter the court to serve the royal family.

But, now I can't help him.

The Ministry of Military and Political Affairs issued an emergency notice shortly afterwards, with a sentence added: If there is a violation of the order, the Military Law Office!

When Yinglie saw this sentence of military law, he already understood that he had to go if he didn't.

With a feeling of anxiety, he quickly packed his things and headed to the court.


After coming to the court, Yinglie became the personal doctor of the last emperor Puyi and obtained the post of imperial physician.

In terms of identity, Puyi is the emperor; in terms of seniority, Puyi is his grandfather. Therefore, Ying Lie was very nervous when she saw Puyi for the first time, and her legs were trembling all the time.

When he came to Pu Yi, looking at his cold face, Ying Lie became even more nervous.

Fortunately, Pu Yi’s younger brother Pu Jie accompanied him, took the initiative to adjust the scene, and also spoke to him: "This Yinglie is very similar to his uncle, he has good medical skills, and he is reliable."

Pu Yi finished listening and looked at Yinglie. Said: "I heard that your doctors are good, we are all from a big family."

Since that time, Yinglie has conducted a weekly health consultation with Puyi.

If you encounter Puyi's sickness and headache,You have to accept the call immediately.

Yinglie is very careful every time he consults Puyi. Because my father once told him not to practice medicine, or he would become an imperial doctor, and he would live a life of "accompanied by a king like a tiger".

Every time Yinglie prescribes the medicine, Puyi will read it by herself, even with some minor changes.

This made him a little puzzled, but he didn't know until he saw Puyi's modified prescription.

It turns out that Puyi is also a person who is proficient in medicine.

It's just that some changes are really unnecessary, but Yinglie dare not say anything and can only agree with it, but it is true that Puyi understands medicine.

Soon after, Ying Lie married Xu Jing from his hometown under the arrangement of his parents.

During the period when Yinglie lived in the court, although he lived carefully, he also received a lot of goods.

Many of the secret medicinal recipes in the palace were memorized by him.

However, the good times of Puppet Manchuria are not long.

With China's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the days of the Puppet Manchuria have come to an end.

During this period, many people in the palace packed up and fled. But Yinglie did not. He still stayed in the palace to take care of Puyi.

  1. Puyi found Ying Lie and said to him seriously: "You also go back to your hometown. I will give you the prescription for the Queen Canglong Pill. This is the secret palace recipe that has been passed down from the Sui Dynasty to the present. It can cure all diseases. But you must remember that prescriptions can only be used and are not allowed to be sold!"

Yinglie was very grateful. After he knelt and thanked Puyi, he returned to his hometown in Liaoning with his wife and children.

Back to her hometown, Pu Yi lived the life she originally wanted.

He went to the village to see a doctor for everyone. After he accumulated a certain amount of money, he opened his own clinic in the county town.

Yinglie Practicing Medicine

However, Yinglie is different from some famous doctors.

He considers the patient's illness more important than anything else. As long as he is in financial difficulty or alone, he will help him see the doctor for free.

This shows his medical ethics .

However, such days will not last long, and the identity problem once again affects him .

After the liberation, the state conducted detailed investigations and registrations of people with special identities. As the doctor of the last emperor Puyi, he must be the focus of investigation.

In 1950, Yinglie was imprisoned in the Fushun War Criminals Prison for ideological reforms due to serving in the puppet court.

In prison, Yinglie is still a doctor, and his main task is to treat war criminals.

In prison, he not only treated the Qing Dynasty Pu Yi, Pu Jie and others, but also treated senior Kuomintang generals such as Du Yuming and Huang Wei .

Looking at these Kuomintang generals, I have mixed feelings, and I feel very emotional: these once-sweet generals have become war criminals just like myself.

Photo with Puyi

Time flies quickly, and in 1979, Yinglie finally ended his 29-year prison life.

From the age of Fenghuazhengmao to the old man with white temples, this time in and out, is nearly half a lifetime.

At this moment, what kind of mood he is, maybe only he can understand .


After being released from prison and returning to his hometown, Yinglie's parents and wife have passed away one after another.

Decades of life in prison did not make Yinglie feel angry or dissatisfied. He has not changed his original intention of studying medicine even when he is over 60 years old. He still continues to practice medicine in his hometown to save people.

Since then, Yinglie has slowly promoted Chinese medicine in the local area.

Yinglie learned various medical prescriptions from his uncle in his early years, and later obtained some secret palace prescriptions when he was an imperial physician. Therefore, he has mastered a variety of secret recipes for nearly 300 years in the Qing Dynasty, many of which are inherited from the ancestors.

while curing the disease,He also systematically sorted out these special prescriptions.

With his medical knowledge and palace secret recipes, Yinglie cured various intractable diseases such as diabetes and tumors.

Later, with the support of local authorities, Yinglie opened clinics in his hometown to treat various diseases for the common people.

Yinglie has become more and more famous in Chinese medicine in Northeast China.

Shenyang China Medical University The daughter of a professor suffers from a bruise face for many years, and has not been cured.

After hearing about Yinglie's fame, he made a special trip to Qingyuan to find Yinglie.

The result is not disappointing.

Yinglie prescribed her own secret Chinese medicine prescription, and also gave her a special Chinese herbal medicine.

After a period of time, the disease cleared.

Although he is no longer a royal doctor, he is out of emotional relationship. Ying Lie also made a special trip to Beijing several times to treat Pu Jie's wife, and the results of each treatment were very good.

In order to thank Yinglie, Pujie also inscribed a script of "Cihang Puji" specially for him.

This old man who has experienced great ups and downs has not only continued to promote Chinese medicine after he was released from prison, but also still retains the previous medical ethics .

Yan Lie in his old age

Faced with patients with difficult lives, he will not charge any money. His room was filled with hundreds of pennants given by patients to thank him.

Later, there was a dean in Taiwan. He heard that Pu Yi gave the "Queen Canglong Pill" to Yinglie in Manchuria.

He made a special trip to Liaoning and bid 1 million yuan for this secret recipe.

Ying Lie resolutely said: "The secret recipe belongs to the motherland, how can I sell it for money?"

Pu Yi said when he first handed the secret recipe to him, Ying Lie persisted in his actions for decades. He always treats illnesses only with prescriptions, and does not sell them for money .

In 1997, Yinglie, who was already 80 years old, still insisted on treating people.

However, considering his advanced age, in order to continue to spread the prescription, Yinglie donated the rheumatism prescription "Zuifengye" to Fushun City Huirong Pharmaceutical Company.

In the same year, they donated the "Strengthening Capsule".

At that time, the manufacturer wanted to give him a high remuneration, but Ying Lie strongly refused. He said: "I can contribute to the health of the fathers and old folks, and that’s enough."

Now Aixinjueluo·Ying Lie Peng is 105 years old. He is called a generation of famous doctors by the locals. His life and achievements are also recorded in the "Biographies of Famous Chinese Doctors · Contemporary Volume".

Sometimes, we cannot decide our own birth. What kind of family we are born in also determines our destiny to a certain extent.

However, the final decision of fate is still in his own hands .

Ying Lie went to study medicine against his father’s wishes when he was a child, and after graduating from military academy, he was forcibly assigned to the military control to become a military doctor; he was then forced to go to the Puppet Manchuria to serve as Emperor Puyi’s doctor; and finally because of this The incident was implicated and was imprisoned for 29 years.

It can be said that in the first half of his life, Yinglie couldn't be the master by himself. By the time his fate was in his own hands, he was 63 years old.

However, his life experience did not trip him in the end.

For more than 50 years until now, he has lived the life he wants, engaged in the medicine he loves, and has become a famous doctor at home and abroad.

References :

"Being a Physician for Puyi"-Hunan Literature and History

"Bing Lie as a Physician for Puyi"-Guangxi Healthy Life
