The emperor experimented with the young court ladies, and the court ladies were unbearable and conspired to assassinate him while the emperor was asleep.

In feudal society, the rise and fall of a dynasty has a lot to do with the emperor. If the emperor is the sage, the country must be strong_strong if the emperor is strong_strong. The country is bound to decline.

Such an emperor once appeared in ancient times. He was wise and wise, _ was vigorously rectified in the middle of the period. Pleasure, From virtuous to mediocre.

In order to refine the elixir, the young palace ladies were tested. The palace ladies were unbearable, and _strong17 the emperor wanted to sleep together with the emperor . Strangled.

I said This emperor _span11 is the eleventh emperor of Ming Dynasty span_span13 _span13 is the eleventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houhuang was originally not qualified to be the emperor. He was originally a free and easy prince, but he was favored by the heavens of , and 11span was inherited from his emperor by 11span. Throne

Zhu Houzhao was a playful emperor who did a lot of ridiculous things. Later on King Ning rebelled, and news was passed to the court 17, so he wanted to drive a thick license to the imperial court. As a result, before the man arrived, he was led by the governor of southern Jiangxi province and Wang Yangming to take the king of Ning three times by five.

Zhu Houzhao heard the news that King Ning was arrested, and deliberately hid the news, and continued and chose to go south, , he decided to let King Ning go to the place for fun. He rebelled again, and led his army to conquer him again.

All the ministers were shocked by Zhu Huzhao’s remarks was incoherent, I don’t know what to say. With the persuasion of the ministers, Zhu Houzhao gave up his original plan.

On the way back, Zhu Huzhao had a playful heart again. He saw Qingjiangpu water with beautiful scenery, planned to be a fisherman and play on the lake by himself.

Zhu Houzhao accidentally fell into the lake while catching fish with a net, because he couldn't swim, was frightened struggling in the water, choked in the water. Many lakes.

Although the guard rescued Zhu Houzhao, but the water entered his lungs, coupled with excessive fright, his body became worse every day, causing pneumonia, and it was not long before he returned to Beijing for a funeral.

The emperor died, logically speaking should be inherited by the son of Ming Wuzong Zhu Huzhao, but the emperor had no heirs.

After discussing with the Queen Mother and ministers , decided to elect one of the brothers of Ming Wuzong to be Emperor of Ming Dynasty. In this way, Zhu Houxuan stood out from the many princes , and became the eleventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houxuan, who has come from the sky, was very , , he was well versed in the imperial power for more than three years. Also listed his father as the emperor's test.

Zhu Houxuan then managed to firmly control the imperial power in his own hands, so that the courtiers would no longer dare to despise him.

After more than ten years in power, Zhu Houzhu cleared out the abuses of , and launched a series of new regimes to kill the ministers and slay the ministers. General Qi (Jiguang) fought against Japanese pirates,Stabilize the frontier.

Zhu Houxing’s series of policies gave Ming a new look, was called by historians of the Ming Dynasty “spanspan13 strong14span13” span 13 “spanspan 13 strong_span 13”.

If Zhu Houxuan can , as always, will surely live on through the ages and become another wise and great emperor in history.

Unfortunately, Zhu Houxuan is infatuated with The technique of longevity, turns from the virtuous to the more mediocre, and walks further on the path of mediocrity.

Zhu Houheng superstitiously believed in the longevity called by the alchemist, and began to worship Taoism , in order to seek to live forever, and strong from this early reign.

Zhu Houxuan obeyed the advice of Taoist priests to refine Blessed God Pill, gathered 13 to 14-year-old girls outside the palace to gather their yin qi to work in the palace. Immortal pill system.

According to the Taoist priests, to refine the eternal god pill, the palace ladies must be kept pure from the inside to the outside. In order to do this, Zhu Houhuang used the palace ladies to experiment and make them not to eat For meat, you can only eat mulberry leaves and drink early morning to collect the dew from .

Zhu Houxuan's temperament has become moody after taking the pill. often resorts to whipping the palace girls for pleasure, causing many palace ladies to die.

The maids could no longer bear it. More than a dozen maids, headed by Yang Jinying, joined together. In the 21st year of Jiajing , they are going to take advantage of Zhu Houhou’s sleep. He joined forces to kill.

Yang Jinying and other court ladies put the silk cloth prepared around Zhu Houxuan’s neck,More than a dozen palace ladies pulled hard, wanted to strangle Zhu Houhuang on the collapse.

Unfortunately, Ayabu tied the knot and only knocked Zhu Houxuan unconscious. At this time, the Queen Fang brought someone to arrive in time, and _strong17 ordered all the girls to subdue . The emperor's dozens of people were executed Ling Chi.

This is the only one in history is the only 's revolt by a palace girl. This event is called _ span13 strong14 strong14span.

After Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxuan woke up, in order to prevent any more women from being assassinated, she ordered all women who waited in bed to not wear clothes. After this rule was established, the Qing emperor 11span strong_span13 span When an accident happened, kept this rule.


"Ming Dynasty·Jiajing Benji"



