The heroine Zhao Pan'er in "Meng Hua Lu" opened a teahouse by the Qiantang River, and the business was quite prosperous. Three years ago, she rescued Ouyang Xu, a talented man who was not good at business, and used the money from her teahouse to support Ouyang Xu's education, and

2024/05/2117:28:35 history 1009

The heroine in "Meng Hua Lu" Zhao Pan'er opened a teahouse by the Qiantang River , and the business was quite prosperous. Three years ago, she rescued Ouyang Xu, a talented man who was not good at business, and used the money from her teahouse to support Ouyang Xu's education, and the two also entered into an engagement.

Ouyang Xu did live up to Zhao Paner's expectations, becoming the top pick in high school. But then news came that Ouyang Xu was going to marry the daughter of a high-ranking official in the dynasty, and Zhao Paner decided to go to Beijing to seek justice.

On the way to the capital, Zhao Paner was involved in a major case and rescued the good sisters Song Yinzhang and Sun Sanniang. The three went through hardships in Bianliang in the capital, and gradually developed the small teahouse into Bian. The largest restaurant in Beijing, and gained their respective love.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

The first half of this drama was born out of the famous opera of the Yuan Dynasty - " Zhao Paner Fengyue Saves Fengchen", but it has been greatly adapted.

What is the story of the original work "Zhao Pan'er Feng Yue Saves Feng Chen" from "Meng Hua Lu"?

The original story is not complicated at all, it is a drama with only a 40% discount.

A prostitute in Bianliang City Song Yinzhang initially fell in love with Luoyang scholar An Xiushi, but soon after, she met the dandy and treacherous Zhou She. Zhou She's fake gentleness confused Song Yinzhang, and she was determined to Married to Zhou She.

Zhao Pan'er is a sworn sister to Song Yinzhang. After she heard about Song Yinzhang and Zhou She, she went to persuade them.

Zhao Pan'er advised that a dandy like Zhou She would like the new and dislike the old easily. Now that Zhou She and Song Yinzhang are getting married, they must have evil intentions. Zhou She is not worthy of being entrusted to a good man.

But Song Yinzhang, who was passionately in love, could not hear these words. Soon he said goodbye to his mother and returned to Zhou She's hometown - Zhengzhou with Zhou She.

After returning to his hometown, Zhou She revealed his true colors as a scumbag. Song Yinzhang did not have the happy life he expected, but was beaten, scolded and humiliated by Zhou She. Song Yinzhang wanted to escape.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

Song Yinzhang asked the salesman Wang next door to bring a letter to his mother and Zhao Paner, asking them to come and save him.

Zhao Paner received help and secretly thought of a strategy. She dressed up carefully and went to see Zhou She.

Zhou She was a bastard with bad intentions. He was quickly attracted to Zhao Pan'er. In order to pursue Pan'er, he immediately wrote a letter of divorce - divorced Song Yinzhang.

Song Yinzhang got the divorce letter, and he and Zhao Pan'er quickly fled Zhengzhou, but before they had gone far, Zhou She caught up with them, and the two parties dragged them into the Zhengzhou government office.

An Xiucai, who had previously fallen in love with Song Yinzhang, received a letter from Zhao Pan'er and also went to the Zhengzhou government office to complain. The prefect sentenced Zhou She to seizing his wife and gave him sixty strokes. Zhao Pan'er, An Xiucai and Song Yinzhang were able to escape safely.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

Who can be the screenwriter who can write a story that has been passed down for thousands of years?

The screenwriter of "Zhao Pan'er Feng Yue Saves Feng Chen" is Guan Hanqing, the great playwright of the Yuan Dynasty. The dates of Guan Hanqing's birth and death are unknown. History only records that he was born into a medical family in the late Jin Dynasty.

The so-called medical households, as the name suggests, are the men in a family. Their whole life's work is to be doctors. In the early Yuan Dynasty, this kind of family could be exempted from corvee and the life pressure was slightly lighter than that of ordinary people. As a result, Guan Hanqing was able to receive a good education.

After Guan Hanqing became an adult, he worked as a doctor for several years. How he practiced medicine and consulted, and whether his medical skills were superb can no longer be tested. But what is certain is that his fame as a doctor is not as great as his later fame as a screenwriter.

But how did Guan Hanqing become a well-known screenwriter? We guess that this is largely due to the need to improve the quality of life------The income of a doctor is limited, but writing some drama scripts and doing some performances can make much more money than being a doctor. . Of course, it is not ruled out that he may change careers for his hobby.

Here comes the question. When Guan Hanqing was a child, his family could support him to receive a good education. Why didn't he take the scientific examination and become an official? In ancient China, the scholar-bureaucrat class all had the ambition of "learning well and becoming an official". It seemed that studying and becoming an official was the right career.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

For example, most of the great literary figures of Song Dynasty were also famous politicians, such as Wang Anshi, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Yanzhu... Just because their poems were too dazzling, later generations often Forget their original identity ------- officials, politics.

The imperial examination system that started in the Sui Dynasty to obtain scholars was not restarted for a long time after entering the Yuan Dynasty. Because the Yuan Dynasty relied on force to conquer the world, the ruling class of the Yuan Dynasty believed that literati were not enough to rule the country and did not have enough respect for literati. Naturally, at the beginning of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, the imperial examination was not taken seriously and was not carried out in the first few years. Imperial Examination.

In many interpretations, scholars exaggeratedly mocked themselves as being second only to beggars. The beggars were ranked tenth, and they were ranked ninth. Therefore, these intellectuals sometimes also mocked themselves as "stinky old nine". ".

Therefore, many people in modern times think that there was no imperial examination in the Yuan Dynasty. In fact, there were still some. By the late Yuan Dynasty, the imperial examination was actually quite normal. At least since 1315, the Yuan Dynasty had almost a major examination every three years as a rule. Recruit civil servants from scholars all over the world. This is something.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

In the end, these frustrated intellectuals began to embark on their own creative path, taking the examination direction of the Yuan Dynasty as an object of ridicule, and blaming the tragic experiences of the lower class people on the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty. As a result, amid the laughter and curses, the Yuan drama as a market culture flourished.

In this context, in order to make a living, Guan Hanqing left his hometown and went to Dadu, the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and became a "Du Piao".

At that time, Dadu was very prosperous, with row upon row of Getai restaurants. Marco Polo also said that Dadu was "a gorgeous city, second to none in the world."

In Dadu, Guan Hanqing went in and out among the tiled houses and became a famous poet. Full-time playwright.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

playwrights in Manchuria

Young people working hard in big cities today have more or less had such troubles: they have learned a lot of professional knowledge, but when they first entered the city, they found it difficult to adapt because they were not familiar with the place. Others discover your talents, making it difficult to find the job you want.

In the metropolis more than 700 years ago, when there was no Internet and relatively limited information, Guan Hanqing, as a "Du Piao", had the goal of creating Yuan dramas, so he went to Goulan Wase to watch operas every day.

When he went one day, the theater was performing the opera "King Guan and Chi You" - a "thunder drama" even more outrageous than Guan Gong and Qin Qiong .

Guan Hanqing, who had read the history books, felt that the plot design was very unreasonable, so he found the troupe leader and shared some of his insights with the troupe leader. The class leader of

felt that Guan Hanqing was quite knowledgeable, so he asked him if he could re-create a script with Guan Gong as the protagonist?

Guan Hanqing realized that his opportunity had come, and he quickly completed the script creation. The new title of the play was " Guan Dawang Goes Alone to the Single-Sword Meeting ", or " Single-Sword Meeting " for short.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

This play is based on the biography of Lu Su in "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms·Wu Shu". The script is a good processing and interpretation of historical materials, and because at that time, the Mongolian cavalry invaded the north. Wherever they passed, large areas of land were desolate, people were destroyed and displaced, and the people were filled with resentment.

Guan Hanqing created this play, lamenting the difficulties of starting a business in the Han family and praising Guan Yu's heroic spirit, which aroused strong resonance among viewers. Therefore, "Single Sword Club" caused a great response once it was staged and became the "hot drama" of the year!

Among them, the sentence " This is not a river, this is the blood of heroes that have been shed for twenty years " has been evaluated by later generations as "the first in the history of chanting the historical events of the Three Kingdoms."

Relying on his plays with profound themes, vivid images and simple language, Guan Hanqing gradually became "top class" in the field of drama creation.

What is less known is that behind Guan Hanqing, a successful playwright, there is also a talented woman who gave him a lot of advice and support. This woman is Guan Hanqing's wife Wan Zhen'er.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

The music of harp and harp——The love story of Guan Hanqing

Wan Zhen'er was born in a famous family and has been familiar with poetry and books since she was a child. After Guan Hanqing's script was created, Wan Zhen'er was always his first reader.

When Guan Hanqing wrote the eternally famous novel "The Injustice of Dou E", he originally designed a happy ending with all the hardships for the heroine Dou E. After Wan Zhen'er read it, she said to Guan Hanqing:

"In ancient operas, there is always the old routine of joy after all hardships. I think this "The Injustice of Dou E" may as well end in tragedy. It is not conventional, and it may make people's eyes happy. "Bright."

After Guan Hanqing heard this, he felt that his wife's words made sense, so he made a shocking cry: "Earth, you don't know what is good or bad, what is earth? Heaven, you are wrong and foolish, and you are in vain."

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

Guan Hanqing and his wife are both equally talented and have similar interests, but it is inevitable that there will be some unhappiness in their lives.

Guan Hanqing was a romantic man by nature. He hung around among the houses all year round and did many extraordinary things. Guan Hanqing himself once said:

"I am a benevolent leader all over the world, and I am the leader of the world's prodigal sons. I hope my beauty will not change, and I will be entertained among flowers and forget my worries in wine. I will divide tea and bamboo, play horses and Tibetan lot; I am familiar with the five tones and six rhythms, and I am very worried about it. "

What this means is that I am the leader of the prodigal sons in the world. I hope that my beauty will never change and my youth will remain the same. I spend my time among beauties and forget my sorrows in a glass of wine. I often sip tea, draw bamboo , and play gambling games such as horse beating and Tibetan gelding. I am proficient in five tones and familiar with and six rhythms. What else can I do? What makes me worry?

That's not all. It is said that when Guan Hanqing saw that Wan Zhen'er's dowry maid was very beautiful, he even had some evil thoughts and wanted to take her into his house, but was finally stopped by Wan Zhen'er.

Guan Hanqing then wrote a little order :

"With crows on the temples and a rosy face, I will kill the general as a dowry. The scale is all grown up, not under the matchmaker. Peeping with smiling eyes, and answering in literary conversation, it is really like a flower explaining words. If If we kill him, we will overturn the grape trellis."

probably means to praise this maid, her temples are as black as a crow, and her face is as red as a morning glow. She is really wronged to be a dowry girl.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

Guan Hanqing felt that she was no less than the matchmaker in " The West Chamber ", as considerate as a flower of interpretation, but he was worried that if he accepted her, his wife would become jealous and make everyone in the family fall to their knees.

Wan Zhen'er saw this little Ling and felt very unhappy. However, Wan Zhener has good self-cultivation and self-control. She did not make a fuss immediately, but also wrote a small poem and asked the maid to deliver it to Guan Hanqing.

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

"Wenjun peeked at the pictures of beauties, not like a man like Guan Yu. If the golden house stored Gillian, I would be full of jealousy for you."

This poem accuses Guan Hanqing of being greedy for beauty, unlike his Guan Gong, who is a true hero and a man. , and reiterated his position that he did not want Guan Hanqing to take concubines.

After reading it, Guan Hanqing felt very embarrassed and felt that what he did was inappropriate. But how do you apologize to your wife?

The heroine Zhao Pan'er in

At that time, Guan Hanqing's new work, the previously mentioned "Zhao Paner Fengyue Saves Fengchen" had just been completed, so Guan Hanqing took the script and read it to his wife.

It is said that when she read the third sentence " You can't forgive a couple for a night and a hundred days of kindness, you can just calm down and stop being angry ", Wan Zhen'er couldn't help but shed tears, and Guan Hanqing couldn't help hugging his wife and shedding tears. They shed tears, and the couple reconciled as before.

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