One evening during the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the we

2024/05/1317:45:34 history 1621

One evening in the year of the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the wedding room, was crying. Like a tearful person.

All this is because a few days ago, Ge Shi took out a loan from home. It was said that A Cui's family owed her thirty taels of silver, and A Cui had to sacrifice her lifelong happiness to marry this stupid and stupid Ah Fu Like a seven or eight year old.

Before this, in order to solve the family's debt problem, his brother Cheng had to disguise himself as a woman and sell himself as a maid. As a result, the twenty taels of silver he got back was stolen.

Atui's grandmother Liu was already in poor health because of her old age. Because of this incident, she became seriously ill and bedridden. Atui was heartbroken and lamented the unfairness of her fate.

One evening during the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the we - DayDayNews

But how could she, a weak woman, change all of this? What should I do about my future happiness? Will my brother's identity be revealed? How is grandma's health? Apart from crying, A Cui can't think of a way to solve the current problem or get out of the current predicament, but what is the reason for all this?

It turns out that A Cui's family originally lived in the town. There are grandparents, father, brother Acheng, and her mother who is pregnant with her. It is a happy, warm and well-off family. The whole family is waiting for them. With the birth of A Cui.

However, on the day A Cui was born, a sudden change occurred in her family, causing the originally happy and warm family to become fragmented and disappear. A Cui began her unfortunate life.

During the days when A Cui's mother gave birth, A Cui's grandfather and father did not come back from doing business. Grandma Liu took care of A Cui's mother and younger brother, waiting for A Cui's birth.

That evening, it was raining heavily. Mrs. Liu was worried about why her husband and son hadn't come back yet. On the other hand, seeing that her daughter-in-law was about to give birth, she anxiously waited for the midwife who was late due to rain.

Fortunately, the midwife arrived in time and Acui was born smoothly. Mrs. Liu, her daughter-in-law, and Acheng were all very happy. What a blessing it is to have a son and a daughter?

Mr. Liu sent away the midwife and took care of her daughter-in-law, who was weak after giving birth. She was very happy to see the newborn A Cui. However, less than half an hour later, bad news came.

Because Liu's husband and son knew that A Cui was about to be born, they rushed home in a hurry. As a result, they encountered a mudslide on the way, and both of them died. When someone brought the bad news, Liu and her daughter-in-law were both Fainted.

A Cui's mother was already weak after giving birth. Coupled with such a blow, she fainted and never woke up. The original family of six, in one day, only Mrs. Liu and her three-year-old grandson A were left. Cheng and his newborn granddaughter A Cui.

After Ms. Liu woke up, although she was devastated, she had to live bravely for her grandson and granddaughter, support the family, and feed her young grandson Acheng and granddaughter Acui. But how easy is it?

The family has lost two of its pillars. Ms. Liu has spent most of her family's savings in order to bury her husband, son and daughter-in-law. However, she does not know about the accounts owed to the family by others in her husband's business during his lifetime.

But her husband owed someone else a debt for his business, and someone came to collect the debt with an IOU, so she had to pay it back. Mrs. Liu had to sell off all her family's property, including their house, pay off the debt, and return with her grandson and granddaughter. Rural hometown.

Fortunately, relatives in my hometown have been helped by the Liu family in the past. Those relatives and villagers who had money provided money and efforts to help the Liu family repair three houses in their hometown.

Mrs. Liu and the others had a place to stay. Mrs. Liu raised her two children by sewing, weaving, and doing embroidery. The hardships involved can be imagined. The villagers praised Mrs. Liu as a great woman and a great grandmother who will surely enjoy the blessings of grandchildren and granddaughters in the future.

What the villagers said was indeed true. When Acheng and Acui grew up, they were both hard-working, kind, filial and sensible, which made Ms. Liu very pleased. She had never thought about any blessings, as long as Acheng married and Acui married. , she will be content in this life.

Time flies, and the sun and the moon fly by. Cheng has reached the age of eighteen. He has grown up with handsome features and a talented person. He has learned the skills of a bamboo craftsman and weaved various bamboo products at home. The life at home has become much easier. Just talking about it The marriage didn't go well, after all, his family's situation was somewhat special.

As for A Cui, she was already sixteen years old and she was slim and graceful. There was no such beautiful girl anywhere in the country. Her marriage did not worry Ms. Liu. There was an endless stream of people coming to propose marriage, including young masters from wealthy families.

But the filial Atui said: "Grandma, you have worked hard to raise me and my eldest brother over the years. We all know how much you have suffered. Now that you are old, in poor health and need someone to take care of you, how can I bear to get married?

My brother also loves my sister very much. Now I can help with housework at home, take care of my grandma, spin and weave at home, and go to the mountains to collect medicines to save money so that my brother can marry his sister-in-law as soon as possible, so that I can get married with peace of mind.”

As the elder brother, Acheng blamed himself for delaying his sister Acui's life-long event. But not long after, Ge from the town came to the house and said that their family owed the Ge family thirty taels of silver, and he had an IOU in hand. .

One evening during the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the we - DayDayNews

And Ge Shi expressed his sadness with tears and snot in his nose, which made Liu, Acheng and Acui feel that it would be impossible to postpone the payment for a while.

Ge's husband died three years ago, and she and her son Ah Fu were the only ones in the family. Ah Fu was playful when he was ten years old, climbed trees to dig out bird's nests, broke his head, and became stupid and stupid, like a seven-year-old boy. The eight-year-old children are now living a difficult life as orphans and widowers.

But how come A Cui’s family owes the Ge family thirty taels of silver? It turned out that when A Cui's father and grandfather went out to do business, they had trouble making money, so they asked Ge's husband to borrow ten taels of silver, wrote a note, and agreed on the interest.

However, A Cui's grandfather and father died suddenly and unexpectedly. Ge's husband felt that A Cui's family was pitiful. In addition, A Cui's grandfather and father had helped Ge's husband before. He couldn't bear to press for repayment and handed over the IOU. Hidden.

A few days ago, Mrs. Ge found this IOU when she was cleaning up the house and rummaging through boxes and cabinets. She asked Mrs. Liu to pay back thirty taels of silver to her, but Mrs. Liu didn't even save ten taels of silver. How could she get so much money?

Ge Shi cried and shouted that if she didn't pay back the money, she and her son wouldn't be able to survive. Her grandparents and grandson stamped their feet anxiously. Ge Shi suddenly wiped her tears and said, "It's okay if you don't pay back the money. Let Acui Marry my son Ah Fu and be my daughter-in-law. "

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue. If Ah Fu is a normal man, Ah Cui will agree, but who would make fun of his lifelong happiness? How could Liu, the grandmother, and Acheng, the brother, have the heart to ruin Acui's lifelong happiness?

When Geshi saw that they all disagreed, he said that he would give them ten days to either pay back the money or let Atui marry him, otherwise he would report to the official and then leave. Geshi said so, and it was reasonable to do so.

However, the only choice for the three people is to pay back the money. Letting A Cui marry A Fu and the newspaper official are both unacceptable realities, so the three people go to borrow money separately, but is it easier said than done? Even if the villagers wanted to help them, they were powerless and could only scrape together ten cents.

Seeing that the deadline was coming, together with the family's savings, they only managed to collect ten taels of silver. There were still twenty taels left. How could they get it all? A Cui came back with her grandma Liu to borrow money. They hoped that A Cheng could find a way to borrow the remaining twenty taels.

But when they returned home, they saw that the door was closed. When they opened the door, they were shocked because there was a beautiful girl with delicate features sitting in the house. Could it be that a thief or some relative had come to the house?

But when they took a closer look, they wanted to laugh but were not in the mood, because the girl was none other than Ah Cheng, a man disguised as a woman. Mrs. Liu quickly asked her grandson what he was doing. At this critical moment, are you still in the mood to make everyone happy?

Acheng said: "Grandma, sister, I've thought about it. We really can't come up with the remaining twenty taels of silver. In ancient times, there was Hua Mulan a woman who disguised herself as a man and joined the army for her father. I want to disguise myself as a woman and sell myself as a soldier. The maid came to solve the problem at home."

A Cui immediately said: "Brother, I know you are doing it for the best of the family, but if your identity is revealed, you will be beaten to death at least, or sent to the government at worst. If this decision doesn't work, let me marry Ah Fu. Maybe this is my fate."

Mr. Liu didn't know what to say for a moment. Ah Cheng is the only male in the family. He needs to have both good and bad things to make the family happy. Who will inherit? But if you don't do this, your granddaughter will ruin a lifetime of happiness.

At this time, Acheng said: "Grandma, sister, I am the only man in the family. How can I bear to let my sister sacrifice her lifelong happiness for this family? I originally wanted to sell myself as a servant, but there is no maid worth money, so I want to dress up as a woman. Yes.

Don’t worry. Others only buy maids to do things and serve people. I can do these things. If they are discovered, I will beg them and tell them that I have no choice but to become a servant. , do whatever you want, let them drive you, let’s get through the current difficulties first, take it one step at a time, I don’t believe that God will not give us a way to survive.”

Liu and A Cui both wanted to stop them, but Acheng. He insisted on this and said that if he didn't agree with him to do this, he would be sorry for his sister and shameless as a human being, so he might as well die.

In desperation, Mrs. Liu and Atui had no choice but to agree, and Acheng went to a wealthy family in the town. Because Acheng disguised himself as a woman, was pretty and pretty, and successfully became a maid in Zheng's family in the town. In exchange for twenty taels of silver.

That night, Liu and Atui were sad and sad at home, worried that Acheng would be found out sooner or later at Zheng Yuanwai's house. However, there were priorities, and the top priority was to resolve the thirty taels of silver owed to Ge.

Liu and Atui put the thirty taels of silver they had collected into the baggage, and planned to go to Ge's house early the next morning to pay back the money. However, when they got up the next day, when they took the baggage and prepared to set off, they found that the baggage was It became lighter, and when I opened it, I immediately started crying.

Thirty taels of silver disappeared unexpectedly. This was the money that the family had worked hard to save, including a few taels of silver borrowed from others, and money from Cheng, who disguised himself as a woman and sold himself. How could they survive?

Just as they were holding each other's arms and crying, Ge Shi came with a few people and asked Mrs. Liu whether she should pay back the money, marry her granddaughter, or go to the government? In desperation, A Cui agreed to marry A Fu.

Because they have no money, if they go to the government, how will grandma withstand prison? And if things get serious and it is revealed that his brother Acheng disguised himself as a woman, his brother will also be doomed.

Mrs. Liu saw that her grandson was no longer around, and her granddaughter was going to marry the fool Afu again. She was extremely sad, her old illness relapsed, and she was bedridden. However, Mrs. Ge still took Cui back home.

However, Ge Shi saw that Mrs. Liu was indeed ill. When A Cui married her son, they became relatives, so Mr. Ge left two taels of silver to Mrs. Liu. Before A Cui left, she asked her neighbors to help her. Take care of grandma Liu.

As Cui cried, she recalled her own experience and lamented the injustice of God. Ah Fu suddenly rushed into the room and said that her mother, Ge Shi, had said that she would have a wedding night with A Cui so that she could give Ge Shi a grandson.

One evening during the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the we - DayDayNews

A Cui refused, and Ah Fu, who was thought to be playing games, chased her, running around the room, knocking over the tables and benches in the room, and Ge Shi ran in, scolding A Cui to accept her fate, now that she has done it Ah Fu's wife should listen to Ah Fu in everything, and even helped Ah Fu catch Ah Cui.

Suddenly, a golden hen feather in Ah Cui's arms suddenly fell to the ground. The feather rose into the sky, and the golden light shone on Ah Fu. Ah Fu shuddered and pulled Ge Shi and left the room. .

It was useless for Ge Shi to resist. Ah Fu took Ge Shi out of the house like an eagle catching a chicken. At Cui quickly closed the door and escaped. At Cui looked at the golden feather. , remembering a past incident.

It turns out that a year ago, there was a locust plague in my hometown. Large areas of crops and woods were gnawed clean by locusts. When A Cui went up the mountain to collect herbs, she unexpectedly found that some herbs were safe and sound. It must be because the locusts were afraid of those herbs.

So A Cui hurriedly collected herbs so that she could sell them to make a living. Suddenly she heard a lot of noise not far away, as if someone was fighting fiercely. A Cui walked over curiously and hid in the grass to watch.

As a result, I found a strange man wearing green clothes and two buns on his head. The man fighting was a woman wearing golden clothes and pointed buns on her head. She looked very special.

As the saying goes, a good man never fights with a woman. This man actually bullied a woman. Atui was immediately angry. She decided to help the woman. Even if she couldn't help, she still had to persuade the man.

But A Cui thought things too simply. As soon as she walked over, the woman shouted: "Girl, please go away quickly, so as not to hurt you."

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman may have been upset because of A Cui's appearance. She lost consciousness and was slapped on the chest by the man. She vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. A Cui blamed herself. She wanted to help the woman, but ended up harming her instead.

Atui wanted to listen to the woman and run away, but she was so kind-hearted, how could she just run away? She rushed over quickly, protected the woman with her body, and begged the man to spare the injured woman.

But the man didn't listen to the advice at all, and raised his hand to hit the woman lying on the ground. A Cui turned around, hugged the woman, and protected her with his body. He only heard a "pop", followed by "Oops" "A scream.

However, it was not A Cui who screamed, but that man. What was going on? Does A Cui have special abilities? A Cui turned around and looked at the man with bleeding hands in shock.

How can the injured man give up? He became angry and rushed over with a ferocious face, wanting to deal with A Cui first. At the critical moment, the woman behind A Cui suddenly stood up and took out many herbs from A Cui's backpack.

The woman muttered something and threw it into the air. Golden lights appeared in the air and covered the man. In an instant, the man screamed and turned into a huge locust. However, it soon shrank into a finger-sized locust and was killed by the woman. Take out a jar and seal it inside.

A Cui quickly supported the injured woman and asked: "Sister, is your injury serious? Can I take you to the doctor? Could it be that this man is the locust spirit who has been causing trouble recently, destroying crops and flowers? Who are you? Are you? A Taoist nun who subjugates demons?"

The woman said: "Yes, this man is the locust spirit who caused trouble recently. I didn't expect that the herbs you collected were lethal to him, so that he could show his true form and be captured by me. Thank you for saving him.

It’s just that I can’t tell you my identity. I have a hen feather here for you. Remember to carry it with you. It can help you at critical moments and keep you safe. It doesn't matter, my injury doesn't matter. I want to go back and recover, so I won't accompany you anymore." After the woman finished speaking, she handed A Cui a golden hen feather, and then quickly disappeared into the woods. A Cui felt incredible. Don’t believe that a feather can keep you safe?

At first, A Cui didn't believe it. Secondly, although she, her grandma, and her brother were a little poor, they were quite happy together as a family. What disaster could happen to her? So A Cui threw away the feathers, but strangely, the feathers on the ground magically flew into her hands.

Just like that, A Cui put the feather into her arms. When she got home, she wanted to tell her grandma Liu and her brother Acheng about this and show them the feather.

In the end, she couldn't find the feather. As time went by, A Cui gradually forgot about the feather, but it appeared at this time. Could it really help her at the critical moment?

A Cui bowed to Feather, and suddenly Feather got into her arms and disappeared. This made A Cui very curious, but she couldn't find Feather, so she had to give up.

In the following days, A Cui could only stay in Ge's house as her daughter-in-law, accompanying Ah Fu who was like a child. After getting along with her, she discovered that Ge was actually a kind mother. It was not easy for her, and she had to take care of Ah Fu. Fu, I also have to take care of a grocery store.

As the saying goes, "Marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog." A Cui accepted the fate and helped Ge family take care of the housework and took care of Ah Fu. Although Ah Fu is a fool, he is only seven or eight years old.

The reason why he wanted to have a bridal night with Acui was all Gu's idea. In fact, Ah Fu is a kind person. Sometimes when he sees Acui crying thinking about sad things, he will make her happy and do it for her. Perform fun shows.

Seeing that A Cui was hardworking and kind, Ge Shi wanted A Fu to get married to A Cui as soon as possible so that he could continue the family lineage. However, after several times, the golden feather appeared and asked Fu to take her away. I didn’t mention this matter to Ah Fu.

Not only that, Ge also asked A Cui to go home to see her grandmother Liu. After A Cui returned to her parents' home and told Mrs. Liu about her situation, Mrs. Liu felt relieved. After treatment, Mrs. Liu's disease gradually recovered. When they got up, the one they were most worried about was Ah Cheng, who was disguised as a woman and working as a maid in Zheng's wife's house.

That day, Ge's family of three was having dinner. Ge looked at Ah Fu and Ah Cui who were married. They didn't look like husband and wife, but like siblings. While she was overjoyed, she also lamented her son's fate. If she were gone, Ah Cui would Will Tsui continue to take care of Ah Fu?

Thinking about it, Gurdjieff shed sad tears. However, at this moment, a hen fell from the sky and flew to the table to eat the meal. Gurdjieff was furious because her family didn't raise chickens. Whose hen was it? Flying to your house to cause trouble?

Geshi quickly hugged the hen, went out and asked the neighbors. At first, the neighbors said that there was no chicken lost at home. Geshi immediately said after returning home: "Since no one has claimed the hen, I will kill it and make soup for everyone." "Take care of yourself." As soon as

finished speaking, A Cui and A Fu blurted out in unison: "Mom, no, this hen is really pitiful. Is she still crying? Let's keep her. We will have eggs to eat in the future."

Ge Shi held the hen and looked at it carefully, and said: "How pitiful is it? Where is it crying? It also made a mess of our food, but since you two begged for her, then I will let it live." "

After saying that, Ge asked Acui to find a cage and put the hen in the cage. But as soon as the hen landed and entered the cage, she suddenly laid an egg and turned into a beautiful fairy girl. The three members of the family were all shocked, but at a glance, A Cui recognized that she was the woman he rescued in the mountains a year ago.

One evening during the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the we - DayDayNews

Fairy Girl said: "Don't be afraid, Ah Cui, do you know me? To be honest, I can tell you my true identity now. I am the Golden Rooster Fairy who practices in the mountains.

I caught the locust spirit in the mountains that day. Before you With the help of his wife, my merits have been fulfilled and I am in the Immortal Class. I came here to do two things. The most urgent thing is to tell A Cui that you should hurry up and save your brother Acheng. "

These days, A Cui has been thinking about him. She was concerned about her brother's affairs, but she couldn't go to Zheng's wife's house to find her brother. She was afraid that her brother's disguise as a woman would be revealed. When she heard that her brother was in trouble, she immediately said: "Xiangu, what's wrong with my brother? How can I save him?" "Him?"

Fairy Girl smiled and said, "It's not life-threatening, but I can't escape. You need to buy him back with money. The other party wants one hundred taels of silver.""

After Acui married Ah Fu, she felt that although Ge's mother-in-law had used special means to make her her daughter-in-law, she found that Ge was very kind to her, so she told Ge about Acheng's disguise as a woman.

Ge Shi also wanted to save enough money to redeem Acui as soon as possible so that Acui, Acheng and the Liu family could be reunited. However, at that time, Acheng got 20 taels from selling himself as a maid and wanted to replace him. He would definitely not be able to redeem himself without preparing thirty or fifty taels, but how easy is it?

When Ge Shi heard that he wanted one hundred taels, he exclaimed that even if he sold the grocery store and the house, he would not be able to get it. The fairy smiled and said: "It's rare for you, a mother-in-law, to think about your daughter-in-law's brother. Just for a little bit, I will help you. "

Ge Shi and A Cui hurriedly kowtowed to express their gratitude and asked Fairy Gu how they could help them. Fairy Gu pointed to the cage just now. When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked back, they were overjoyed because the egg just now was shining with golden light. It was a golden egg, not just a golden egg. One hundred taels of silver?

Ge Shi immediately handed the golden egg to his daughter-in-law A Cui, asking her to redeem her elder brother. The fairy looked at Ge Shi, nodded and said, "I saw you right." Aunt Wanxian turned into a grandma again.

A Cui was stunned, but Ge Shi recognized it because it was this grandma who came to Ge Shi's grocery store and said she was hungry. The kind-hearted Ge Shi not only fed her.

Then grandma told Ge Shi that if she went home and looked for an IOU, her son Ah Fu would marry a virtuous wife. Ge Shi thought it was incredible, and grandma told her again. , disappeared suddenly.

After Ge became a widow, she had a hard time with Ah Fu. She once looked for the IOU that her husband had hidden during his lifetime, but couldn't find it. After listening to her grandmother's advice, she returned home smoothly. After finding the IOU, according to Grandma's instructions, her son Ah Fu married Ah Cui. She was indeed a good wife.

When Ge Shi saw Grandma again and learned that she was the Golden Rooster Fairy, she quickly begged the Golden Rooster Fairy to save her son. To cure Ah Fu's disease, she hoped to have a normal son, otherwise how could she be worthy of such a virtuous daughter-in-law, Ah Cui?

The fairy smiled and pointed at Ah Cui's body, and suddenly a feather fell from her body. It slowly rose up and emitted light, shining on Ah Fu's body. The fairy lady recited a few spells, and blood suddenly flowed from Ah Fu's forehead.

Both Ge Shi and A Cui were startled, but the fairy lady said: "It doesn't matter. Ah Fu suffered a head injury when he was a child, which caused congestion, which made him stupid and stupid, like a child. Now that the congestion has disappeared, he is fine! "

As expected, Ah Fu fully recovered. He was so excited as he hugged his mother, Ge Shi, and blushed. He looked at A Cui honestly. When Ah Cui saw Ah Fu's eyes, he lowered his head shyly.

"Stop dawdling. , hurry up and take the golden eggs to Zheng’s wife’s house to save your brother Acheng! By the way, A Cui, the thirty taels of silver you collected was not stolen, it was taken by me, and it is still hidden under your mother's bed.

I did this just to make a perfect match between you and Ah Fu. I checked Yue Lao’s marriage line, and Ah Fu is your destined person. As for your brother Acheng, he will also have a wonderful marriage, but he has to get away now. "After the fairy aunt finished speaking, she disappeared.

Ge Shi took her son and daughter-in-law to the sky to thank her, and then went straight to the chaotic Zheng Yuanwai's house. Why was this?

It turned out that after Acheng went to work as a maid in Zheng Yuanwai's house, She originally thought that he was a newcomer, doing some chores such as washing, cooking, and serving tea and water, but she was attracted by Zheng's daughter Afeng and wanted to be her personal maid.

Ah Cheng couldn't tell whether he agreed or not. However, he was afraid that he would be exposed, so how could he take care of Ah Feng's daily life? But there is no airtight wall in the world. Although Ah Feng likes Cheng, a lively and special maid, she soon discovers that Cheng is a man.

Acheng had no choice but to tell the truth and what happened to him at home. Although Afeng was a wealthy lady, she was a kind and well-educated person. She learned that Acheng's parents had died and he lived with his grandmother Liu and his younger sister A Cui. .

Cheng finally managed to collect thirty taels of silver by disguising himself as a woman, and was about to return it to the Ge family so that his sister A Cui would not marry Ah Fu. However, the money was stolen, and her sister A Cui had no choice but to marry Ah Fu. Grandma Mrs. Liu was bedridden again.

Afeng was very sympathetic to Cheng's experience. Not only did she not expose Cheng, but after getting along with him, she gradually fell in love with the kind-hearted Cheng and wanted to commit herself to him, but how to get Cheng to leave her home and come to What about proposing marriage?

Just when Ah Feng was at a loss what to do, Zheng also discovered that something was wrong with Ah Cheng. He tried to find out many times, but was protected by Ah Feng.

In the end, Zheng Yuanwai said that he wanted to marry Acheng as his concubine. Ah Feng was in a dilemma. She told him that Acheng was a man and she would spend time with him day and night. Her reputation would be ruined. What if Zheng Yuanwai married Acheng?

One evening during the Ming Dynasty, Ge Shi in a small town was holding a wedding for his son Ah Fu. The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and everyone was changing cups and cups. It was very lively. At this time, the bride Ah Cui, who was alone in the we - DayDayNews

At this time, Acui, her mother-in-law Ge Shi, and her husband Ah Fu came to the Zheng Mansion. On the way, they exchanged the golden eggs for 500 taels of silver and took out 100 taels to redeem Ah Cheng. Zheng Yuanwai and Ah Feng They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, Ah Cheng, who had regained his virginity, went to Zheng's house to propose marriage. Zheng initially disagreed, but Ah Feng was determined to marry Ah Cheng. Ah Cheng said that the family now has several hundred taels of silver, which is enough for Ah Feng to live without food and clothing. A worried life.

Later, Cheng and Ah Feng got married, and Ah Cui and Ah Fu also lived a normal married life. Acheng and Ah Cui both had their own children. The two families purchased property in the town and took over their grandma Liu. When they arrived in the town, both families lived a happy life. Mr. Liu lived to be in his nineties before dying of illness.

(End of story)

Statement: This story aims to inherit folk art, persuade people to do good and abandon evil, and promote traditional virtues. It has nothing to do with feudal superstition. Thank you for reading. Please like it and leave your comments on the characters or plots in the story. .

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