Why did people in ancient China taboo owls

2021/08/0609:48:02 history 275

The owl is called filial owl, and its scientific name is " owl ". Why did people in ancient China avoid owls? Let me understand this history together.

Why did people in ancient China taboo owls - DayDayNews

An owl eats many vole in a year, protects a lot of food, and is a "friend of mankind and a guard of food". However, because of its unattractive appearance and unpleasant voice, many people dislike it and taboo it from the heart. Speaking of the appearance of an owl, it is indeed a bit scary: the beak and claws are curved and hook-shaped and very sharp. The eyes are not born on the sides of the head like other birds, but are located directly in front. The eyes are round and glowing with faint green light. The feathers around the eyes are radial, forming a so-called "face plate" with a sharp and stern call. This is very scary in the quiet and dark night.

Why did people in ancient China taboo owls - DayDayNews

So people are taboo to see it and taboo to hear it. "Historical Records: The Biography of Qu Yuan Jia Sheng") said that an owl flew into the house of Jia Yi . Jia Yi opened the book of Zhanto and checked it. The book said that this kind of bird flying was a harbinger of the owner's death. In " Song History ", a owl stopped on a locust tree. The man ordered Liu Xi to shoot it and shot it with one arrow. But after two days, this person also died. Because the owl is capable of fascinating. It’s no wonder that " 雲笈七笈" says: "Everyone who combs hair and claws should be treated, don’t throw water or fire, and throw it straight. Its claws hurt the soul." is the owl.

Why did people in ancient China taboo owls - DayDayNews

Liu Xun's "Ling Biao Yi Lu" says: "The owl is the owl and the murderer screams in the house...It will have the guilty ear and the name of the nocturnal wandering girl." This is probably because the owl is at night. The habit of the ghost is the same as that of the ghost in the mind of the ancients. Its characteristics of living and living among the barren hills, thorns and graves make people think that it can communicate with the underworld.

There is such a legend in Xishuangbanna: a long time ago, 景洪 The wife of the leader of the tribe is a very beautiful princess. The gods envy her beauty. If they want to take possession of her, they send envoys to the world and become an owl, calling out the soul of the princess every night, so people I hate owls very much. The eye structure of the owl is different from other birds and can only move at night, so in the quiet night, you can sometimes hear its screaming cry.

Why did people in ancient China taboo owls - DayDayNews

Therefore, the Han people call this "an owl called filial piety", because the call is "reporting funeral" and "happiness", which is very taboo. Li nationality , clan and other places are also very taboo against cat's head and its call, thinking that it is an ominous bird, unlucky sound, "a cat's head calls, there must be misfortune", you must sacrifice to ghosts and gods to avoid disasters.

Why did people in ancient China taboo owls - DayDayNews

In order to avoid encountering owls and hearing owls, parents in many places do not allow their families to go out after dark. They must go out and when passing through the woods where the owls inhabit, they should pray at home to pray for the gods and bless them, and then bring them A few strings of small firecrackers, if you hear an owl call, you will set off the firecrackers for bad luck.

Why did people in ancient China taboo owls - DayDayNews


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