South Korea's big-eyed girl Zhao Minying's hot figure becomes popular on the Internet

Hello everyone, this is the "Goddess Memory Hall". I will chat with you every day about the beauty stars and sexy topics in the entertainment industry, share the beautiful photos and dress collocations of the beauty stars, and occasionally talk about entertainment gossip. , Friends who like beauty stars, don’t say much, let’s introduce our protagonist below, so be sure to pay attention!

Today I will introduce you to Chinese name: Zhao Minying, English name: Jo Min-Young, alias: 조민영, nationality: South Korea, born in South Korea, Zhao Minying, 160cm She is not very good, weighing only 41kg, coupled with her baby face, and hot body, it is really tempting.

When he has his own petite and beautiful face, now Zhao Min has a sweet face of his own. The model of the store is a living sign, and the business is extremely hot.

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