Zhang Yixing Times Fengjun cooperation? Zhang Zhehan wants to make a comeback? Can Zhang Zifeng smoke?


I saw that Shanhe Ling suddenly changed the poster, leaving only gj alone, and deleted the Japanese master! But why suddenly a bunch of whitewashed videos appeared for him? Da Zuo is still trying to make a comeback! Some people said before that it was really fake to buy tea leaves at sky-high prices and cut vermicelli and leeks!

It is really not easy to find his pictures now. The official Weibo of "Shanhe Ling" almost doesn't have him now, and the attitude of wanting to pick himself up is really obvious. As for Zhang Zhehan, there have been more people trying to whitewash him, not bad at this moment. Of course he wants to come back. The entertainment industry is so good to make money. Not only does it make a lot of money, but there are people who hold back and take care of it. Who doesn't want it? But it is basically impossible for him to come out. Those things that have violated the bottom line are almost unwashed. It is impossible for him to come out from above. If there is room for discussion on this matter, then we really won't be saved. As for whether their family sells high-priced tea to cut vermicelli and chives, it is normal for others to sell their own tea normally, but as for the price, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure, that is what the buyer knows.


What exactly is the standard for passing the audit of 10strong ! The old kind of shredded devil, or thunder warlord ,The current " hello prosecutor " dramas that insult the martyrs and public prosecutors and the law are all censored! I feel that the audit is stuck on some innocuous things, and the real problems are ignored.

Actually this can be found. Radio and television review is a relatively general scope, such as whether it harms national interests, whether it involves state secrets, whether it insults martyrs, whether it is too violent, terror, bloody, vulgar, and pornographic, whether it is too sensitive on the political level, or whether There will be things that promote violations of laws and disciplines or violations of morals and ethics, and so on. If these major aspects of the logical architecture do not go wrong, the rest will not be too problematic.

After everyone's unremitting efforts, the levels you mentioned, such as the ridiculous and unreasonable dramas such as the shredded devils, or the historical dramas that are too different from the official history, will now be used by . span4span pointed out to modify. As you mentioned, for example, some industry standard industry behaviors in various professional dramas and historical dramas, except for modern dramas, some cannot involve real place names, and historical dramas cannot involve real names of historical figures if they are not official history, etc., radio and television review At that time, I don’t pay much attention to it, because the radio and television audits are only based on major standards. These are all detailed issues. The first is that the radio and television staff are not omnipotent to understand everything. Second, if the radio and television needs to be refined to all occupations, they must understand very well and follow the reality and logically, then the workload will be very large, and the review cycle will be very large. A lot longer. The number of various TV dramas, movies, variety shows, and other programs sent for review and filing every year is much more than everyone thinks. Tens of thousands of episodes a year are not just for fun. If the radio and television can really do all professional dramas without any omissions, and historical dramas will not have any interpretations that are too against historical facts, then the audit really does not rest throughout the year.

and some film and television works involving sensitive themes and important industries,Radio and television will also require modification and blurring if it involves the core or too sensitive areas, and there will be many areas where we feel that the shots are not detailed enough.


, I heard that span4span 1span will cooperate with Junspan Zhang Yuspan, Zhang Yuspan, I heard that span4span 1span will be a partner of Junspan. ,is that true?

Put aside the cooperation or non-cooperation first, just ask, if you are the boss of a brokerage company, would you be willing to transfer to your own artist? Except for the idol groups that come out from the draft, would you be willing to let other companies take care of their important artists and be responsible for their own artists' work and training? Moreover, the training route and focus of Shi Fengjun and his company are different, and the path after the artist comes out is also different. Do you think Zhang Yixing will let his long-trained artist suddenly go another path? There are a lot of rumors among Zhang Yixing’s artists up to now, which one finally has an echo? Just eat a melon, can you take it seriously?


Hello, brother Zhang Yu! would like to ask,My sister Zifeng also smokes! I feel that my sister should look good, but she is actually a person with a lot of personality and her own ideas! I hope my sister can be herself, happiness is the most important thing!

Of course I don’t smoke on the surface, so I don’t know if I smoke it in private. Zifeng is indeed not the kind of good girl in the traditional sense. It is true that she is polite, sensible and well-behaved, but it is also true that she has a strong opinion and personality and insists on doing what she wants to do. To be honest, it is also an adult. As long as it does not affect others or violates public morals in public and non-smoking places, smoking is not a heinous thing. As a celebrity, she knows what to do and what not to do in public. As long as she doesn't touch the bottom line of legal and moral relations, it is her own private business, and she is happy and willing to do it.
