57 years ago, Chairman Mao gave a severe warning to the "entertainment circle", which is really far-sighted.

Recently, the country has indeed made some big moves in the entertainment industry. It is no wonder that the entertainment industry has indeed had a very bad impact on our people over the years. Originally, such a circle should bring some positive effects to the general public. The meaning of, but the fact that some so-called entertainers in the entertainment circle often create "garbage" for our people, such as using film and television dramas to promote toxic ideas, and some star entertainers are even involved in ugly incidents such as divorce and derailment, drug abuse, and fights. It can be said that the entire entertainment industry has become a place where everyone shouts and beats.

But what many people don’t know is that as early as 57 years ago, Chairman Mao, the great leader of the Chinese people, had already issued a severe warning to the "entertainment circle." What is going on? ?

Time came to February 3, 1964. On that day, a "Spring Festival Gala" was held in the CPPCC Auditorium. What I didn't expect was that the gala caused so many things later that it was severely criticized. .

For example, "Brothers and Sisters Reclamation" performed by the Air Force Art Troupe, in fact, this siblings land reclamation was performed as early as the Yan'an period. It was created by Wang Dahua and Li Bo during the Yan'an period. In the production movement, the editorial affirmed that "Brothers and Sisters Reclamation" was a "very new type of short song and dance drama", which had an important influence on the development of the Yangko movement, and on the creation of Yangko opera and later new operas.

At that time, "Brothers and Sisters Reclamation" adopted another performance method. At that time, it used various tunes of Laosheng, Xiaosheng, Hualian and Kunqu Opera in Peking Opera to sing. For this reason, the whole weird tune sounds very strange. It is uncomfortable, it seems to be a very innovative behavior, but in fact it is not interesting at all. On the contrary, it gives people a tacky and cheesy feeling.

In addition, there is "The Sad History of Love and Love" performed by the railway art troupe . Liang Zhu naturally refers to "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", and the performance of this show is also relatively innovative.Taking the action of real people to learn puppets, many embarrassing scenes appeared. For example, the woman fell into the arms of the man. It seemed that there was a kind of ironic revolution in the direction of the woman. This is also considered to be "waste both the actors and the script".

In addition, there is "Swan Lake" by Harbin Theater . "Swan Lake" is Tchaikovsky's ballet based on folklore, but the performance of "Swan Lake" People are "eye-opening". The actor was stripped naked, wearing a briefs, with two fake chests on his chest, "jumping around" on the stage, and the reporter proudly praised the audience: "Look, how flexible those legs are!

In fact, it’s not difficult for the above various performances to be related to the phenomenon of the current entertainment circle. It may be no surprise to everyone now. However, in the era of the Red Revolution, such a performance was undoubtedly despised by others. It can be said to be extremely vulgar, grandstanding, and clumsy.

On June 27 of the same year, Chairman Mao gave a report to the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China. The Report on the Rectification Situation of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Associations and various associations issued severe instructions:

Some publications related to these associations, etc., for fifteen years, they have basically ignored the party’s policies and become the masters themselves. Instead of getting close to the workers, peasants and soldiers, nor reflecting the social reality and the development of socialism, they are moving towards the border of "revisionism", hoping that they can seriously reform themselves, otherwise they will follow the path like the Hungarian Fedofi Club. It’s chilling.

Next, the Central Propaganda Department also began to issue an order, reprimanding the party group of the Chinese Drama Writers Association for inspection, and discussing the vulgar effects and reasons of the performance, etc. The rectification movement lasted for more than 20 days. Sweep away the vulgar behavior before.

Anyway, the atmosphere in the entertainment industry must be rectified.Otherwise, it will indeed harm generation after generation. The last thing I want to say is: Grandpa Mao is really far-sighted!
