38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are

2021/04/0722:09:20 gossip 2774

As soon as I saw Sun Li , I could think of her playing the role of Zhen Huan in The Story of Zhen Huan. When this palace drama was broadcast, the roommates gathered around the computer to watch it. The scene is still impressive. Ten years later, although I have seen a lot of Gongdou dramas during this period, I have to say that " Zhen Huan Biography" is really unsurpassed. No matter how many times I watch it, I won’t get bored, and I can still learn a lot from it every time. Experience.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

I have to say that Sun Li's acting skills are really good, always impressive. There are many stars in the entertainment industry, but Sun Li is a beautiful and distinctive person. Her beauty gives people a sense of stability and grandeur.

Sun Li is now 39 years old, but she doesn't feel the influence of age at all. She looks like a girl in her twenties, with delicate skin and slim body. After reading Sun Li's Weibo and Douyin sharing his daily diet, it makes sense to maintain such a good figure.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

Fat-reducing meal: Teriyaki carrot + red date water

Carrots for dinner? It’s really hard for people like me who don’t like carrots, and they only eat carrots. Carrot is a very low-calorie vegetable, rich in dietary fiber, vitamin , etc., can promote gastrointestinal motility, etc. Many people will eat carrots to lose weight.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

In addition to carrots, Sun Li can also drink a glass of jujube water, red jujube water soaked in water, it can have the effect of nourishing blood, especially if girls often drink, their complexion will be better. I have to admire that Sun Li is really "self-disciplined" no matter how he manages his body.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

"single protein" diet

I used Douyin two days ago, and Sun Li also shared his daily fat-reducing meal combination, which was summarized as a "single protein" diet. Sun Li’s original words are: Today you ate eel rice + vegetables + fruits,The eel here is a single protein. After eating it, you can no longer eat the protein in other foods such as beef and lamb.

The "diet" she mentioned here is, for example, seafood, beef, pork chops, etc. are high-protein foods, you choose to eat a protein-rich food during a meal, otherwise there is too much protein, and then combined with other foods vegetables and fruits.

The most important thing is to learn to allocate time to one day and one week. This makes it easier to digest, the body becomes more refreshed, the figure is healthy, and the figure can be maintained.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

We must pay attention to health

Every time I see Sun Li, she feels that she has a kind of spirit, health and beauty from the inside out. You can also learn a lot of small experiences from Sun Li’s daily health maintenance experience, especially for girls, you should learn more.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

1. Eat according to the four seasons. Recently, Sun Li shared her health tips on Douyin. Each season corresponds to a specific color of food, which is more beneficial to the body. Let me share it with you today:

Eat more green foods in spring: spinach, lettuce, leeks Wait

eat more red food in summer : tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, red beans, etc.;

eat more white food in autumn: white fungus, yam, pear, lotus root, etc.;

eat more in winter Black food: black fungus, black beans, kelp, etc.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

2. Drinking more ginger juice is good. Girls have many benefits when drinking ginger juice. Ginger juice is warm in nature and can relieve cough and warm the stomach.It is also rich in vitamin C. Drinking more ginger juice can also prevent colds and prevent colds; it also has the effect of beautifying and beautifying. If you usually eat raw and cold foods like seafood, you can drink more ginger water, which is good for the spleen and stomach. In addition to ginger juice, you can also make ginger bump milk , which is also delicious with red dates and wolfberry.

38-year-old Sun Li maintains a weight of 90 kg and adheres to 3 eating habits. Netizens: The more you live, the younger you are - DayDayNews

Of course, Sun Li’s shared dietary experience is far more than these. Judging from her daily sharing and eating, she is a very self-disciplined person. No wonder she is 39 years old and is like a girl. young.

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