Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players?

2021/02/0417:52:05 game 434

Yuanshen can be said to be one of the few unique games among the domestic games. It has been well received by the media from the first day of its launch, and a game from mobile games to end games and PS5 is on the shelves, in domestic games This is rarely the case. A mobile game (terminal game) has been made into a 3A masterpiece, and it has become the benchmark among domestic games. Both in terms of revenue and popularity, it has become the first in domestic games in a short time. One, and it is still one of the few games not on the app store, but this time it quietly put on the Xiaomi app store. What is the reason behind it?

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

Yuanshen this game can be said to be the most maverick game among domestic games. For example, Tencent is already the company with the most users in China, but each of his games will be released. In all kinds of app stores, Yuanshen has not listed any app store except the App Store. The reason for not listing is very simple. It is nothing more than excessively high splits that will lead to lower income. This can be referred to some time ago The Tencent Games and Huawei App Store incidents were finally relisted at the expense of Tencent's compromise.

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

So there is no original god on the app store. No matter how much money the players have, it belongs to Mihayou. It has nothing to do with any app store. However, the app store also has an advantage that if it is listed Users of this app store can see this game more quickly, and the app store will also help promote the game. If it is not on the shelves, it can only rely on word of mouth from players or need to jump after seeing advertisements and other platforms. Go to the official website to download the game.

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

It is reported that Yuanshen entered the Xiaomi App Store this time with a score of seven or three. Among them, Xiaomi’s score is three Mi Ha You, which seems to be much better than an application store, and the Xiaomi App Store is also full of sincerity , Which includes screen ads, browser ads and Xiaomi Intermodal's crash 3 also reminds Xiaomi users to download Yuanshen, of course, Xiaomi’s exclusive welfare package is also helping Yuanshen, this game in a short time Became the top of the Xiaomi store, crushing other games.

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

However, from the fact that Yuanshen was not on the app store to the current app store, it can be seen that Yuanshen is gradually going downhill.Of course, it is not the game but the planning that is going downhill. Many players bluntly said that the plan of the original god is likely to be sent by other games, because in many operations, it seems a little bit to persuade players, and always feel that their game players There are too many, so I use various methods to force the players to retreat to be satisfied, but in retrospect it seems that what is really going on.

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

The worst thing to be scolded by players is the Zhongli incident. A character who is strong enough to destroy the world in propaganda, but becomes an auxiliary when it is realized. The damage is overwhelming, but the players are like scraping when they actually use it. At this time, the official also gave an announcement saying that this role is an auxiliary. At the beginning, it was the players’ misunderstanding. This kind of response to the pot made the players more uneasy. Finally, Reluctantly brought Zhongli on while strengthening the team.

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

Secondly, the existence of BUG in the game activity is a relatively normal thing, but in the original God, it is planned to play a new trick. Players who have obtained more materials due to the bug need to return the materials. This part of the material has been consumed, so players need to make up for it, otherwise it will be titled, and the bugs in other games are directly compensated for the players, so many times the operations planned by the original god are not understood.

Yuanshen quietly put on the Xiaomi store, and recommended blessing on the first day. Will the plan continue to persuade players? - DayDayNews

Yuanshen is a rare good game. This game has also won countless honors, but we have to admit that it is the original God. Sometimes many operations make us difficult to understand, especially the planning always feels It is because there are too many players in the Yuanshen game, and the players have been dismissed many times here. Yuanshen’s launch of the Xiaomi App Store should be just the first step. Later, more stores will be launched to counter the decline of game players. However, the idea of ​​planning has not changed. It has been difficult for Yuanshen to rise again.


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