Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue?

2021/10/1815:08:02 game 1204
After the update of

2.2, a monster called Beastland Hound joined the original demon family. This monster has a new erosion mechanism, which can also be understood as a bleeding mechanism. It can ignore the effect of continuous blood loss caused by the shield on all characters. .

And after version 2.2, a brand new bleeding monster BOSS-Golden King Beast will be added.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

The rise of these new bloody monsters is obviously aimed at Master Zhongli, who has maintained a high attendance rate on various occasions since his “discharge”. This has also caused many players to sigh recently, is it right that from the next version, Zhong Li is about to fall.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

The emergence of the Beast Hound undoubtedly has an impact on Zhongli, because it means that players can no longer leave Zhongli and an E will run wild, because the erosion BUFF will still be separated The shield makes you lose blood. But will this affect the current position of Zhongli? If Zhongli is re-enacted in the future, how should players who enter the pit without Zhongli choose?

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

The addition of Beastland Hounds and other bleeding monsters has the greatest impact on Zhong Li, which is actually limited to the abyss. Under the influence of the continuous bleeding BUFF, Zhong Li's shield function is greatly reduced, and players need to move to avoid attacks. However, Zhong Li still has a high-frequency control utmost and permanent 20% all-element and physical resistance reduction effect of E skills, which will allow Zhong Li to remain competitive in the auxiliary role of the abyss.

For players who don't value the abyss so much and just want to play comfortably in the big world, Zhong Li is still the best human rights card, even after the animal dog joins the big world.

With Zhongli, the game experience will be a subversive change, especially for the handicapped party and players who are not good at action games. Because Zhong Li’s E skill is a seamless full-time shield, as long as a little bit of meat is piled up, the player can almost be "immortal" in the big world under the protection of Zhong Li.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

and as long as you don’t die,Whether you are challenging all kinds of dungeons, world BOSS, or various activity challenges, the difficulty of the game can be greatly reduced.

And, more importantly, the shield will exert a hegemonic effect. This means that after having Zhongli, you can completely ignore all kinds of monsters and harsh environments. After opening the shield, you can even "E key mine", collect materials, and collect all kinds of resources in front of the monsters. . This is something that all other roles do not have.

Tivat, without a bell, travellers are often bruised and bruised. Their backpacks are filled with potato pancakes and chicken stuffed with flowers. They panicked and took out two bites during the fight. Or call out Barbara and Qiqi who are smaller than themselves, put on the recovery ring, and save the dog's life. Although they eventually defeated the enemy, they were already muddy and embarrassed.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

And with Zhongli’s Tivat, the traveler exudes an elegant atmosphere, potato cakes stuffed with chicken is unsold, and Barbara is unemployed. You can not only hang your enemy, but also When slinging the enemy, hiding in the shield of Zhongli's brother, raising his legs, ordering a cocktail, and enjoying the tranquility and ease of isolation. After the battle, you are spotless and elegant.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

Although Zhong Li is not so comfortable with the addition of Bleeding Dogs, the Bleeding Dogs in the big world are actually paper tigers after the actual battle. Fall down. Moreover, this kind of strange currently only appears in the Heguan area, and it has not yet reached the point where Zhong Li can get off work directly.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

What kind of situation will make Zhongli completely fall? That is a new monster, its attack can directly destroy the shield, and this new monster will be widely distributed in the next 4 countries, just like Qiuqiu people. But I want to know that this situation is impossible.

Therefore, players who like Zhongli, or those who don’t have Zhongli and are still waiting for re-enactment, actually don’t pay much attention to some "Zhongli can't work", "Zhongli is going to retreat from the environment", and "The King of Rock will soon be gone." "The statement.

Yuan Shen: The new version of Bleeding Monster rises, Zhong Li begins to decline? Do players who do not have to wait for the reissue? - DayDayNews

these kinds of statements are usually aimed at the abyss,And this game is not just the abyss. On the whole, Zhong Li is still the best friend of novices and handicapped parties, and a character who can minimize the difficulty of the game.


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