Exclusive | Who bought the most expensive Axie in history with Krypton 300 ETH?

Beijing time last Saturday afternoon, a buyer bought a triple mystery (Triple Mystic refers to the Axie has three mysterious parts), orange, Axie numbered 1046.

(Source: Axie) After

bought it, the buyer named it Angel, which means little angel.

Axie Infinity is currently one of the hottest games on Ethereum with the largest community scale. It was established in 2018. His main game modes include collection and trading (such as Axie and other game props), cultivation, battle, and land (LAND) trading. According to DappRadar data (November 11, 2020), in the past month, the transaction volume on Axie Marketplace, Axie's own trading market, was nearly 2 million U.S. dollars, and the number of monthly active users of the entire game was approximately 12,000.

From the data on the chain, we can see that this buyer currently has 11 Axies in total. The picture below shows his collection.

(Source: Axie)

So, what is this buyer? How did he come into contact with Axie and why was he attracted by it? What is his fun and strategy for playing Axie Infinity?

Today, the Chinese version of CoinDesk contacted the buyer and talked to him about how "entered" cryptocurrency and Axie, the whole process of buying Angel, and his purpose, fun and fun of playing Axie Infinity Strategy . The buyer

is after 00, just a student who just entered the university. In the process of communicating with him, he is approachable, neither mysterious nor cold, and is very willing to share his experience of playing Axie.

The following is the full text of the conversation.

CoinDesk Chinese version: First of all, please briefly introduce yourself.

Andy: My name is Andy, I am from Beijing. I currently live in Shanghai and my hometown is Nanchang, Jiangxi. I am currently studying at Harvard University. (Note for the Chinese version of CoinDesk: In response to the privacy protection requirements of the interviewee, the last name of the interviewee is hidden here)

CoinDesk Chinese version: Since you are a student, where did you get the money for playing games and purchasing Axie?

Andy: In 2017, my parents gave me a start-up fund to support my research on blockchain, and the specific amount will not be disclosed. However, in fact, my principal did not move. I invested in Axie with the profit of buying and selling Bitcoin with high selling and low buying. By closely following the news of the "coin circle" (for example, Paypal supports Bitcoin), all my predictions were fair. quasi. At the same time, I will use some trend analysis and Fibonacci amount retracement as a reference.

CoinDesk Chinese: What are your inputs and outputs on Axie?

Andy: I ​​probably invested 500 ETH (about 200,000 US dollars, 1.38 million RMB). Among them, 20 ETH was invested in LAND, 300 ETH was bought for Angel, 100 ETH was spent on other mysterious Axie, 30 ETH was bought for AXS, and the remaining 50 ETH was put in Metamask to slowly invest in Axie governance Token AXS.

My sales are about 30 ETH (approximately equal to 14,000 US dollars, 92,000 yuan), and I probably only sold a few double-fold mysterious Axies. I am not in a hurry to cash out, so the prices are relatively high. I am very optimistic about the future of the game.

CoinDesk Chinese: How did you get in touch with cryptocurrency and Axie in the first place?

Andy: The earliest was in 2016, when I was in high school in the United States. At that time, I paid attention to Bitcoin, and it was “launched” in 2017.

personally experienced Bitcoin falling from the highest point in history, watching my assets go up and down like a roller coaster, it brought a major blow to my young mind.

connectAlthough it is a coincidence to touch Axie, as Axie grows bigger and bigger, it is difficult for those interested in cryptocurrency not to touch it.

CoinDesk Chinese: Why are you interested in Axie?

Andy: The most important thing in playing games is to be happy. In addition, Axie is very cute, especially my Angel, with the golden eggshell on his head. It's so cute. Call it "Little Angel" in Chinese. Axie's own combat gameplay is also very good, combined with the cute style of painting, it makes us like this 00 generation can not stop (of course, I am most looking forward to the Land gameplay, I heard that it will be more like a clan conflict).

I just went to the Shanghai International Trend Toy Fair the day before yesterday. Looking at so many blind boxes/figures/figures at so high prices, I thought to myself that this is the same. Of course, the entire game of my Axie is unique, and this is guaranteed by smart contracts, unlike blind boxes that can be recreated.

Axie Infinity belongs to the future. It is the Pokemon in the blockchain era. The post-90s and post-00s will become its main users.

CoinDesk Chinese Version: Besides Axie, do you still play other games?

Andy: In terms of chain games, although I have heard of CryptoKitties a long time ago, I was very busy and didn't play by myself. I played Gods Unchained for a while, but thought it was just a Hearthstone replica. I am still looking forward to the release of Aavegotchi, so there is also a bit of Stake GHST.

ordinary games, I have really played all popular games. I played the earliest Pokemon, Purcell, Plants vs. Zombies, BTD5, 4399 Moore Manor, Cross Fire, Clash of Clans, League of Legends, Glory of the King, and Primordial God at that time. And I now like to play real-life secret rooms, such as Mr. X's Heart of Ankara, etc.

CoinDesk Chinese version: Do you have a special purpose for playing the game? In addition to being purely fun, do you have any ideas for profit or other?

Andy: I ​​definitely have them; I liked playing Pokemon the most when I was a kid. At that time, I remembered playing "Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver" with NDS, and the following "Pokemon Super Wish", all of my childhood Memories. Of course, I have to mention the Purcell. I think I have always been stubborn about the Purcell (I played Puni for a long time), so when I contacted Axie Infinity, I was out of control.

Of course, no one does not care about ROI (return on investment) when spending 300 ETH. I also struggled for a long time and decided to buy after discussing the price many times. I also discussed with the seller whether to conduct an (OTC) transaction, because there is a 4.25% handling fee for transactions on the Marketplace, but both of us are very grateful to the Sky Mavis team, so we finally decided to trade on the Marketplace. Of course, this 4.25% of the handling fee will eventually be invested by Sky Mavis into AXS's community vault Staking Rewards, which can be regarded as supporting the entire Axie market in disguise. (CoinDesk Chinese version note: Sky Mavis is the development team of Axie Infinity)

CoinDesk Chinese version: Do you only collect and trade Axie, or do you also play some games on it?

Andy: I ​​can also play, but less, I am not very interested in card games.

CoinDesk Chinese version: This question should be a question that many Axie players want to know, how to play Axie Infinity?

Andy: It mainly depends on what you want to do. Axie's current gameplay is still relatively simple, and it is only in the Alpha stage, but the benefits of playing the battle mode alone are good, but in the early stage, three Axies must be invested to form a team. According to the current market price, you can buy a good Axie with 0.5 ETH, and you can get SLP by winning the battle, and then use SLP to train Axie to earn income.

Axie InInfinity’s community is also very good. On Discord, there will be community members who will lend you their Axie for free to let you experience the game. I can share my personal valuation ideas for the mysterious Axie: how many mysterious parts are the most important For example, Angel has three mysterious parts; followed by Axie categories, such as the common 6 categories (Beast, Insect Bug, Bird, Reptile, Plant, Aquatic), and three special categories (Dusk Dusk , Dawn, Mech); The third is to see whether the mysterious parts are active or passive. As an investor, I only focus on the mysterious parts. The eyes and ears are passive parts, and the other parts are active parts. Axie corresponding ID number, but the top ranked will be more valuable.

sort out my valuation ideas:

number of mysterious parts> Axie category> Axie mysterious parts rare degree> whether the mysterious part is active or passive> face value> number of reproduction> purity (0-6)> ID number.

This also explains why Axie is the same mysterious position, but the price difference between everyone is so big (the price is between 6-100 ETH).

I think this game is the ceiling of the Play To Earn game. I have never made a recharge when I play League of Legends games, and I have never made a cent. If

is playing for the purpose of investment, I think we can do a decentralized strategy, configure the mysterious Axie, AXS and LAND, personal opinion, not as investment advice. I think that AXS is still undervalued. Its market value is now only 20 million US dollars. I think it is not a big problem to reach 100 million.

The copyright of this article belongs to CoinDesk Chinese