As players' ranks improve, "hero coordination" will be an important factor affecting winning in ranked matches. For example, in a qualifying match, if the opponent's operation and awareness level are equal to your own, then the key point to defeat the opponent at this time will n

As players improve their ranks, "hero coordination" will be an important factor affecting winning in ranked matches.

For example, in the qualifying match, if the opponent's operation and awareness level are equal to your own, then the key point to defeat the opponent at this time will no longer be the operation, but the tactical layout in the game. As for "tactical layout", the focus lies on the selection and cooperation of heroes!

Therefore, the more you reach the high-end game or encounter the bottleneck of your own rank, the rationality of hero matching will become more and more important.

For example: At the beginning of the game, your side clearly has the advantage and the teammates cooperate very well, but when it comes to the key team battle, you will find that your side's joining or advancement will become very difficult, and even gradually start to Go against the wind and lose the game. What is the "best combination" of

? The reason why

uses the word "best" is mainly because after combining heroes with different professions and different positions, if the hero's skill characteristics can be differentiated, the hero's characteristics can be complementary, and the individual heroes can be combined. The hero's characteristic effects are maximized.

Therefore, for this type of existence (hero) that can achieve complementary characteristics, it is not inappropriate to call it "the best combination".

takes Wang Zhaojun and Bai Qi as examples to analyze coordination skills

In the game, each hero has its own corresponding play ideas, but in team battles, the use of heroes cannot only follow a single hero operation. , because for team battles, individual combat is only a relatively independent existence in team cooperation.

1, Wang Zhaojun

When using Wang Zhaojun, it is very important to understand his passive skills!

After each battle, Wang Zhaojun will receive an ice shield that can withstand 480 (+58%) points of damage. The key point here is the "out of combat" trigger. The so-called out of combat means that no damage is caused to any target and no damage is sustained, and this state needs to be maintained for 6 seconds.

Targets that cause physical damage to "Ice Shield" will have a cold effect applied to them. After the shield is broken, it can cause 480 (+58%) magic damage to surrounding targets. (Whether it is the shield value or the damage when the shield is broken, the basic value will increase with the improvement of the hero's level, and each level will increase by 30 points)

Wang Zhaojun's third basic attack will release three ice picks at the target. This effect A total of 240 (+30% Ap) magic damage can be caused to the target.

Key points: Wang Zhaojun’s skill damage (shield breaking damage) and enhanced basic attack damage will have a cold effect when hitting the target.

's so-called "cold effect" is to reduce the target's movement speed by 50% and reduce the target's movement speed by 35 (+2/hero level)%. This effect will last for 2 seconds and the effect will decay over time.

Wang Zhaojun's 1st skill is a prompt skill, which can cause 400 (+65/Lv) (+55% Ap) points of magic damage to targets within the range, and apply a cold effect to targets in the area.

This skill is Wang Zhaojun’s starting skill, and the cooling time is a fixed value of 5 seconds! A very important point about this skill is that within 2 seconds, Wang Zhaojun will gain the casting area of ​​skill 1 and the vision of the hit target.

In actual combat, skill 1 is mainly used to explore the field of view, and to connect the passive effect to control the hand or slow down to keep people.

It should be noted that the vision acquisition of skill 1 is not limited to hitting the target, and it is not limited to the size of the casting area of ​​skill 1. By testing Wang Zhaojun’s skill 1, you can get the vision of the entire middle road river grass ( is placed in The middle position of the grass ).

The second skill is Wang Zhaojun's core , which causes 250 (+30/Lv) (+47% Ap) magic damage to targets in the area, and freezes for 2.5 seconds. The passive skill of

2 allows Wang Zhaojun to attack the frozen target and deal an additional 150 (+25/Lv) (+22% Ap) spell damage.

For Wang Zhaojun, the hit of skill 2 is very critical. It can not only absorb high amounts of additional damage, but also ensure the full effect of the ultimate move. In terms of contribution, Wang Zhaojun's ice control is to create favorable output and harvest for teammates. key points of the environment.

▲ About how to improve the hit rate of skill 2

The effect of Wang Zhaojun's skill 2 has a long forward swing, which gives the enemy enough time to dodge. Specific operating skills include predicting movement, card vision, observing the opponent's skills before moving, movement and pulling, skill combos, etc.

Take prediction as an example. For example: when your side is suppressing your opponent from the front, in most cases the opponent will retreat to distance you from yourself. At this time, you can place the 2 skills one position behind the enemy ( The casting area of ​​2 skills is not completely separated from the enemy hero's position ).

Or the delay of the enemy hero's skill is stuck, for example: Luban No. 7 triggers passive, Zhao Yun releases 2 skills, Jia Luo releases 2 skills, Zhang Liang releases big move, Mozi releases big move When moving, the skills of the above heroes will have a pause point when released. Taking advantage of this gap in positioning, the hit rate of Wang Zhaojun's second skill can be improved.

In terms of skill combos, , in open terrain, you can first stack the passive, then strengthen the basic attack and then follow up with 1 skill and then 2 skills in seconds, or start with a big move and then follow 2 skills. If your hand speed can keep up, you can also increase it by 2 Skill hit rate.

In places with relatively narrow terrain , you can use your ultimate move to block the road, and then use your prediction skills to block the only exit using skill 2.

Tips: If the above operations are not easy to achieve in , then use skill 2 as a "trap". When facing an incoming hero, place skill 2 at the feet of yourself or your teammates.

Wang Zhaojun’s ultimate move is a true AOE skill, with super wide coverage and long-term continuous output. Releasing Wang Zhaojun's ultimate move at the designated location will summon a blizzard that lasts for 5 seconds. Targets within the range will suffer 250 (+75/Lv) (+22% Ap) points of spell damage each time.

Regarding the key point of Wang Zhaojun’s ultimate move, in addition to ensuring the quick connection with skill 2, you also need to understand that the ice shield will be refreshed when the ultimate move is released. Reasonable use of the passive of the ultimate move can not only improve Wang Zhaojun's frankness, but also indirectly extend the impact on the target's attack speed and movement speed.

Summary: Wang Zhaojun's passive in can be used to disrupt the opponent's output rhythm. The core points of skill 1 include the detection of vision and the control of starting hands. The hit of skill 2 is the core of Wang Zhaojun's tons of damage! As for Wang Zhaojun's ultimate move, in addition to connecting the 2 skills for output, in most cases it is necessary to use it to press and defend towers, as well as divide and seal the battlefield.

▲Wang Zhaojun’s playing style

Wang Zhaojun’s playing style is somewhat similar to Zhen Ji , but it is only similar.

Wang Zhaojun made two misunderstandings in actual combat. One was always staying in the middle without support and not choosing the right time to support, resulting in the line of troops being cleared by his teammates; the other was placing skills randomly.

’s specific play method is to use the spirit of the middle river as the first rhythm point in the early stage, and cooperate with your own jungler to lead the rhythm before level 4!

will focus on team battles in the middle and later stages! When one's own advantage is obvious, always reserve the ultimate move and use the ultimate move to cooperate with teammates to press the tower, so as to achieve a fast-break and fast-attack rhythm mode. If the two sides of the match are evenly matched and are always inextricable in team battles, then the ultimate move should be used to divide the battlefield, and the range output of the ultimate move should be used to limit the position of the enemy's output hero, and use 1 and 2 force the enemy's back row to be unable to find a suitable output station location.

In the headwind game, Wang Zhaojun's focus at this time must not be on output or taking the lead, but on controlling the line of troops.

▲Wang Zhaojun’s inscription equipment

Inscription recommendation: 10 Nightmare, 10 Mind Eyes, 10 Hunting

In terms of equipment selection, the core equipment is still Pain Mask, Sunset Flow, and Ice Breath. If you are a tool player, you can choose An extreme cold storm or a devil's cloak (an ominous sign). If you are cooperating with teammates to suppress, you can choose the Book of Sage on the basis of the above three core equipment, and finally add a piece of glowing moon.

Tips: Wang Zhaojun’s equipment is very flexible, and almost all spells and equipment can be used. For example, the Holy Grail is used for continuous functional suppression, and the Prophecy of Time is used for online battery life to increase the group participation rate, etc.

2. Why choose to cooperate with Bai Qi?

Bai Qi is positioned as a tank. Generally speaking, he is a being who can resist and fight. In the game, he usually mainly roams and fights.

The key point in choosing Bai Qi to cooperate with Wang Zhaojun is that Bai Qi can taunt for up to 2.5 seconds, which not only improves the hit rate of Wang Zhaojun's second skill, but also allows the two heroes' ultimate moves to be used directly overlapping each other, which makes Bai Qi You and your teammates have more room to operate when playing in a group.

On the other hand, there is a 1.2 second delay in retracting the sickle of Bai Qi's 2 skill. In actual combat, it is difficult to hit the target directly. The damage and slowdown of Bai Qi's 2 skill can only take effect if it hits the target. Otherwise, this skill seems a bit "Abrupt".

Baiqi 2 skill active effect: places a sickle in the specified direction, pulls back the enemies on the path after a 1.2 second delay, and causes 200 (+30/Lv) (+100% Ap) magic points to the targets on the path. Damage, and 50% slow for 2.5 seconds.

From the above interpretation of Wang Zhaojun’s skills, we can see that Wang Zhaojun’s passive “cold effect” will reduce the target’s movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds. This mechanism is just higher than the delay time of Bai Qi’s 2 skills.

Therefore, in terms of coordination, players can first use Wang Zhaojun's skills or strengthened basic attacks to apply a cold effect to the target, and then connect Bai Qi's 2 skills. Before Bai Qi can pull back the target, he can use Bai Qi's skills to pull back the target. Place Wang Zhaojun’s 2nd skill under your feet!


First of all, there is no conflict in the positions of Bai Qi and Wang Zhaojun in the game, and Bai Qi can roam or walk on the wing. If Bai Qi chooses to go on the wing, he can also use Wang Zhaojun to "hang on the side" .

The control effects of the two heroes' skills can be connected to each other, and whether it is to improve the fault tolerance rate of skill release or to amplify the control effect of a single hero's skill, the coordination of the two heroes can be evaluated from different angles, which is called There is nothing wrong with being the "best combination".