Unknowingly, it has been 6 years since the launch of Nintendo's popular console Switch, which is popular all over the world. Although various rumors about Nintendo's next-generation console are flying everywhere, there has been no official statement so far. Recently, Twitter user

Before you know it, Nintendo console Switch, which is popular all over the world, has been on sale for 6 years. Although various rumors about Nintendo's next-generation console are flying everywhere, there has been no official statement so far. Recently, Twitter user Pixelpar broke the news: SwitchPro may be released in 2022.

He said: The new model will maintain the same appearance design and support the current base. The new Switch will also provide better performance, but the exact extent of the improvement is not yet known.

In fact, everyone is looking forward to the new machine so much, mainly because the Switch has flaws in all aspects of performance. Players hope that the official can make up for these flaws on the new machine. However, even such a not particularly perfect console can still fight its way out of the encirclement of numerous consoles and even PCs and mobile phones, and become popular all over the world.

Actually, if you look back carefully, you will find that the configuration of each generation of Laoren's handheld consoles is not particularly good, but starting from the first generation, every one has made players want to stop. The editor below will take you to review the history of Laoren's handheld machine and . You can see which handheld machine you got into.

Game&Watch (on sale since 1980)

Many people born in the 90s who are the same age as the editor think that GB is the first generation console of Laoren, but in fact GW is the first console of Laoren handheld console, and it is also a handheld console. The "only big brother". It adopts Gunpei Yokoi design, and has released a total of 59 games around the world, the most famous of which is "Donkey Kong". It is also the beginning of players around the world realizing the fun of handheld consoles.

GB series (on sale since 1989)

Although the GW is the ancestor of the Ren series handheld consoles, as mentioned above, the GB series is the first Nintendo model that post-90s generation like me got to know. As a world-famous Ren series handheld console, it has been popular with countless players around the world as soon as it was launched. Countless classic IPs (such as Pokémon, Zelda, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Devouring World, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.) were all launched on this machine.

GBA series (on sale since 2001)

GBA series is Nintendo's second-generation portable handheld series. It is also the first handheld system that most of our domestic players can really come into contact with. To put it bluntly, the GBA series is a classic masterpiece. Even now, there are still countless players obsessed with the unique pixel style of the GBA series. What impresses me the most and is my favorite are the Fire Red, Leaf Green and Gem series of Pokémon (which are also the series with the most revisions today).

DS series (on sale since 2004)

NDS is a great improvement over the previous generation GBA. This has to mention a legendary figure: Satoru Iwata . At that time, , Sony, , , PS2, dominated the market, and Nintendo, which was still holding on to the GBA, had its living space squeezed. Until Satoru Iwata stepped forward and launched the DS and Will series. This console directly achieved global sales of 150 million at that time, which shows how much miracle Satoru Iwata created at that time.

3DS series (on sale since 2011)

This series is the first time that the editor has purchased a genuine console (in the early GB era, most domestic consoles were pirated), and it is also the generation that has been played for the longest time. As a handheld machine, it not only inherited the upper and lower split screens of its previous generation NDS, but also added the naked-eye 3D function to the upper screen. In addition, the game lineup on its platform at that time was also unprecedentedly luxurious (Mario, Pokémon, etc.) Kirby Dream Star, etc.), the two combined, once again stabilized its throne as the "handheld champion".

The editor here would like to mention the Pokémon Sun and Moon (SM) series (released in 2016). This game was one of the very few official Chinese works on the Nintendo platform at that time. Based on this, Nintendo completely opened up the game. The domestic market has attracted a large number of fresh blood to the domestic "Ren Dolphin" industry, and also laid a certain foundation for the subsequent popularity of Switch in the country.

Switch series (on sale since 2017)

Speaking of Switch, everyone must be familiar with it. As the console with the widest audience, it is popular all over the world. It has also been ranked in the history of handheld games by the British " Guardian " The throne of number one. In China, we have also teamed up with and Tencent to launch the National Bank version of the console (if you want to go online and buy the DLC of each game, the editor does not recommend buying it), and the games on its platform, such as Zelda, Animal Crossing, Ring Fitness, etc. Wait, even people who don’t like playing games are familiar with it.

Okay, the above are the various generations of Nintendo consoles. From which generation did you learn about/get into Nintendo? Welcome to discuss in the comment area.