In the current summer split rankings, the top three are V5, TES, and JDG. These three teams all have eight wins, but TES and JDG have one more game. It has to be said that the top-ranked team in the LPL The competition is so fierce.

In the current summer split rankings, the top three are V5, TES, and JDG. These three teams have the same eight wins, but TES and JDG have played one more game. It has to be said that LPL is ranked at the top. The team competition is so fierce. After LPL started the double-elimination format, each top-ranked team is fighting for the top two position. This is because the top two can directly obtain the resurrection A, while the third and fourth ranked teams need to play a BO5 to finalize themselves. The resurrection armor.

Therefore, for these three teams, any team may be squeezed out, and there will be games in which these three teams encounter each other in the later schedule, so these games are crucial. For V5, it ranked first in the spring regular season, but fell in the semi-finals of the playoffs. This is very regrettable, so for V5, the key to winning in the playoffs is BO5. The key to breakthrough performance.

And TES only lost to JDG in the first game, and then won eight consecutive victories, becoming JDG's biggest opponent in the fight for the top two. TES's performance in the spring game can be said to be very good, just After losing a small game to RNG in the playoff finals, can TES make up for the regrets of the spring split in the summer split?

Compared with the Spring Split, JDG has made greater improvements in the Summer Split, especially the top lane 369 has become more stable in the Summer Split. It can be said that he is one of the best top laners in the LPL, and JDG has also become the most competitive for the championship. one of the teams.

So which two teams are you optimistic about directly winning the Resurrection A?