When we play Tomato Novels. Many of our friends who can use it for listening don’t know that they use it for watching. In fact, we can use listening. When we play Tomato Novels every day, we first unlock the videos. It’s best to turn them on silently and put them there for him to

When we play tomato novel . Many of our friends who can use it for listening don’t know that they use it for watching. In fact, we can use listening.

When we play Tomato Novels every day, we first unlock the video. It is best to turn it on silently and put it there for him to listen to when he goes to bed at night. You can open the treasure chest when you wake up in the morning. Remember to listen to it before opening the treasure chest again. This will make it more stable.

Please note that you can receive it multiple times by checking in with the picture. Many friends don’t know yet. You can also earn gold coins while sleeping, which can be repeated many times. These are hidden gold coins that many people only receive once.

Next let’s talk about the key points. When we open the treasure box, we will click on the details. We click on it and there is an online consultation. Click in to chat with customer service. Enter your mobile phone number if necessary. The key point is here, that is to fill in the mobile phone number. You can also fill in true or other information. If you operate like this for dozens or hundreds of gold coins for one day, the number will rise

the next day, up to 1100. Some are 2200, and the one I have with and Apple has a maximum price of more than 2600.

has less gold coins. After reading each ad, you have to click on it and click on the details. This is how it works for each one. Don't bother yourself, it won't rise if you don't do it this way. Originally I was not interested in playing these things. At that time, I was wondering why the price was 220 every time I opened a treasure chest. Later, after my research, I found that the method is almost the same as other software. Just click on details after opening the treasure chest. Fill in the number, and when you encounter a novel you like, we will also add it to the bookshelf. That’s it for today’s analysis. If you have any good methods, please share them with us.