Highlights: Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work" was originally scheduled to be released at midnight on July 15, 2022. However, due to time differences, the new album was released in New Zealand ahead of schedule. In order to protect the rights of all fans who pre-ordered the

2024/06/2923:43:33 entertainment 1310

Highlights: Jay Chou 's new album "'s greatest work " was originally scheduled to be released at midnight on July 15, 2022. However, due to time differences, the new album was released in advance on New Zealand . In order to protect the rights of all fans who pre-ordered the digital album, Jay Chou's company decided to release all songs in advance in China.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Later, Jay Chou also posted a selfie preview on Instagram: "I heard that in a few dozen minutes, we will hear the new album." Jay Chou released a new album again after 6 years. He himself attaches great importance to it, and his family also Very seriously. Jay Chou is very filial to his mother Ye Huimei . In his early years, he released the album "Ye Huimei" in his mother's name, making her name even more famous.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

This time, Ye Huimei watched the "The Greatest Work" MV and said: "Jaylen combines music with painting art and adds magic. It is really special. My son is really creative." In fact, Ye Huimei is Jay Chou's first art teacher, because she is an art teacher, and his home has a copy of Van Gogh's painting.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Jay Chou once said: "When I was a child, the picture of my mother painting while I played the piano is one of my best childhood memories. I was lucky to grow up in an artistic atmosphere when I was a child, and my mother had a great influence on me." Jay Chou He grew up in an artistic atmosphere, and his three children will also grow up in this atmosphere.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Jay Chou's son Romeo made a surprise contribution to one of Jay Chou's new songs "Pink Ocean". Jay Chou's fans praised Romeo's cute voice. Kunling saw the fan's comment on Instagram and responded lovingly: "Our stinky meo!" Is Jay Chou's favorite song "Pink Ocean" the most? Not really.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Kunling posted a message to call out Jay Chou, saying that his favorite is "Still Wandering". After talking about Jay Chou’s mother, wife, and son, let’s talk about his close friend in the industry Liu Genghong . After Jay Chou's new album was released, Liu Genghong immediately posted a message on social platforms to support him, saying that he listened to all the new songs in Jay Chou's new album at once and was so excited that he couldn't calm down.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Jay Chou replied to Liu Genghong: "Are they all choreographed?" Because Liu Genghong said: Jay Chou doesn't have many songs that he can adapt into aerobics, and he has been staring at Jay Chou's new album. Liu Genghong’s wife Wang Wanfei secretly filmed a video of Liu Genghong’s adaptation of “The Greatest Work”. I believe we will be able to see new aerobics soon.

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Non-famous entertainment critic Wu Qinggong pointed out: Zhang Binbin is not Jay Chou’s close friend in the industry, but he is Jay Chou’s star fan. Zhang Binbin posted a photo of Jay Chou's mobile phone case on Weibo, with the words "Jay Chou fans, you must be happy" written on it. Zhang Binbin posted: "Jay fans are very happy today!"

Highlights: Jay Chou's new album

Discussion: Have you bought Jay Chou's album?

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