Recently, when browsing forums and post bars, I found that many people want to buy an account to return to the pit for retirement. However, due to the relatively early time to get out of the pit, now that I open Changyige and face the complicated accounts, I don’t know how to dis

Recently, when browsing forums and post bars, I found that many people want to buy an account to return to the pit for retirement. However, due to the relatively early time to get out of the pit, now I open Changyige and face the complicated accounts. I don’t know how to distinguish the good ones. Bad, it temporarily blocked the pace of playing games. Today, based on some experience, I will briefly talk about how you can choose an account that suits you.

is first of all aimed at players who have a small budget and can only spare about one or two thousand dollars. The first thing these players want is to review the game and simply experience the current version of the game. Therefore, the first thing these players must consider is to be able to pass the dungeon. They give priority to choosing a player with 30 possessions, a gem score of about 600, and a blood volume of 30. For accounts with around 90-100W and a main attribute attack of around 1W2, the server should not choose the four major divine zones (Tingxiang, Immortal Couple, Forbidden City, and Destiny), as well as the big red zone similar to Crystal Lake. For players who don't want to invest too much, these zone number queuing problems will greatly compromise the gaming experience.

Then there are some returning players who like to socialize and like to be a little passionate from time to time. This type of group generally chooses level 5 accounts when buying accounts, but the span of level 5 accounts is very large, and the water among them is relatively deep, and the level of creation is different. The account price ranges from 2K to 2W. Personally speaking, if you can get 2W, you can just buy it and create a general first-level account. If you really can’t get it and want to play with a strong account, you should consider the following aspects. (Level 5 is the recommended starting threshold).

First look at the gems and the divine tripod, which are the hardware of the account. First of all, the gem score is close to 720, and the Shending is double 6.

Looking at the equipment score, 35W is a watershed. If the score is lower than this, it probably means that the updates of proficiency, wordless spectrum, true essence, etc. have not been kept up.

Next, look at the physical points and attributes. 9500 physical points and 1W6 attributes are almost the standards for whether a level 5 number can meet the standards. In terms of

pets, the average account comes with a possession and a PK as standard. If the two are added together, they are worth hundreds of dollars.

Clothes and mounts. Those with rare fashions and mounts are generally 1-3K more expensive than those made at the same level.

with heavy building blocks will be 3-4K more expensive than the same level.