Welcome, friends, to the "Elite Classroom" of "Peace Elite" taught by Brother Tian~ Ever since Photon officially announced its linkage with Lotus, it has attracted the attention of many players. Nowadays, with the iterative updates of the version, it is possible to discover the t

welcomes all friends to the "Elite Small Classroom" of "Peace Elite" taught by Brother Tian~ Since Photon officially announced the linkage with and Lotus , it has attracted the attention of many players. Nowadays, with the iterative updates of the version, it is possible to discover the true face of Lotus' new car through "unpacking".

Compared with previous linkage-type wagons, the biggest change in Lotus is the addition of an upgrade system. So the question is, can such upgraded wagons be used? Brother Tian thinks we can discuss the answer together.

After the arrival of new vehicles that can be upgraded, the status of old vehicles is in an awkward position.

In the more than 4 years that "Peace Elite" has been with us, every time a linkage vehicle appears, it will be favored by a large number of players. Even if they return to the game, there will still be many players who choose to "return to Krypton" ~However, whether it is the Martha, which is regarded as a classic, or the Lamborghini , which came from behind, they can only be regarded as ordinary cars.

The upcoming Lotus not only has a normal car body, but also has 2 upgradeable types. Although both are purple, there are sports car and jeep.

Photon named the upgraded car that debuted this time Lotus (Electric Purple). Whether it is a supercar or a jeep, there are 6 levels. Through upgrading, you can obtain elimination broadcasts, elimination boxes, advanced appearance, exclusive voice, Dazzling appearance.

Although it is not divided into 7 levels like upgraded guns, it is quite complete in terms of functions. In addition to the familiar appearance and elimination of special effects, the new exclusive voice and dazzling appearance can be said to be a symbol of status. .

Let’s take “Dazzling Appearance” as an example. This function setting originated from PubgM. Now it can be regarded as “restored and updated” by Photon into “Peace Elite”. Once you have an upgradeable car, you can wait on the birth island. You can "summon" while flying. During the originally boring waiting time, you can drive a sports car on the birth island, attracting the envious eyes of the surrounding players.

In this case, the status of ordinary wagons is slightly embarrassing. Even after the return, few people care about it. In the future, there will inevitably be more upgradeable wagons, even like the upgraded guns in the treasure chest. Become the "standard equipment" in the big turntable.

Is it possible to upgrade the car? The S1 player said something "from the bottom of his heart", it's so true!

Is an upgradeable car worth buying? With this question in mind, Brother Tian also visited many old S1 players and found that the "heartfelt words" they said were too true.

Player A: Even if 1 coin is calculated as 600, exchanged with 3 car pickup coins, and then upgraded with car pickup coins, such a car requires at least 6 coins. This is simply a "bottomless pit", I still Take your time driving the Masha.

Player B: When I saw someone saying "I won't play anymore," I felt it was vanity, and I didn't require that I have to win. It's not necessary.

Player C: I won't take action anyway. The future "Peace Elite" will definitely have too many upgraded cars and even upgradable clothes, because they have already appeared in PubgM, but they are regarded as "ultimate moves" by Photon. It will be restored and updated later. If you follow the rhythm of Photon, even if the coupons are blown by the strong wind, it will not be enough.

Player D: It doesn’t matter how the photon comes out, I just have a manual anyway, and you can play it if you can. Games with high-end luxury routes will not go far.

From the "heartfelt words" of these players, we can see many different opinions, but most players feel that the coupons are expensive and there is no need to spend money~ In this regard, Brother Tian personally has the same idea, and at the same time, it can be regarded as an introduction. Everyone is welcome to Everyone expresses their opinions in the comment area, and let's discuss the answers together.

Okay, the above is the entire content of the "Elite Classroom" of "Peace Elite". Thank you for reading. See you in the comment area next.

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