Not long after a large number of Goose Factory's QQ accounts were stolen a few days ago, the hackers targeting Goose Factory came out again and launched a more violent attack.

Goose Factory If he doesn’t panic, I will panic.

A few days ago, the incident of a large number of QQ accounts being stolen from Goose Factory just stopped. A few days later, the hackers targeting Goose Factory came out again and launched a more violent attack. Therefore, many players complain that their QQ account passwords have been reset indefinitely. Even if you have login protection, it still does not help. In fact, it doesn't matter if the QQ password is reset, but hackers will specifically pick out those accounts with more coupons and forcibly transfer the coupons out at 94 yuan per transaction - Goose Factory is really targeted by hackers this time. .

QQ What does unlimited password reset mean? No matter how many times you change your QQ password, hackers can use 123456789 to forcefully log in to your account, but what about you? You can only watch with tears in your eyes and a small mouth as the hacker forcibly transfers hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of points from your King account one by one.

Let me ask you, are you panicking at this time? Do you still dare to smile playfully? I can only say that poverty has once again protected us little fools. Otherwise, I don’t know how much money we will lose? Hackers don't even bother to look at your account, they don't care what they want.

This matter can be said to be a very important matter. However, the customer service of king ignored the players, saying that there was nothing abnormal in the system and the appeal was invalid. This is so uncomfortable. We are all ordinary players and don’t know much about hacking techniques. Is it the player's inability to protect their game's virtual property or is it the official's inaction? Is this like putting money in a bank and the bank is robbed by criminals?