Hello everyone, I am Lengfan, someone who hopes to bring a little fun to your life. Today I want to talk to you about Genshin Impact's manufacturing activity "Fuxin Machinery". Have you collected your favorite robots? I believe everyone hopes to release the "hidden" robot drawing

Hello everyone, I am a cold fan who hopes to bring a little fun to your life. Today I want to talk to you about Genshin Impact's manufacturing activity "Fuxin Machinery". Have you collected your favorite robots? I believe everyone hopes to release the "hidden" robot drawings, right? Next, let’s take a look at how to quickly get the hidden items in this event! #游戏#

In this manufacturing event, 20 robot drawings were produced in two styles, with different colors and movements. Only 4 of the drawings could be selected to be exchanged for Chensong pot decorations. Among them, No. 10 and No. 20 are hidden models and have all the movements of the same style.

Other drawings have detailed recipe instructions, and as hidden items can only be obtained through luck and synthesis. If we want to get the hidden money quickly, in addition to giving it to friends, another way is to quickly complete the steps of collecting materials, so that the efficiency of getting the hidden money is faster. I am relatively lucky. After 4 times of synthesis, I got two hidden models, No. 10 and No. 20.

requires three steps to synthesize the blueprint. When wearing activity props, the first step is to pick flowers, fruits, or mine in the wild. The number is 5, and then you can proceed to the next step. Common and easy-to-collect flowers and fruits such as sweet flowers, mint, and raspberries are recommended. It is worth noting that picking disguised sweet flowers and mint does not count. Or go to the mineral enrichment point, and you can complete it all in one go.

The second step is to collect elements. To do this, you only need to stand in the water, or light a fire on the grass, and the character puts on a shield and stands on it. If you want to play with flowers, you can go find the Flame Flower, ask the Thunder Ying Warlock to give you an electric shock, or even rub the stove, etc. Anyway, as long as the water, fire and electricity elements are attached.

The third step requires elemental core power. The easiest way is to fight slimes, which are easy to find and very difficult to kill. The Phaseless series, Floating Spirits and Gale Core are also available, but the hidden models do not have fixed materials, and it takes too much time to defeat these monsters. At the same time, it should be noted that the "phaseless iron" that everyone has been talking about does not meet the conditions, because it is a constant mechanism array, not a pure elemental creature.

It basically doesn’t take long to complete the three steps, and the hidden styles are randomly generated, unlike other style drawings that have fixed materials. So I picked whatever I encountered on the road, dipped it in water, and killed a few slimes to make it.

If you don’t know the location of the slime, you can open the adventure certificate. You can find the slime in the subjugation column. Click to track it, and the slime mark will appear on the map. In fact, I only learned about this function after playing for a long time. After all, I am not in the habit of hoeing the earth, and the monster locations are only based on memory.

After collecting the blueprints, they can be exchanged for the Chensong Pot decorations at the event NPC. However, please note that you can only exchange 4 for this event, but you can exchange for the same blueprints, which means you want to exchange 4 for 10 It is also possible to hide the number. I made 4 drawings, and only two hidden models were produced, No. 10 and No. 20, so I directly replaced them with two hidden models and two ordinary ones.

The redeemed robot is in the third column of the outdoor landscape. You can see it by dragging it to the end. It looks honest and cute, but it cannot interact and is just a decoration. However, this is not the first time that Chensong pot decorations have been sent to an event. Which event’s Chensong pot decorations do you like best?

That’s it for this issue. I hope it’s helpful to you. If you like it, don’t forget to like, follow and support it. See you in the next issue, bye!

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