On July 1, 2022, the first day of the fifth week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split began. In that day's match, MRC defeated FPX.ZQ with a score of 2 wins, 1 draw and 0 losses (17:8), as follows This is the battle report of this game. The first half of the first game: MRC survivo

On July 1, 2022, the first day of the fifth week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split began. In that day’s match, MRC defeated FPX.ZQ with a score of 2 wins, 1 draw and 0 losses (17:8), as follows This is the battle report of this game.

The first half of the first game : MRC survivors faced off against FPX.ZQ supervisor

MRC’s survivors chose priest , mercenary , striker, and toy dealer; FPX.ZQ’s supervisor D chose the wheelbreaker. . (BAN Postman, Patient, Prophet)

chose to chase the priest in the opening round and knocked him down quickly. Later, the priest successfully got rid of the pursuit with the help of the forward. Then, the broken round knocked down the forward and sent him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the mercenaries and toy dealers took turns to save the striker. When the striker was knocked down, the cipher machine was decrypted.

In the opening battle, Breaking Wheel used Flash to knock down the toy dealer and complete the second capture.

In the first half of the first game, the two sides were tied with a score of 2:2.

The second half of the first game : FPX.ZQ survivors faced MRC regulators

FPX.ZQ survivors chose forwards, priests, morticians, and patients; MRC regulators XC chose Dream Witch. (BAN "Psychologist", Mercenary, Prophet)

At the beginning, the Dream Witch chooses to chase the striker. After being injured, she chooses to chase the priest and uses the patrol to knock it down and send it to the chair.

In the chair-keeping battle, the forward saved the priest without injury, but the priest who got off the chair was knocked down and sent to the chair. The undertaker then used the resurrection to save the priest. The priest who got off the chair still failed to turn points and was knocked down and eliminated.

In the mid-term, the Dream Witch turned to control the field and defeated the survivors one by one, completing four captures.

In the second half of the first game, MRC took the advantage with a score of 5:0.

The first half of the second game : FPX.ZQ survivors vs. MRC regulators

FPX.ZQ’s survivors chose the batter, priest, spellcaster, and postman (BAN Dream Witch); MRC’s regulator XC Chosen Lady Red. (BAN mercenary, acrobat, striker, prophet)

In the beginning, the red lady chose to chase the batter and used flash to knock him down and send him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the postman and the priest took turns to save the batsman. When the batsman was knocked down, the survivors decoded the cipher machine.

In the opener, the Lady Reds eliminated the batter and the Survivors completed three runs.

FPX.ZQ led with a score of 3:1 in the first half of the second game.

The second half of the second game : MRC survivors versus FPX.ZQ supervisor

MRC’s survivors chose postmen, priests, mercenaries, and acrobats (BAN wheel breaking); FPX.ZQ’s supervisor D chose Red butterfly . (BAN spellcaster, batsman, striker, prophet)

At the beginning, the red butterfly chose to chase the acrobat. The acrobat was knocked down and sent to the chair after being restrained for a long time with the help of the channel.

During the chair battle, the mercenaries and priests took turns to save the acrobat. When the acrobat was knocked down, the cipher machine was decrypted.

In the opening battle, Hongdie eliminated the acrobats and completed the second capture.

In the second half of the second game, MRC took the advantage with a score of 3:1.

The first half of the third game : MRC survivors faced off against FPX.ZQ regulators

The MRC survivors chose the postman, prophet , "psychologist", and entomologist (BAN Bangbang, Broken Wheel); FPX. ZQ’s supervisor D chose Hongdie. (BAN cowboy, priest, striker, acrobat, mercenary)

At the beginning, Hongdie chose to chase the postman, but the postman was knocked down and sent to a chair after being restrained for a long time.

During the chair battle, the "psychologist" saved the postman from his injuries. When the postman was knocked down, the survivors completed the decryption of the cipher machine.

In the opening battle, Hongdie eliminated the postman, and the survivors completed three runs.

In the first half of the third game, MRC led with a score of 3:1.

The second half of the third game : FPX.ZQ survivors versus MRC regulators

FPX.ZQ survivors chose cowboys, entomologists, forwards, and acrobats (BAN Dream Witch, Apostle); MRC regulators XC Spider was chosen. (BAN spellcaster, "psychologist", postman, priest, prophet)

In the beginning, the spider chose to chase the entomologist, knocking him down and hanging him in the basement.

In the chair battle, the forward was injured and saved the entomologist. The entomologist who got off the chair successfully escaped with the help of the forward. Then, the spider knocked down the forward and sent him to the chair. In the mid-term of

, the acrobat saved the forward, and the spider chose to knock the acrobat down and send him to the chair. The forward successfully saved the acrobat under the cover of the cowboy, but he was knocked down and eliminated. Subsequently, the cipher machine was decrypted.

In the opening battle, Spider eliminated the cowboy and acrobat and completed three captures.

In the second half of the third game, MRC won with a score of 3:1.

In the end, MRC defeated FPX.ZQ with a score of 2 wins, 1 draw and 0 losses (17:8) and won the game.