The devil said to Faust: I can fulfill all your wishes, but you have to give up your soul. The following contains scary scenes, please stop reading if you are mentally weak! Latest news in Fog City - continuous disappearance of people, fires in the mountains.

"Summoning Demons"

Is the game absurd or metaphorical?

Faust said to God:

You cruelly beat me back to the unreliable

human destiny.

- Goethe "Faust"

This God (or the devil) handed over the book of summons

The confused young man! Take it!




After all the rituals are completed


The devil said to Faust:

I can fulfill all your wishes, but you have to sell your soul

to me.

- Goethe's "Faust"

Is the game absurd or has another metaphor?

"Fog City"

Warning! ! ! The content below

contains scary scenes, those with weak psychological tolerance are advised to stop browsing! ! !

(This is not a story about people and silly dogs relying on each other.)

Recent news in Fog City - consecutive missing people, fires in the mountains.

There is a phone in the house that can only be called the supervisor.

All you need to do is (?) take Lucy on patrol and feed it, and call the supervisor if there is anything.

There is an ax for chopping firewood at the door.

Something is going to happen:

(Call the supervisor if there is anything)


! !

Then continue patrolling. . .

seems to have animals coming in.

Go and get rid of it!

Follow the bloodstains

get lost

! After

arrived at the "animal" hiding place,

escaped for his life! !!

If you get lost, the consequences will be terrible!


I am afraid that I will not survive...

Dogs are the weird things

Is a dog that eats monsters still a dog?

It’s time to feed the dog anyway, screw your dog. . .

Headless Man

This job is not easy to do, so you should resign first. . .

"To be continued".