T1 unexpectedly crashed in the first game of the regular season this week and lost to KDF, which is currently ranked low. In that series, KDF did play better than T1, both in terms of BP design and game-level execution. They are all outstanding, but the various ridicules directed

T1 unexpectedly crashed in the first game of the regular season this week and lost to KDF, which is currently ranked low. In that series, KDF did play better than T1, both in terms of BP design and game-level execution. They are all outstanding, but the various ridicules directed at T1 after the game have not stopped. So what is the best way to stop everyone from talking about Youyou?

naturally won

So this week’s series against DRX is undoubtedly an opportunity for T1

Although many people think that DRX is very strong this season, as we have analyzed before, DRX’s The weakness lies in the top lane. As the saying goes, T1 executed this very well in today's series.

In the end, T1 successfully won the game 2-0.

The styles of the two games were completely different. In the first game, T1 was at a disadvantage in the early stage and kept putting resources to wait for its lineup to be strong. DRX did not launch an attack when its strong period came. In the next game, T1 cut off the dragon soul several times in a row and became more and more anxious. As a result, the team was wiped out after a wave of strong capture of zeus, and T1 succeeded in making a comeback.

In the second game, T1 relied on oner's two early walks to quickly establish an advantage. In the mid-term, relying on Sword Princess 's continuous operation to put pressure on the order, Dragon Soul Group T1 destroyed the entire DRX team at the cost of Faker alone, and finally completed a wave. .

After the game, top laner Zeus accepted an interview with Korean media.

Regarding the previous loss to KDF, zeus said:

"Losing to KDF is very disappointing, but I think we were lucky to win the game cleanly today."

Regarding the loss to KDF and the winning streak being interrupted, what is going on within the team? When giving feedback, zeus said that everyone discussed many ways to improve communication within the team, as well as areas where we as a team did not do well enough. In the interview with

, Zeus was also disappointed that he escaped with residual health. He said that his escape with residual health was just good luck and had nothing to do with his strength. He cannot honestly say that he played well.

Next, T1 will face the now undefeated GEN. Regarding the next battle, Zeus also expressed his determination:

" To be honest, I don't think GEN is a particularly difficult team to deal with. As long as we do our job well, If we do this, we will be able to defeat GEN.

In the end, zeus also said that although we lost against KDF and our winning streak was interrupted, we also learned a lot from that game and will cheer up and take it seriously in the future. Preparing for the game against GEN.

———— For T1’s series, it is enough to see that T1’s foundation is still there. The unexpected loss to KDF is not a big problem, but the real test will be against GEN next week.