Legend Game is an online game with a long history of development in China, and has accompanied the youth and growth of countless players. Although some of these players have long since left Legend Game, the feelings in their hearts can never be let go.

Legend Game is an online game with a long history of development in China, and has accompanied the youth and growth of countless players. Although some of these players have long since left Legend Game, the feelings in their hearts can never be let go. Even if many years have passed, everything that happened in the past is still vivid in my mind, so even if many players have already married and started a business, they still can't help but pay attention to the news about the legend.

Every time the game opens a new area, it always gets a positive response from players, and the popularity is always high. What are the reasons for this? For players, the new area is like opening a blind box. Although it is full of unknowns, it is also extremely exciting. Opening up wasteland in a new legend means that everything is full of possibility and hope. Even if the road to restarting is full of difficulties and players need to practice their accounts again, it can't extinguish the fire in their hearts.

Because starting over in a new area means turning everything over, it is also a good opportunity. For example, for merchant players in the game, the new area is full of business opportunities. At this time, whether it is equipment or skill books and other items, not only are the prices high but also It is relatively hot-selling. After all, various outputs in the new area are relatively scarce. If you enter the game to open up wasteland earlier, you can always make a fortune.

There is also the construction of guilds. Establish a guild in a new area as early as possible. Recruiting talents will develop more smoothly in the later stage. When it is strong, it can attract a large number of people with lofty ideals to join. The more people there are, the stronger the guild will be. This is a virtuous cycle. Only with strong strength can we win over Shabak and obtain better rights and interests.