The current performance of the TES team in the LPL Summer Split can be described as starting low and moving high. After losing to JDG in the first game, they have never looked back on their winning streak and have won 4 consecutive victories. The opponent in his next game is a to

The current performance of the

TES team in the LPL summer split can be described as opening low and going high . After losing to JDG in the first game, they never looked back on the winning streak and have won 4 consecutive victories. The opponent in his next game is a tough one, and it will be quite difficult to win 5 consecutive games: WBG.

Domestic professional e-sports prediction agencies believe that TES has a slightly greater chance of winning, with an index of 1.57 and WBG’s index of 2.41. Interestingly, WBG's leading top laner Theshy and TES's leading ADC player JKL were two of the former IG trident, and both were super beings who won the S game. This time the two meet again, it is inevitable that it will make people sigh. However, the two of them now seem to have lost the spirit of the past, and Theshy has become more of a team. Compared with its peak period, JKL's status has also declined, and it even caused the well-known commentator Guan Zeyuan to complain about it in the cafeteria.

Although Theshy and JKL are reunited, due to their different positions, there should be no sparks between the two in the early stage. Instead, Wayward and Tehshy will line up in the top lane, which is very likely to be a tit-for-tat match. Friends who are paying attention to the Summer Split should know that Wayward has already lost its immaturity in the Spring Split and has become a being that can stand on its own. This can be seen from the fact that he won the honor of being the best top laner in the third week last week! I still remember that Wayward had completed a lane kill against Theshy in the Spring Split. I wonder if Theshy will regain his place this time?

In addition to the match between TES and WBG, the match between LNG and LGD also attracted everyone's attention. Domestic professional e-sports forecasting agencies believe that LNG’s index is 1.17 and LGD’s index is 5.07. LNG has a good chance of winning.

suffered two consecutive defeats against LNG, and its morale was a bit low. However, LGD was ranked second in the Eastern Conference with 1 win and 3 losses, and its overall condition was also poor. But in terms of paper strength, after all, LNG has S-game champions like Doinb sitting on the team. As long as LGD does not trigger the water ghost BUFF, it will not be difficult for LNG to defeat LGD.

There was also a match between FPX and JDG that day. Domestic professional e-sports prediction agencies believe that FPX’s index is 3.65 and JDG’s index is 1.29. JDG has a greater chance of winning.

The powerful JDG, like V5, the leader in the standings, has achieved a record of 6 victories and is the only true god team in the LPL league at this stage. Its opponent FPX finally won its first victory in the summer split in the last game. Veterans LWX and Clid won MVP respectively, highlighting their value. However, facing JDG, who is now in full competitive form, FPX is very likely to taste failure again.

Friends, among the three games that day, which three teams do you think have a better chance of winning?