As we all know, the competition in the domestic e-sports circle today is extremely fierce. During this period, games with different types of gameplay can always bring different experiences to people. At the same time, the field of mobile games has also shown extremely high popula

As we all know, the competition in the domestic e-sports circle today is extremely fierce. During this period, games with different types of gameplay can always bring different experiences to people. At the same time, the field of mobile games has also shown extremely high popularity. . For most netizens who like to play mobile games, they must be particularly fond of " King of Glory ". The unique gameplay style makes this game very popular among netizens as soon as it is launched.

At the same time, as the popularity of the Honor of Kings game continued to increase, many unique game anchors also emerged during this period, and their appearance immediately attracted a large number of gamers to come and watch. Recently, Huya anchor Vulpix, who was known as the ceiling of keeping promises in the Chinese server, finally made a strong comeback after disappearing for a month for some reasons. Many fans and netizens were also looking forward to it after learning about this.

Netizens who often follow game live broadcasts should know that Vulpix's gaming prowess has long been recognized in the circle. Previously, by showing his unique understanding of the game, he was always able to bring many exciting scenes full of teaching significance, and also It has greatly increased its popularity. Although it has been suspended for a month, its popularity has not been greatly affected.

The strong return of Vulpix has also brought a wave of benefits to the majority of fans and water friends. During this period, not only will the new season’s promised outfits and inscriptions be explained without reservation, but it will also bring everyone a Wave skin crystals and other game benefits. In addition, Vulpix has once again started its activities, launching a challenge to the entire network to keep its promise, and even made a promise to dress up as a woman if it loses. Many fans are looking forward to this.

Can Vulpix maintain its status as the "ceiling of promise-keeping" during this challenge? Let's wait and see.