In the first game, T1 had some headwinds, but the jungler Lee Sin seized the opportunity to come back and win the game. The second game was T1's Foego solo show, directly defeating DRX. In the end, T1 defeated DRX 2-0.

July 1, Beijing time, LCK Summer Split T1 vs DRX. In the first game, T1 had some headwinds, but the jungler blind monk seized the opportunity to come back and win the game. The second game was T1's Foego solo show, which directly defeated DRX. In the end, T1 defeated DRX 2-0.

The first game

T1: Gwen, Blind Monk, Airplane, Senna, Tahm

DRX: Nar, Centaur, Ahri, Kalista, Mumu

DRX was on the bottom lane in the early stage of the game. In the laning phase, they gained a laning advantage and kept suppressing T1's bottom lane. The T1 mid-lane aircraft did not fare well either. It was killed twice and was at a disadvantage with 0-2 equipment. T1 was overall suppressed by DRX in the early stage, but economically DRX did not expand much.

In the middle of the game, T1 had been slowing down the development of the three Cs. DRX had no better chance and only had the resources to control the dragon. DRX got the "drawing dragon", forcing T1 to start a group fight when the fourth dragon came.

The game came to the later stage. DRX wanted to get the fourth dragon, but it was snatched by T1's blind monk. However, T1 also paid two lives in this wave. DRX failed to get the dragon soul, so it went back to fight the big dragon, T1 Harassing from the side, DRX's baron was too hurt. Although he took down the baron, four people were killed by T1. T1 evened out its early disadvantage. In the subsequent Dragon Soul group, T1 took the initiative to start the group. T1's triple C output was fully maxed out and directly killed the three DRX players. DRX only had the middle and lower double Cs left, and had no choice but to give up to T1 Xiaolong. In the second battle for the baron, DRX took the lead in killing the T1 aircraft in the jungle. Then the two sides started a team fight in the jungle. T1 played four on five and killed DRX's bottom lane combination. T1 successfully won the baron.

In the final wave of the decisive battle, five DRX players captured T1 Gwen. T1's teammates supported him very quickly. Tahm Kench rushed to eat Gwen. T1's teammates rushed over and output wildly, destroying the DRX team. T1 directly launched a wave. Win the game.

The second game

T1: Sword Princess , Foyego, Raven, Senna, Seraphine

DRX: Gwen, Poppy , Victor , Kalista, Lenata

game line In the first period, T1's Foego helped kill DRX Lenata in the bottom lane, and then DRX's Kalista used her strong laning characteristics to kill T1's Seraphine. T1's Foyego continued to take the initiative and helped the Sword Girl on the top lane to kill Gwen.

At the end of the laning period, T1's Foyego began to exert his strength, first grabbing the dragon, and then dealing explosive damage in the team battle. DRX's top support was beaten badly by T1. In terms of jungle resources, T1 also controlled two dragons and took the advantage of the game.

T1 won another dragon 20 minutes later, and T1 successfully "listened". In the Dragon Soul group, T1 directly penetrated DRX and destroyed the group. T1 pushed from the bottom lane and directly forced a demolition, defeating DRX.