In the final analysis, war chess games are composed of countless battle levels, including encounter battles, defensive battles, escape battles, assault battles, and encirclement and annihilation battles. These magnificent battle levels make my heart surge every time I think of th

In the final analysis, the

war chess game is composed of countless battle levels, including encounter battles, defensive battles, escape battles, assault battles, and encirclement and annihilation battles.

These magnificent battle levels make my heart surge every time I think of them, and they are still memorable to this day. In this issue, the editor will take stock of those unforgettable classic levels in the history of war chess games.

"The Legend of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms" - the final battle of Wuzhangyuan

The most amazing thing about "The Legend of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms" is the blue fantasy route, which shocked the Zhuge Liang who was really blackened back then.

In other routes, the game is over when it reaches the "Battle of Jianye", but in the blue line process, Kong Ming possessed by the devil annihilates the famous ministers and generals of the entire Shu Kingdom one by one, and also tries to control the world.

The demonized Kongming built four altars in an attempt to resurrect himself. In the second battle of Wuzhangyuan, Cao Cao and the Demon King ushered in the final showdown.

In this battle, except for the demonized Kong Ming, there was no living enemy. There were wooden figures and famous generals from the Three Kingdoms who were reincarnated from the dirty soil everywhere. Although it looks a bit weird, the battle is not difficult.

Xun You and Man Chong are equipped with White Tiger Baoyu, and use "White Tiger", one of the four gods, to increase blood and restore status to everyone on our side. With such a buggy skill as a backup, there is no reason to lose. 20 rounds is enough to clear the level.

In the end, Kong Ming chose to die with the devil in order to prevent him from resurrecting. Such an imaginative ending also left an indelible memory for the author.

" Royal Knights 2" - Palace of the Dead

There is a very challenging place in "Royal Knights 2", and that is the Palace of the Dead. It has 100 layers of hidden mazes, which means there are a full 100 combat levels here.

It is estimated that it will take about ten hours to complete all 100 levels. Of course, spending so much energy to challenge the Palace of the Dead is not in vain.

There are a lot of precious items, magic, and special moves that can be obtained here. The most important thing is to collect the four wind artifacts. All of them are top-quality weapons.

The level of the monsters in the Palace of the Dead is linked to our highest level. If the level is too high, there will be no challenge. If the level is low, it will be easy to lose members halfway. Generally, around level 40 is more appropriate.

" The War of Amadis " - Gustav's Doomsday

In "The War of Amadis", the Emperor Dragon General Gustav is a very difficult opponent. The Direct Guard is the most powerful legion in the entire empire.

In the thirteenth level of the game, "Escape", 90 golden dragoons led by him appeared on the stage. The sense of oppression is still fresh in my memory. In the fifteenth level "Siege", he mobilized almost the entire empire's army to encircle and suppress the protagonist team.

Finally, in the seventeenth level of the royal city Conquin, the player has a final showdown with Gustav. The scale of this battle was very large, with large numbers of enemies and ourselves. The battlefield was divided into three parts, and our forces were under the unified command of Marshal Ohnbach.

The enemy's troops are obviously stronger than ours, but fortunately our protagonists are all defiant. The only difficulty in this battle is Gustav's two monsters. After destroying them, it is basically not difficult.

The name of this level is "The End of Gustav", and Conquin has become the burial place of this old rival.

"The Legend of Knights" "The Legend of Knights" - Tiandu Peak Breakout Battle

"The Legend of Knights" has many plot lines to choose from, among which the best-designed one is the King's Line. In the finale of the King's Line, players have to go through three battles in succession.

First of all, the first battle is the decisive battle at Tiandu Peak. The three parties of the Heavenly King, the Wulin righteous forces, and the Dragon King engage in a big melee. The second battle is the battle to defend the Heavenly King, and the forces of Tianyi City join the battle group. The third stop was the Tiandu Peak breakout battle. The emperor personally led the army to encircle and suppress the enemy.

Almost all the prominent figures in the martial arts world participated in this final battle, which was very lively.

Among the three battles, the last Tiandu Peak breakout battle was the most spectacular. On the narrow Tiandu Peak suspension bridge, many martial arts warriors withstood the enemy's cannon attack and broke through the encirclement of the imperial court.

There are a lot of enemies, experts emerge in endlessly, and we also have various support forces. In Grandmaster difficulty, if the protagonist is not equipped with the continuous slashing technique and high-level martial arts, it may be more difficult to fight.

Of course, our teammates are also very powerful. If the player is very skilled, he can complete the level solely by his teammates.

"Fantasy 6" - is it paradise? Or hell?

This is probably the most difficult battle in the entire "Fantasy 6", because no matter you win or lose, you will GAME OVER, so this is also a battle that must be lost!

What happened was that the protagonist team accidentally discovered a hot spring in the snow, so men and women chose to bathe separately. At this time, the teammates with bad intentions actually encouraged the male protagonist to take a peek together. The game also showed a choice of whether to "go" or "not go", and prompted the player to pay attention to the save file.

If you choose to take a peek, you will be caught, but you will be attacked by the girls and trigger a battle. This battle is extremely difficult. The girls all explode with anger and transform into BOSS. Any one of them can destroy the boys in our group.

Even if you are lucky enough to win the battle, the game will be forced to end. This is why the system prompts you to save in advance, because from the moment you choose to take a peek, you are destined to lose.

So you should be down-to-earth and be an honest person, otherwise even the game will punish you.


The subtlety of the war chess game is that through a small chessboard, everything in the world can be captured.

Youdao says that "the world is like chess, the universe is unpredictable, and all the heroes are laughing." These classic battle levels are just like chess pieces, witnessing the birth and fall of countless heroes.

As a war chess game player, what are the most classic battle levels in your memory?