On June 27, the "SPARK 2022" Tencent game conference was held online. This year, Tencent Games has released more than 40 products and content. Among them, three of the four projects released by Tencent LightSpeed ​​Studios are game projects. They are: the new version of "Peace El

html On June 27, "SPARK 2022" Tencent Games conference was held online. This year, Tencent Games has released more than 40 products and content. Among them, three of the four projects released by Tencent Photon Studio Group (LightSpeed ​​Studios) are game projects. They are: the new version of " Peace Elite " " Codename: To Jin Yong" and "The Strongest NBA 2".

It is worth noting that these three game projects released by Tencent Photon Studio Group all use motion capture technology to produce real and vivid animations. It can be seen that Tencent Photon Studio Group is very interested in motion capture technology. Pay attention to the application of in games.

In fact, in order to apply motion capture technology more widely to game development and support the refined display of game actions throughout the entire process, thereby providing photon players with vivid and rich visual effects, Tencent Photon Studio Group has already established its own animation studio. Capture team , and recently the studio’s motion capture expert Kevin Wang revealed the behind-the-scenes of photon motion capture’s technology.

Kevin is the virtual production manager of of Photon Studio Group. He is mainly responsible for the motion capture pipeline. His daily work content is to coordinate team members to complete the capture of a series of performers' movements. Regarding motion capture technology, Kevin said: "This is a technology that can capture the actions and movements of people or animals and transfer the data to 3D characters. It mainly includes three basic components of - early stage Preparation, shooting and post-processing."

Kevin also gave a detailed introduction to the motion capture process of the Photon motion capture team:

Selection of motion capture actors

First, the motion capture team will select actors according to the project theme, such as military Veterans will be selected for the subject matter, and experts in this field will be selected for a certain type of martial arts action.

Shooting session

The staff on the day of shooting included: an operator, a shot list recorder, and two other staff members responsible for reference videos.

Operator: Responsible for skillfully operating the studio's Vicon motion capture system .

Shot List Recorder: Responsible for recording shooting details . For example, when a reflective spot falls to the ground when shooting a certain shot, the recorder must write it down so that other colleagues can understand what happened during post-processing. The staff responsible for the video reference at the

shooting venue: In fact, the picture is shot from different angles so that the photon personnel in the later stage can better see the way the characters run or move. When

starts shooting, the motion capture team will first think about what actions may be difficult in and , and how to better express these actions during capture. Take swimming action shooting as an example. In order to present the feeling of being in the water, the photon motion capture team will use some tools, such as using ropes to pull the performer back to create a feeling of resistance from the water. It can be said that in many cases, the presentation of motion capture actors' actions relies on and .


After the shooting is completed, you can start post-processing. The first step in

post-processing is - Tracking (cleaning reflective point data), which is to find the reflective points lost during capture. There are many reflective points on the performer, but when the two captured people are fighting or other actions, the reflection It is possible that may be blocked by , so technicians need to find and repair these reflective spots in during the tracking stage. After

has processed all the reflective points, it enters the second stage - Solving (reflective point data transfer), which is to transfer the reflective point data to a 3D character that can be scaled by . Only in this way can you match the game character.

and then the third stage - Retargeting (motion capture data character binding), binding of motion capture data to the game character.After

Retarget is completed, it enters the fourth stage - Motion edit (action data cleaning) to deal with issues such as jitter and interspersed , but this step does not need to deal with details such as fingers. The last step of

is to clean up from the final animation of . At this time, it is necessary to ensure that every small detail is presented, including finger and facial movements, to ensure that all details match correctly.

The advantage of photon motion capture , in addition to having its own motion capture team and complete motion capture workflow, is that they have their own internal motion capture studio , which can quickly test any action that needs to be captured, Vicon action Capture system and the use of the time code generator , supporting its implementation of more efficient data processing and synchronization. There is no doubt that the application of Vicon motion capture technology has brought efficiency improvement and effect upgrade to the game production of Tencent Photon Studio Group, and injected more freshness into the game market full of changes.

Dickson Digital teamed up with Vicon motion capture to provide the most cutting-edge motion capture products and technical services to help developers achieve refined game actions and create an immersive game world. Follow Dickson to learn more about game motion capture information and services.