Do you still remember the bear when the version was first updated? Because the enhancement was so outrageous, one star of the bear could gain points at that time, but the bear was called back after only two days of jumping around. There is a hero who is also very strong after bei

Do you still remember the bear when the version was first updated? The enhancement was so outrageous that one star of the bear could earn points at that time. However, the bear was called back after only two days. There is a hero who is also very strong after being strengthened, but is overshadowed by the bear, that is crow . During the period when Adventure Xia was relatively strong, Raging Wings' Changing Crow was one of the few lineups that could fight against Adventure Xia. Moreover, Crow had points with two stars, and three stars could win the chicken, which was no worse than the previous Bear. (Search Yunding on the WeChat public account, reply to Dragon Realm to get the latest guide, reply to Crow to get the content of this article)

lineup consists of: Hanbing, Seti, nar, Crow, Neeko, Xia, dragon girl . It consists of 6 Furious Winged Dragons, 4 Shapechangers, 3 Jade Dragons, 3 Divine Dragon Lords, 2 Swift Archers, and 1 Dragon God Bond. Crow is very strong in this version. It can lock blood with two stars, can beat most lineups, and can kill cancerous Kasumi.

Hex gives priority to Furious, and the Furious Winged Dragon hero uses the skill twice in a row, greatly increasing its combat power. Beast's Lair, additional attack speed and movement speed bonuses are obtained. Inspire and participate in kills to gain extra attack speed. Heart of the Shapeshifter, you can open 6 shapeshifters in the later stage, which is more powerful. Scorch, causing additional true damage. Three costs to strengthen the crow's combat effectiveness. Ascend, providing damage bonus. Pearlescent Lotus enhances output capability.

The core of Crow's equipment is the Sheep Knife and Mercury. The Crow's basic attack speed is very high. With the Sheep Knife, the attack speed can be stacked very quickly and the continuous output capability is strong. Mercury is for stable output. Most of the current lineups have control. It is difficult to play without mercury. The third piece of equipment with output, giving priority to Archangel or Giant Killer, can increase the damage. Next is the electric knife.

The front row is Neeko. Because the Dragon Girl is not good at two stars and she came relatively late, the meat suit will be given to Neeko first. It is best to bring an ion spark to reduce the opponent's magic resistance and increase the crow's output. The rest are meaty outfits such as dragon fangs, stone elephant ghosts, and fanatics.

is equipped with physical output for Xia. In this lineup, Xia's combat power is also very strong and can do a lot of damage. Dragon Girl can pick up rags, and she can bring meat, magic, and magic clothes.

Operation idea:

Prioritize attack speed in the draft. Make the crow's mutton knife first. If you don't get it, use a big stick or a fist glove.

After defeating the wild monsters in the early stage, see how the equipment is coming out. If you don’t gain attack speed in the opening draft and the wild monsters don’t gain attack speed, it’s best to sell your blood to the second stage to gain attack speed. If you have attack speed, you can have a winning streak. In the early stage, you can use Yulong EZ to transition. The equipment of EZ with crow is particularly powerful. A 4-population team can use two guards in the front row and 2 quick shooters in the back row.

html When the population is 15, you can go to Kalma or Gnar, and open 3 Jade Dragons, which are relatively strong in the early stage. If there are crows, you can change the lineup and add the Dragon Master and the Wrath Wing Dragon. If there is no crow, continue to use EZ transition. Keep the heroes such as , wrist hero, and so on in the early stage, and you can use them directly when the crow comes.

html When the population is 16, we can use interest to brush the quality and find a crow to maintain the winning streak. If the quality is high enough, most of EZ and other transitional heroes have two stars, so they don’t need to be brushed. If there are already crows, just continue to populate the population without spending any money.

html From population 1 to 7, start to farm crows, and at the same time, farm out other heroes in the lineup. At this time, there is no dragon girl and you can temporarily use spiders to make up 4 shapechangers. If you get two-star crows, you will be able to win for a long time. After that, you can continue to chase three-star crows at 7 people. If you don't go well, just increase the population and try again at 8 people.

html After 18 people, continue to swipe cards. At this time, you can add one more Ornn or Centaur to supplement the front row's frankness. As long as the front row does not fall, the crow can produce very high output. Or put down Spider, put up Shi Aoyu, temporarily use Lu Yulong to support the transition, and then change it when the Dragon Girl comes. The follow-up is to farm three-star crows with 8 people, and at the same time find dragon girls. After opening 6 angry pterosaurs, there will be a qualitative change, and the lineup will be formed.

If you have the opportunity to go to 9 in the later stage, you can go to the 9 population to farm the two-star Dragon Girl. By the way, use Bard to control it. If you have the heart of a shape-changer, you can also open a 6-shape change at 9.If you can't get it to 9, go to Samsung 8 to improve the quality.

Raging Wings Changing Crow is a very good lineup that can score high points. It can defeat Kasumi. What do you think?