If there is anything worthy of attention in the gaming industry recently, it is undoubtedly the new game "Codename: To Jin Yong", which was announced with great fanfare by Tencent. This is an open world martial arts game produced by the UE5 engine. It was announced at Tencent's 2

If there is something worthy of attention in the gaming industry recently, it is undoubtedly the new game "Codename: To Jin Yong", which was announced with great fanfare by Tencent . This is an open world martial arts game produced by the UE5 engine. It was launched at Tencent 2022 Spark Before the game launch, it attracted the attention of many players, and after the promotional video was released at the Spark launch, it aroused heated discussions among players across the Internet.

In the promotional screen, "Code Name: To Jin Yong" shows us a classic martial arts fighting scene, and also shows us the effects of light and shadow dynamics, wind and fallen leaves, scene destruction, skill special effects, etc., and even UP promoted it The picture was compared with the early promotional video of the domestic buyout martial arts "Eternal Calamity", which triggered discussions among many netizens.

Some netizens discovered that "Codename: To Jin Yong" has indeed learned some advanced experience from its "predecessors" in terms of publicity and distribution. For example, games also produced with the UE5 engine have learned from "Black Myth: Wukong" in terms of scene presentation. "The scene modeling of "Codename: To Jin Yong" is also a martial arts game. In terms of promotion, like "Eternal Tribulation", it focuses on the fighting experience of the game. However, some netizens also said that "Codename: To Jin Yong" is an open world game and does not It should not only show the fighting effects of martial arts.

There are also some comments that appear to be "relentless". One netizen said: Although he is scolding Yongjie every day, but he only made this little thing, it is better not to touch the porcelain Yongjie.

But it is true that "Eternal Calamity", as a domestic martial arts battle royale game, has become the "benchmark" of martial arts games. After it was launched in August last year, it reached 6 million global sales within three months. , created a new record for domestic buyout games, and recently, this record exceeded 10 million. Sales volume, to some extent, is the best proof of the quality of a game.

In addition to players buying into it, "Eternal Tribulation" has indeed done well in other aspects. Apart from the excellent game quality, "Eternal Tribulation" has always promoted the traditional martial arts culture unique to China, and Bruce Lee , Longmen Grottoes , Jinwu and other linkages are the best examples, and the pace of full-platform development has been accelerating. Some time ago, the Xbox console version was successfully launched, which has truly achieved globalization and multi-platformization, and can be called cultural export and national development. The leader of the swim out to sea.

Of course, although "Code Name: To Jin Yong" can be said to be "the whole network is bad news", we don't know the actual effect of the game, so we should still give it a certain tolerance, maybe it can be reproduced in "Eternal Calamity" What about success?