Today the official is finally done with it, but to be honest, the speculation about the new heroes in July should be the least suspenseful and boring article we have ever written.

Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is enjoying the wine tasting.

Today, the official website is finally out of touch, but to be honest, the speculation about the new heroes in July should be the least suspenseful and boring article we have ever written. Of course, since the official still has a decent look and sent out two pictures and a back view to let us guess the two new heroes and a new skin next month, Weiyi will still give you a brief description in line with the purpose of being responsible. Let’s go through the process of guessing. But here is a special mention. When watching, please assume that you don’t know anything, so that you will get more happiness. If this theory does not make sense, you can think of another famous saying, spoiler to death for the whole family. ...

First of all, the first picture released by the official has a large palm with a small sachet on it. Don't underestimate this sachet. In Tang Dynasty many nobles would wear such an object for decoration and incense, and it also had a very elegant name called aromatherapy ball. Because of its very fine workmanship, many museums have collections of its objects.

At the same time, the official also added a preface to the above picture, which said that Di Ting never makes a loss-making business, so I will light this incense. With these few words, we can basically confirm that the origin of this new heroic spirit comes from the mysterious organization Diting, and he also has a close relationship with Xiang. Therefore, through these introductions, everyone can clearly guess that his identity is Sandalwood among the eight senior executives of Listening Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

Of course, as circumstantial evidence, if you carefully observe the modeling of Sandalwood in the game, you will find that the palms under her seat are exactly the same as those in the official clue map, so this once again proves that Xinling is Sandalwood. Fragrant conclusion.

The second official clue map released contains an ancient drinking vessel called Jue. There is also a passage written in it. One of the key points is how can one not like to stay and listen? So this also shows that the second new heroic spirit is most likely from the mysterious organization Diting. Considering that Weiyi has just mentioned to everyone that there are spring, summer, autumn and winter, 8 senior executives in Listening. Therefore, the identity of the second new heroic spirit is most likely Suijiu, which symbolizes wine.

Finally, regarding the dark figure released by the official, which heroic spirit’s skin is it? You can actually see from the picture above that she must be a woman. This can be seen from her slender legs and feet. There is a ball of furry things on his left and right sides. This furry thing is very similar to the green fury next to the heroic spirit named Yan Mingrong, the little fox in the current game. Therefore, next month’s new skin is very likely to be the new skin of the little fox.

The above is a decent guessing process. I hope everyone can benefit from it. Although there is no suspense, Weiyi still enjoys the pleasure of knowing the answer and then going back to the process. The remaining suspense is what the skills of the two new heroes will be like. If nothing unexpected happens, the official will reveal the news in the next two days, and then Weiyi will also give everyone a detailed follow-up analysis.

The above is today’s analysis content. Finally, I hope you can click on it and forward it to support Weiyi. Thank you again for watching! Don’t forget to click if you are watching and like!