Blizzard officially announced that the 2.4.3 update of "Diablo 2: Remastered" will be launched on June 30. It has a variety of new features, improves the multiplayer game lobby of the console version and PC version, improves the game experience and fixes errors. Building the worl

Blizzard officially announced that the 2.4.3 update of "Diablo 2: Remastered" will be launched on June 30. It has a variety of new features, improves the multiplayer game lobby of the console version and PC version, improves the game experience and fixes mistake. Building the world of Sanctuary is not something that can be accomplished overnight. The official has made a lot of efforts to improve "Diablo 2: Remastered" to make players' journey experience of exploring the Dark Wanderer smoother.

Console version lobby update : With the successful launch of the first season of the ladder, the team turned its attention to the functions that needed to be dealt with most. The console team search tool is a top priority. It is expected that in the update file 2.4.3, several improvements will be made to the multiplayer game experience of the console version, bringing a new and improved game creation and search method, replacing the team search tool with game creation tools and game lists.

Everyone must still know that playing such games still requires an accelerator. In order to prevent problems such as disconnection and lag during the game, players can turn on Xunyou acceleration before playing the game and then play again~

The game creation tool allows you to quickly create The type of game you want. To help you use this tool, we've imported all game categories from the Team Finder tool into the Game Builder. After selecting and confirming one of the game types, the system will generate a set of preset names and numbers for your game - this measure avoids duplication of game names. The game creation tool option that was previously limited to PC version players will be used as a game creation option in the next version. Also added is an additional type called custom - this type consists of two option groups . Click the "Game List" button, and up to 40 games for you to choose a character to join will be displayed.

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