Brothers who have watched the MSI game should have discovered that the T1 team is very strong, but the real strength is not the most powerful mid and bottom double C, but the top laner Zeus and auxiliary Keria who were not very famous before. It can be said that it was Zeus's won

Brothers who have watched the MSI game should have discovered that the T1 team is very strong, but the real strength is not the most powerful mid and bottom double C, but the top laner Zeus and support Keria who were not very famous before. . It can be said that it was Zeus's wonderful performance that caused RNG to suffer in the duel. Li Ge, who punched hard during the interview, had no achievements in the game. Many fans think that Brother Li was not in good shape during MSI, but in fact, Brother Li's performance in the summer split was disastrous, and his various statistics were ranked at the bottom of LCK.

Anyone who is paying attention to the LCK Summer Split knows that T1, who returned to the LCK, has begun to continue on the road to becoming the king. Currently, T1 and Samsung are both in a winning streak. The two sides will see who can come back with a big victory in the next showdown. Many Korean tennis players feel that T1 is better. Because T1's current play style is more inclined to LPL, they often play a series of rhythms in the early stage that the opponent cannot resist. Although Samsung is equally strong, it has not innovated in its playing style and still focuses on late-stage operations. But in fact, Samsung has a great chance of winning against T1, because Samsung's strongest currently is the mid laner Chaowei, while T1's weakest link is also the mid laner.

Judging from the recent mid lane data released by the LCK, Chaowei is far ahead in many statistics. Among them, KDA directly broke the circle, and the damage ratio, damage conversion rate and 15-minute economic difference were also ahead of the top laners. Only the team participation rate is a bit embarrassing. It can only be said that super players are better at fighting alone. Many fans think that this is because the Superpower players took advantage of the home team. It is because the home team Samsung performed well as a whole, so Chaowei can lead the overall data. But the problem is that Brother Li, who also has a winning streak, is completely opposite to Chaowei. Overall, Brother Li's data hexagon is like a smaller version of Chaowei.

Whether it is damage conversion rate, damage ratio, or poor match-up single kills and match-up economy, Brother Li ranks at the bottom of the mid lane position in the Korean League. This surprised many fans. After all, the T1 team that Brother Li belongs to is singing all the way. Even when facing the equally strong DK, the T1 team can still take it away 2-0 without any bloodshed. Logically speaking, Brother Li, who is in the middle, shouldn't pull so hard, but in fact, Brother Li's performance in the summer split is really hard to compliment. But this is not the reason why Brother Li's data is so poor. The fact that Brother Li's data is so miserable is actually related to his recent hero selection.

Different from other LCK mid laners, T1 currently prefers Galio Crow Ice Girl in the choice of mid lane, a functional mid laner with strong early combat power. Other mid laners mainly choose late-stage cores like Victor Airplane Yellow Chicken, so it is normal for Brother Li to be inferior to other players in terms of damage conversion rate and damage ratio. The economy of the 15-minute matchup is poor and the single kill of the matchup is definitely far inferior to other players. Brother Li's recent playing style is more in favor of our LPL, running the line desperately to support. Basically, after clearing the troops, they immediately run away. This is why T1 can repeatedly establish an advantage in the early stage.

League of Legends is the same as Donnie Yen Legend of the Nation, both are games that require precise teamwork to win. Therefore, the team does need people like Li Ge who sacrifice for the team, but then again, even this is not the reason why Li Ge's statistics are so low. What do brothers think of this?