After the MSI in previous years, there will be changes in the summer split of each major region. This year, in addition to the LPL division, the other divisions are still strongly led by the teams participating in the MSI. For example, LCK's T1 continued the winning streak of the

In previous years, MSI ended, and the summer splits of all major competition regions will undergo changes. This year, in addition to the LPL division, the other divisions are still strongly led by the teams participating in MSI. For example, T1 of LCK continued the winning streak of the spring split in the summer division and solved the problem. Defeating the powerful enemy DK, he set a 24-game winning streak that cannot be surpassed by other teams in the short term.

saw that DK with Nuguri is not the opponent of T1. Many people think that the only one that can stop T1's winning streak is GEN, but the game between T1 and GEN is in July, so Korean media generally think that T1 can refresh at the end of June. Winning streak, extending the winning streak to 30 games.

However, what the audience and the media did not expect was that KDF, which seemed to have no threat to T1, actually became a stumbling block for T1's winning streak, and KDF also used a non-summer regular lineup to hit T1 in the head.

Let’s briefly review the three games between T1 and KDF. In the three games, T1 chose a normal lineup. KDF did not follow the routine at the beginning. In the first game, they played mid laner Ornn. They wanted to rely on a single Angel to deal AP damage. As a result, T1 won the game before Angel even became a god. Finish.

In the second game, KDF's top, middle and jungle were relatively normal. The bottom lane duo started to adjust, creating an unusual combination of Senna and Seraphine. Not only did the audience understand, but T1 was also a little confused, and both sides were at odds. In the laning phase for more than 20 minutes, KDF scored four kills and two dragons. Although T1 is slightly ahead economically, it is quite passive in terms of resources.

According to the usual script, T1 will definitely rely on operations to make a comeback in the mid-term, but KDF’s operations are not bad either. Seraphine’s ultimate move in team battles is the key to the final victory, restricting everyone in T1. Just like that, T1 lost the second game.

T1, who had already suffered losses, was very stubborn in the third game. If he didn't believe in Seraphine's evil, he just wouldn't ban it. And in order to confuse T1, KDF chose a super brawl lineup, but T1 was really fooled.

In the first fifteen minutes, T1 led the two dragons, and the two teams were evenly matched in terms of economy and kills. But after fifteen minutes, it became KDF's performance moment. The three controls of Seraphine, Ornn, Monkey and Nar made T1 unable to find North, and Teddy's Ice became the auxiliary position.

As the game went on, the gap between the two sides became wider and wider. At 30 minutes, Kiin's Gnar had five kills and was about to get a divine item, while Zeus' Captain only had four and a half items. Although T1 has always been ahead economically, they just can't beat KDF in team battles. In the end, T1, who was best at operations and executive decision-making, was knocked to the ground by KDF.

lost this game. It had no impact on T1's points, but it was very embarrassing. T1 was prepared and came up with their best lineup and routines, but they didn't even beat the casual KDF. I wonder what reasons Faker and T1 will have to explain the failure of the game this time?