On June 29, after nearly a season and a half of winning streak, T1 finally "ushered" its first BO3 defeat at the hands of KDF, which ranked low in the LCK. Although it was slightly inferior to RNG in MSI, it once again missed the championship in the international competition.

On June 29, after nearly a season and a half of winning streak, T1 finally "ushered" its first BO3 defeat at the hands of KDF, whose LCK ranking was low. Although

was slightly inferior to RNG in MSI, they once again missed the championship in the international competition. But for the LCK and even the entire LOL competition, T1's winning streak is really a very scary record. Before the match against KDF: T1 had an undefeated streak of 24 games. Even if we look at the entire e-sports competition, It is said that they are all a "unique" existence.

"What is the upper limit of T1? Which LCK team can give T1 a heavy blow?"

This question was asked when T1 won ten consecutive games, and it was still mentioned when T1 won twenty consecutive games. But until now, this question finally has an answer.

What is surprising is that it is neither the GEN.G that is gaining momentum nor the newly formed DK that solves this puzzle.

As the saying goes, "Conquer strength with softness", it is often not the sharpest arrow that pierces the toughest shield, but a "smart move" is often the key to solving the problem. And that's exactly what happened. What cracked the current T1 was a magical "magic crystal arrow".

is a little spoiler for those who have not watched the game. In the contest between T1 and KDF, the winner KDF even won the game BO3 after losing one game first. After trying a regular lineup in the first game to no avail, KDF won both games with the "Serrafani System", and the two games were matched with divas with different assists. One game was a regular Senna. , and the other game is the "Ice Assist" that is rarely seen in passer-by games.

The third game was especially exciting. In the early stage of the lineup, KDF's "nuclear-free system" was even at a disadvantage. However, relying on the high growth of the lineup and top laner Kiin to turn the tide, they just dragged themselves to the forming stage. Gnar , Ornn, Monkey, Ice and the five-handed control of the singer made the ice women's single team-building model that T1 relied on become a mess. Ashe 's ultimate CD of only 40 seconds made the little Lu Bu purification and mercury were also caught off guard. T1 had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill and watch the other party beat itself to the punch.

Of course, after experiencing 24 consecutive victories, it is not surprising that T1 occasionally loses this game. But to put it another way, if because of this game, many teams in the remaining summer split of LCK will abandon their original playing style and start to learn the "fast" and "odd" style of North America. By the time S12 opens, The three teams representing the expedition have truly achieved their goals, so for this year's LPL, the real "nightmare" may begin again.