Martial arts games were once the most popular game type in China. Whether it is "Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes" or "Peerless Heroes", they have become the memories of a generation. Around the theme of "martial arts", many game manufacturers have also handed over Write your own answ

martial arts games were once the most popular game types in China. Whether it is "Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes" or "Peerless Two Heroes", they have become the memories of a generation. Around the theme of "martial arts", many game manufacturers have also exchanged ideas. Published my answer sheet. With the development of the times, the once unique martial arts games have inevitably ushered in their own decline. The development of related games has become less and less. Even those IPs that have become famous have mostly come to an end and gradually disappeared from the sight of players. middle.

However, after several years of silence, in 2022, the domestic martial arts game market suddenly became lively. First, NetEase exposed the live video of its "Ni Shui Han" mobile game on May 17. It attracted the attention of many players with its amazing picture quality and completed the miracle of millions of people making reservations overnight.

Then on June 27, Tencent exposed a new martial arts work called "Codename: To Jin Yong" at the annual game conference. Jin Yong IP blessing and Unreal 5 engine create two major selling points, which also makes this As soon as the game was announced, it became a point of discussion among players.

Tencent and NetEase, two of the top domestic game manufacturers, have announced their own martial arts game products, which basically means that the revival of martial arts games has been sounded. However, why are Tencent and NetEase the manufacturers that saved China’s martial arts games? This question may be more worthy of our consideration. We can briefly analyze it from several aspects such as IP, technology and player expectations.

The first point is that martial arts IP has strong restrictions

In a sense, the decline of martial arts games is closely related to the IP protection mechanism and is also most directly related to the development of the game market. The martial arts genre is inherently IP-driven. For more than two decades, only games adapted from novels by famous martial arts masters such as Kim Go-won have aroused the interest of gamers. In the early years when the game market was booming, many manufacturers adhered to the "use doctrine" and used and modified elements of these martial arts novels without authorization. Although they also achieved good results, they were very difficult to achieve. Soon it will be ordered to modify or be delisted directly due to copyright issues. Game manufacturers are faced with the dilemma of having no available IP, and naturally cannot produce appealing martial arts games.

The birth of the mobile game "Backwater Cold" was due to the good cooperative relationship between NetEase and Mr. Wen Ruian of , which enabled it to obtain a 10-year periodic authorization for the original novel related to "The Four Famous Catchers", and As long as the production team is willing to continue to invest the best manpower and the latest technology in the game, the license for the original IP can be renewed permanently. With the guarantee of the novel IP, NetEase is willing to invest heavily in the mobile game project of "Backwater Cold".

In contrast, the copyright of Jin Yong's novels has been "exclusively monopolized" for a long time, causing related games to disappear from the market for a time. Tencent is able to create the game "Codename: To Jin Yong" this time because it has obtained the official authorization from Minghe Society and has a pass to use "Jin Yong's novel elements".

The second point , game production is difficult

For a long time, martial arts has been considered by many Chinese people to be the most popular romance. Players’ expectations for Jianghu Meng have also infinitely increased the difficulty of game production. Game manufacturers have not invested enough, and it is very difficult to make games. It is difficult to meet the excessive demands of players, and instead it will waste a lot of money to obtain the novel authorization. In the history of domestic games, there are countless martial arts games that have been criticized by players because of their mediocre quality. This is also the reason why game manufacturers dare not rush to develop martial arts games to a certain extent.

As the largest and most financially powerful game manufacturers in China, Tencent and NetEase are the rare "top players" who are qualified to try the highest standards of research and development.According to relevant reports, NetEase has established the largest R&D team in the company's history to create the mobile game project "Backwater Cold". The salary of more than 400 developers for more than two years alone has reached 640 million yuan. It is expected that the game The completed development funds will not be less than 1 billion... Although Tencent's "Codename: To Jin Yong" has not clearly announced the research and development funds, it has been clearly stated that it was created by its " Photon Studio Group ", which can be regarded as a direct lineage, presumably R&D costs are definitely not low either.

The third point is that the threshold for R&D technology is high.

A huge investment in R&D funds can bring about qualitative changes in the game. To a certain extent, this will also raise the relevant threshold for the development of martial arts games, making them "not accessible to small factories." status. Needless to say, NetEase's "Ni Shui Han" mobile game has amazed countless players with its excellent quality that "overturned the ceiling of mobile game image quality" upon its release. With the further revelation of game information, whether it is a real martial arts open world , the rules of the rivers and lakes where everything can interact, and the butterfly effect and -style plot promotion, have all reached the level of Bimei 3A consoles. Its technical barriers are so high that it is naturally beyond the reach of most manufacturers. Coincidentally, Tencent's "Codename: To Jin Yong" also chose an open-world game mode, and was supplemented by the Unreal 5 engine, which vaguely used "capital and technology" barriers to wipe out competitors.

Precisely because martial arts games require strong IP support, huge R&D funds and technical investment, the development of related games has become more and more "heavy". So are you looking forward to this kind of super-standard martial arts game? Tencent and NetEase have joined forces to raise the bar for martial arts games. What do you think?