At last night's Nintendo mini direct conference, Capcom announced a new trailer for "Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak" called "Savior of the Kingdom," which introduced many new monsters that are about to appear. Later, the official announcement of the text introductions of Tianzhu D

At last night’s Nintendo mini direct conference, Capcom released a new trailer for “Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak” called “Savior of the Kingdom”, which introduced many of the new monsters that are about to appear. Later, the official announcement of the text introductions of Tianyuanlong , Laiyuan Hongtianyuanhulong and Exciting Golden Lion , let’s learn about it together.


黑肖龙 gained a new life after growing and peeling off its skin.

wears a dazzling carapace and has huge wings that cover its entire body. That beautiful and sacred posture earned it the name "Celestial Dragon". According to the documents left by the ancestors, it is said that it once spread black scale powder widely, and the amount was even enough to cover the entire mountain. In the end, all creatures wherever the scale powder touched were spared and all were extinct.

The special individual of the Resentful Tiger Dragon

The appearance of the Resentful Tiger Dragon has become even more frightening. The whole body is always covered with will-o'-the-wisps, the wrist blades are more developed than before, and the carapace has become harder.

Someone once witnessed it highly compressing the will-o'-the-wisps on its body when fighting an enemy, turning it into a will-o'-the-wisp blade and using it in battle.

Passionate Golden Lion

A special individual of Golden Lion.

Originally, an ordinary golden lion would turn back into a black-haired form after entering an excited state for a period of time to prevent excessive consumption of energy, but this individual has lost the means to suppress excitement. When the anger of such an individual reaches its highest point, it will enter a "passionate state", with its mane and lightning standing on end, destroying everything like a Rakshasa.

"Monster Hunter Rise: Dawn" is scheduled to release several free game updates regularly after its release. The first free game update released in August, in addition to "Red Lotus Explosive Scale Dragon" and "Moon Swift Dragon", will also add multiple monsters and a new wilderness "Tower Secret Realm".