Harry Potter Magical Awakening How to stack Avada's fate

In the Harry Potter Magic Awakening mobile game, players of Avada Spell can be used in stacks, and the stacking effect is better! Want to know how Harry Potter's magical awakening of Avadaso stacks up? If you want to, hurry up and take a look at the following strategy shared by the editor, and you will know it at a glance.

Harry Potter Magic Awakening How to stack Avada Som

1. The number of stacks:

Avada has four layers , so the player can stack up to four Floor.

2. Stacking method:

If you want to quickly stack Avada, you must use flashback spell to stack up.

3. Stacking effect:

After the player successfully stacks up the Avada Suomen, he can defeat his opponent in one blow by .

Harry Potter magical awakening of Avada Sui Man

1. Skills of the Second Man:

Avada Sui Man is very powerful in the legendary card, and it also has the power of the Second Man effect.

If a player wants to use Avada to kill a second person, he must stack up to four layers to be able to kill the enemy player perfectly. It can also be used when facing the boss, and it can cause a huge amount of damage to the boss up to 2500 points.

2. Matters needing attention:

Due to the shortcomings of Avadasovo’s difficulty in hitting,Therefore, the player must cooperate with his teammates when using it. Heads-up is not conducive to the use, so it will be difficult for the player to hit the opponent.

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