LOL-S11 group stage: Viper Jhin kills Faker accurately, EDG defeats T1 to unlock two consecutive victories

2021 League of Legends Global Finals The first match of the second day of the group stage was between the T1 team in Group B and the EDG team. Both teams won yesterday's game and became the top two in the competition in Group B. The hot team, facing the old opponent Faker , EDG is ready to go and make full preparations. In the face of the early rhythm system selected by T1, EDG completely suppressed the opponent with a more perfect and more impeccable offense. The audience did not give T1 any chance and steadily won the key battle of Group B!

T1: Jess , Zhao Xin, Zhao Xin_span1 DG, span_span1, span3span_span0, span3span_span0 The prince, Silas, Jhin, the dawn

T1 The first wave of rhythm carefully planned for a long time is placed in the upper half, and the prince sees Shen approaching him and then breaks the interaction and avoids it extremely. Opened Shen's E flash and card big move. T1 frustrated and wanted to control the dragon, but EDG's Nakano had already doubled over, and directly drove him off Xin Zhao, forcing the other players in T1 back, and Pioneer fell into EDG's hands. Later, EDG found and arrested Xin Zhao in the wild again, opening up the early stage and mastering the rhythm of the game. T1 suddenly turned off to the second wave of Pioneers. With the perfect pull and coordination of the whole team, EDG lost Xin Zhao and then took over Pioneers, and then killed Jace, who was trying to interfere, to further expand its advantage.

EDG assembled the crowd to cross the tower forcibly in the bottom lane to grab single-band cards,T1 played the characteristics of strong support and gathered together to kill the prince first, but the large forces of EDG have also arrived. Jhin took away the card with a long shot, and Silas sneaked a cautious move to save the remnant blood. , But also killed Jess, EDG played another wave of 1 for 2. After the two sides went home to rest for a while, EDG found Xin Zhao who was returning to the city in the wild and killed him in seconds. Then he wanted to fight the dragon but was forced to return to the city by the rest of the blood of other people in T1. When T1 saw it, he gathered directly and started to fight. Dalong, after EDG made up the blood and rushed back, Dalong was still taken by T1, but EDG played 2 for 3 in the team battle.

This big dragon finally gave T1 some breathing time. They took the opportunity to push down the middle tower, allowing the C position to further supplement its development. After the Wind Dragon Soul was refreshed, T1 couldn't help but actively look for opportunities. In the middle, he used Jess's TP and card tactics to force Jhin's double move. It can face the wild T1 completely controlled by EDG and can only try. Replace the dragon soul with the big dragon. EDG immediately made a decision. The male gun alone swept away the dragon soul. Silas killed the flanking card in the river. The T1 who lost the main force could only retreat and gave the second dragon to EDG. The gap reopened to more than 6,000 yuan.

EDG maintained its advantage and pushed forward steadily. T1 saw that EDG began to turn from the wild area to the ancient dragon, and rushed out of the base to fight to the death, but EDG was actually slamming, Silas rushed in from the flanks and opened the group to kill the cards directly, and the EDG team battle destroyed the dead group. T1, the game ended in one effort. Congratulations to EDG for defeating T1!
