Hearthstone: Desperate fast break, absolute defensive power? Pastor the eternal god

During the time when the new version of Hearthstone was launched, did the little friends become legends? This time the collection is priced at 2000 gold coins / 98 runestones. There are really too many surprises. Players take these orders The cards have made a lot of new tricks for everyone. Today, the editor will bring you a special set of cards. Let's go and see them together.

Priest has been reinforced in this version, but the form of gameplay is relatively simple, mainly in the form of Enzos, and then add a few new cards. Although the lineup is strong in the later stage, a set of cards The group will get tired of playing too much, so today we will find another way to explore another possibility for pastors, that is, anti-pastoralism. (AAECAa0GCMi+A/vRA53YA/voA9TtA6bvA+fwA6yfBAuTugObugOvugPezAPXzgPi3gP44wOZ6wOe6wPy7gPo7wMA)

There may be players who say this is not just controlling the shepherd? No, no, these two decks are still different. Generally, the priest who controls the deck will have more resources. It is thicker, and the priest resources of our deck are still quite thin, which distinguishes it from the previous priests. Another point is that our deck also brings two new priests, Anther priest and Devout Dungeon Adventurer. Card, Anser Priest can provide useful additional resources for this deck, and the other Piety Dungeon Adventurer is also very powerful. While drawing cards, you can also reduce fees under certain conditions. These All make this deck very comfortable to play in the early game.

The editor feels that it is much more powerful than the scorpion and the wand craftsman, not to mention that it can be retrieved by using the resurrection of the dead, which has the effect of one plus one greater than two, and these two cards can be used to find divine incarnations, come To ensure that our pre-scenarios are sufficient.

A quick check also ensures that we can trigger the Mancrick effect very well, allowing us to stand a 3/7 on the field.

and the devout dungeon adventurer can not only draw the divine incarnation, but also can use it to draw crime and punishment to form a return to a certain extent. In the end, a miracle was played, which was also the only turning point for our disadvantage.

In the case of the game, in the face of the currently hot shaman and hunter on the ladder, a small soft is added to the deck. If there are more shamans and hunters in the later stage, you can consider adding an additional soft, card The overall thinking of the group is not as complicated as other priests. What we need to do is to quickly consume the resources on the opponent's hand in the early stage. Shamans and hunters generally will not continue to fight with us if there are no scenes and resources, and there is a high probability surrender directly.

This deck is used as an environment deck to catch fast break. It is still very advantageous in the current ladder. We can resolve the attack step by step in the early stage of fast break at will. The only thing to note is that the priest civil war is really not easy to fight. , If Yogg-Saron doesn't have an absolute advantage, he can prepare to run away. After all, winning or losing is a matter of military affairs.